Britain Rapture

is this a sign of the end times?

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the uk will be swallowed by the ocean.
it was never important enough.

Lol I popped some lsd earlier and it really fucking tripped me out

I thought the world was ending. Not fun, now i find out its just nigga dust

But fuck me even the sand is leaving africa for Europe

What a pleb, did you even get enlightened by the eternal astral presence?

Oi m8 ye gettin dust on me mums good rug

No. It's clearly infected particles though. Expect major disease outbreaks.

Its been quiet beautiful desu.

those are some sick photo opportunities, I'm jealous

Hopefully London floods

part and parcel
of allah's wrath

>Saharan dust an debris from Spanish forest fires are carried on 80mph winds across the Atlantic
they sure figured that out fast


Did you read the picture you posted you faggot?

anyone else wake up with a sore throat today?




yes, escape while you still can. not even trolling

>spanish rape kids

Pick two.

>United Kuckphate being smote by the Lord
If only.

the time has come anglo

>picked up dust from the Sahara
Now those Londoners will really feel at home

The martian sky is blue tho

>typical hurricane event
I've seen an orange sky like this like 2-3 times in Florida and Puerto Rico
lmao you'll get used to it

anyone want anything from the shops?

fucking degenerate

Here in the south we call it

No its what the title says. Dust and debrees carried by wind. Are you fucking retarded user?

Why would God go through all the trouble of creation just to have it all end at a destined time?
Is God autistic?

>be arab
>live in a sandy muslim shithole

>be britbong
>live in a sandy muslim shithole

No, it's not on the list.

Like fireworks I guess. The joy is in watching them explode.

that dude just shat his pants while tripping balls. of course he reached enlightenment

Irradiated cornetto please.

Is this bait?




Blade Runner when?

Yes please.
A watch, a bucket, some Blu-Tack and some cheese.
Thank you ol' chap.

t. peter hitchens

its just light reflecting off drumpf's orange skin

To recreate it as something better.
Destruction breeds creation you know, even if this is the end of the era of duality.

Trump for president of the EU

>is this a sign of the end times?
I went for a coffee out in the dust, looked like I was walking around in fallout was dam fun.>But fuck me even the sand is leaving Africa for Europe
I swear every looked sharper like it was photo shop for real life,52.69,854

maybe it will blow over here

Turns out it was caused by Iberian wildfires.

Weird innit?

No, Christianity is bullshit, and the rupture isn't even mentioned in the bible.

Yes, donate everything you have right now.

Saw this last week when Anaheim hills caught on fire in socal... it's become so regular I've seen some kids playing in the ashes that rain down.

Saw that with a huge red sun earlier lads when I took out the recycling. It then pissed down and something amazing happened.

I got the runs. I have NEVER got the shits in my life up until now. I'm sure this bad sky and sun was an ill omen for my bowels.


>perfectly explainable natural phenomenon makes things look spooky for a while
Sometimes it's really obvious that humanity as a whole has not really evolved that much since the stone age.

>martian sky

fuck off, skinjob

Brexit fags, The end times are upon you

looks kino

This is what every sunset in Arizona looks like

Its called the sun Britts, I know you dont see it a lot but it makes shit orange

cornetto mah nigga

It looks like that here everyday.

We're on Sup Forums just be happy anyone hasn't mentioned it being the reptilian alien jews doing this with chemtrails.

but Arizona sunsets are very pretty, this looks hazy and apocalyptic with a red sun.

>inb4 niger-nigger


Walked out of the operating theatre at 2 o'clock to see this shit. Was so fucking weird

How do you know if someone's a doctor.

Literally this happens like twice a month where I live in Alabama. Calm your tits, Brits.

It was like that all last week around San Francisco. It's cool at first and smells nice, then you realize you're choking.

Want to see spooky check out the sun through smoke

About ten years ago I was driving by a wildfire and the sun was shining through the smoke it was raining ash and the red beams gave the whole area an absolute dreadful appearence

Moar liek Blade Runner 2017

It was like God had put the nostalgia filter on Britain. A change from the usual grey depression filter.

I'll rupture you're anus.

They call me creature of the night, beautiful music,
Animal instinct survived the serpents tongue.
So ancient before the dawn of time, like the rock of ages,
I'm the blood of mankind.
Oooohhh I've seen it all.
Oooohhh from grace men fall, babylon curse of all creation,
Winged serpent of the pit monstrosity.
One million years bc, one million years bc, one million years bc
Ten thousand centuries ago, cast down from heaven to pilage below.
The serpents eyes still watching for it's easy prey,
Feed upon the hopeless the weak and afraid.
Oooohhh I've seen it all.
Oooohhh from grace men fall, babylon curse of all creation,
Winged serpent of the pit monstrosity.
One million years bc, one million years bc, one million years bc

sauce on nice picture pl0x

ITT: Yellow teeth grinders can't recognize storms despite it raining 350 days out of the year there.

GOD has finally come to punish your wicked island and it's perfidious inhabitants!

End Times, warhammer Fantasy



the 'sun' kek sure, the shiny thing that appears in the sky once every thousand years? you'll be telling me the sky is blue next