>just like Gamergate
>just like fidget spinners
>just like milk
>just like OK
"Rick and Morty mania: how toxic fans turned a hit cartoon into a hate movement"
Does Sup Forums approve of Rick and Morty?
>just like Gamergate
>just like fidget spinners
>just like milk
>just like OK
"Rick and Morty mania: how toxic fans turned a hit cartoon into a hate movement"
Does Sup Forums approve of Rick and Morty?
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally kill yourself.
Yea Rick is a great launchpad to push WN. It's already accepted that he is "different" and "against the grain," and also that he is "a genius." The large fanbase focused on this particular character has made a FANTASTIC opportunity to push WN and look "cool and counter culture" doing it.
>*BUUUUUrrrp* Morty you realize Hitler could never have killed that many jews in those facilities, right? Y-your not an idiot, Morty, are you?
Posts like this make me hate redditors more and more every day
lol wut does this have to do with Reddit?
It's "you're"
how could we have not seen it coming *sob*
>DAE like this jew-vetted media
goys will be goys.
If someone started writing articles with some deep analysis along your lines it would be funny the shitstorm that would erupt.
There was actually an episode this season where Rick named the Jew
Really? What about?
Name another modern mainstream cartoon that point blank names the jew, and its influence on american politics.
I'll wait.
Can't wait to see RicknMorty fags get lumped into the "AltRight" Dis gon be good.
We should always appropriate and defile the icons of the left. I see nothing wrong here.
It was about this retarded group of superheroes that save the universe but they hate rick.....
rick kills their nemesis while black out drunk and makes them solve riddles that he made in order to escape he lair.
In one riddle rick tells them to locate the darkest place in the universe and one of hem dies trying to say its Dorian 5 (a planet where they exterminated the entire planet to kill an enemy) and then morty quickly locates Israel and says whenever you get drunk you talk about Israel
For a moment I read that like "alt-right hating movement" and was wondering why the Telegraph would call such a development "toxic" and "hate" instead of "brave" and "love", but then I understood.
god's work user, you're doing it
Shoulda mentioned the high population of rapable whites
This is a terrific idea bump