what went wrong with the old empire?
Sure, hordes of muslims, but they hardly est fatty foods.
How much fast food does the average bong eat
what went wrong with the old empire?
Sure, hordes of muslims, but they hardly est fatty foods.
How much fast food does the average bong eat
British food is one of the most lethal weapons against humanity that has ever been created. The only thing more dangerous is jewish spitefulness
Delet this
We never had this problem before. Only with the bombardment of American food culture after the 80s did obesity really take off in the UK.
Our women were always ugly tbqh.
Now they know that most men don't have other options so they just let themselves go.
>American food culture
We have no culture. Only commercialism and jewish nepotism
>britbong food
The Scottish and the welfare state. How do i know this? Was born in Scotland and a shit load of people take welfare, use it for shit, and do nothing all day.
How is that even possible?
All our women are tall and cycle so they don't get fat.
Do never, ever, like never ever, use an statistical graphic that doesn't start or present the whole range of values. When you start with zero, the difference is pretty small.
Why are our German bros significantly fatter than us?
Fuck me, I didn't know we were almost on par with the Brits. To be fair the state of my girlfriend should have made me suspect as much, but still.
Fookin Cider Whales. Perkele.
Reminder if you don't include spics and niggers (who massively inflate our obesity rates), Britain is significantly fatter than America
>Data Type(s): survey data
I'll bet those Southern European women lied on the survey.
>what went wrong with the old empire?
You have a point, but that would also be misleading. This graph should probably start at the average healthy BMI for women (around 20).
Women In the UK are chosen for their big tits and plump motherly features. Selective breeding in a somewhat isolated population has caused the bmi to go up. And their diet now days is terrible for humans.
They should have taught you how to read charts in school.
Just becasue you're uneducated isn't reason to dumb down all charts.
Women in the UK look like absolute shit
They can still be fat and have big tits tho.
Italian women are known for being lithe creatures with wide breeding hips
>if you don't include spics and niggers
In your dreams my 56% friend.
>having a list of only Europe so America cannot be included
You act like America isn't worse
We have all these stereotypes for a *reason*
>but they hardly est fatty foods.
What makes you say that?
Brit diet is like the American diet. Fast food, burgers, takeaways, greasy carbs, carb and fat loaded foods.
Fresh food and natural is more expensive than junk so people on state benefits buy junk food.
>Sure, hordes of muslims, but they hardly est fatty foods.
I'm not so sure about that. A lot of the documentaries I watch about Britain show a lot of morbidly obese muslims, particularly the women. There's probably not a lot of incentive to maintain a petite attractive figure when you walk around town in a black garbage bag.
>tfw Italian
It's true. I see very few fat people here
The big problem here is sugar and corn sugars that they inject in fucking everything. All that junk food is practically drenched in the stuff, and we are all so addicted to sugar that we regularly binge out on it everyday.
Just wondering for other countries, is it normal to be told "you're blood sugar is too low, go eat something"? This is a pretty regular occurance here, people get headaches and the natural response people tell them is to eat candy. It's like a drug addict getting withdrawal symptoms and everyone telling him to go shoot up.
Brit food is loaded with salt and sugar, yeah. Americans win for corn sugar and syrup in everything. Still, a can of baked beans in the UK is loaded with lots of sugar.
Alcohol calories play a part too as Brits are huge drinkers and consume thousands of calories in alcohol at the weekend and a huge kebab after totaling 8,000 calories or so of crap.