The Clear Pill: You are all losers

> All I see around me is happy people in the world going about their business every day
> Even if there's bad times most people have enough good times to make up for it
> Most people don't complain about politics - they just drink and do fun shit while you fags cry on here
> Most white women prefer white men and both men and women cheat - not all do
> MGTOW is pathetic and even men who are divorced with children are more of a man than you

The list could go on forever.

The Clear Pill:

You are all loser faggots wasting your life away on here and they are perfectly happy with their lives having lots of sex, children, relationships, going out and socialising and doing all fun shit.

Everything you make up to justify your bullshit is no better than what feminists do to justify their own pitiful rainbow haired obese existence on this planet while all other normal women who don't care about politics enjoy their lives.

This is your pathetic online safe space and you are all losers!



>If you don't care about the world going to shit, you win!
Woah thanks Rabbi

Man I agree with you, except for the MGTOW part.

When do we get back to the real world tho?

>> All I see around me is happy people in the world going about their business every day
>> Even if there's bad times most people have enough good times to make up for it
>> Most people don't complain about politics - they just drink and do fun shit while you fags cry on here
This is not the world that I live in.

Just work out, become a Chad, hook up with women, have children, enjoy those special moments in life with them, and stop giving a shit about just money. Don't be resentful, it will eat away at you and many MGTOW's will get to 45-60 and be bitter like the feminists for not having children.

MGTOW is just an excuse for not being desirable

>This is your pathetic online safe space and you are all losers!
See, I was with you somewhat until the end. But this is how I know you're a shill.

> Most people don't complain about politics - they just drink and do fun shit while you fags cry on here
they drug themselves into stupidity and call that fun
>You are all loser faggots wasting your life away on here and they are perfectly happy with their lives having lots of sex, children, relationships, going out and socialising and doing all fun shit.
those perfectly happy people who are on more psych drugs than ever before, having fewer children, having meaningless sex with strangers in lieu of long-term relationships, while screaming at us that they are happy and having fun and we're the losers? those people?
you really think we want to live in a hurtbox? hell no! but that hugbox that you think of as "real life" is an illusion....and one that many of us wish we could go back to....but that's the crappy part about the red pills, they're addictive....

I already work out, I already had a woman, I won't be having children unless I can retain full legal authority over the fate of the family - it is not an issue of money.

Men aren't women and perfectly capable of "happiness" without children because we are actually capable of having passion and goals.

There's plenty of older MGTOW talking about their lives and how they live and none of them seem remotely pitiful, some of them even have children.

>You are all loser faggots
yes. Now please proceed to your normal life and don't bother coming here again.

> All I see around me is happy people in the world going about their business every day
in your dreams?

>they are perfectly happy with their lives having lots of sex, children, relationships, going out and socialising and doing all fun shit.
now thats a funny joke
why should I be jealous about cletus and animals lmao

> I already work out, I already had a woman, I won't be having children unless I can retain full legal authority over the fate of the family - it is not an issue of money.

Insecure much? Learn to please your women and get off Sup Forums.

They are all pathetic. If they acted like adults and learned how to please a woman, then they wouldn't be so insecure. Instead they are on here complaining instead of working out and making connections with other people.

herp de derp no woman likes me - kek that's cause you're a fucking loser that doesn't leave his bedroom as he's too busy watching anime and no woman realises you even exist.

>they just drink
spotted the loser. You fell for the fermented jew, kys

tits or gtfo

>please women
once a man starts doing that, there will be no end to it.

you're confusing real world with facebook senpai

>see the industry boom
> Most people don't complain about politics
Oh they complain all the time they just don't want to dive into it.
>All I see around me is happy people
Yeah, no. Living is always suffering with short glimpses of light and happiness. See your second line.
>MGTOW is pathetic and even men who are divorced with children are more of a man than you
Not MGTOW but defining your manhood only about having children is pathetic.
> Most white women prefer white men and both men and women cheat - not all do
True but the power balance shifted heavily in the last 50 to 40 years. Also the normalization of degenerate behavior.

Yes because what one guy perceives in some irrelevant place like czech republic is a good indication of the general zeitgeist of the western world.

"Ignorenth iz blisth"
"Tke da cleer pill, goys"


Clear pill best pill.

Look how angry all you faggots are. You can't handle the truth.

the thing you live in is what people call a bubble, user

This, nerds sperging out about politics they won't even affect are wasting their time

So the clear pill is being coerced into believing that everything is fine and happy and joining the sheep herd?

No thanks. I'll continue taking my grey pills.

>Men aren't women and perfectly capable of "happiness" without children because we are actually capable of having passion and goals.
yeah fuck you, i'm physically unable to have children, and i can have happiness, passion and goals without them. seriously, you're an asshole

m8 you live in the middle of a prosperous 99% white visegrad nation. Not in the middle of a dystopian hellhole where everyone is borderline insane

This is Sup Forums people dont know anything about real life unless they read something online

>Learn to please your women
That's exactly the problem, I shouldn't have to concern myself with such trivialities.

Most cunts are miserable. Some cunts are happy family men types, while others aren't cut out for this. Still, aside from larping, the heavy racist, misogynist types on here are probs literally autistic or very ugly/insecure. Most real life women are not interested in head cases like that. Sad but true.

A lot of people on Sup Forums are just regular people who come on to have fun, or look at information, news threads, porn, paranormal, and the like

Some of these people are neets, depressed, anxious, have social problems and the like. Some are perfectly normal

The clear pill should be that. People are still people. People are all different. People are all very similar. Its up to that individual to decide what to do and thats all.


Good job, hot wife, happy family. Can confirm that politics is just show business for ugly people (you)

>Sup Forums is homogeneous

So what?

No, it's realising you are all faggots just as bad as the feminists and true happiness is just doing what you want without bitching about it on here.

Blue pill - feminists, black lives matter, and other degenerates
Red pill - you faggots, white supremacists and MGTOW
Clear pill - I see clearly now you are all faggot crybaby degenerates

let's dance

this information is absolutely nothing new to pretty much anyone who has spent some time on this board and site.. if you truly believe in those virtues then get out of here and never return, live your happy ignorant life.
Have fun.

How do you even socialize without already having friends?

You fool.

It is women who must please men, learn your history.

It's both. That's why a 69'er exists.

Post par excellence if you understand that capitalism is not, never has been, and never will be a solution. Technology should have set us free by now. Why has it not?

If you are such a winner why do you still find the need to prove it to random internet people?


Clear pill - I have no deductive reasoning or interest in the world around me other than what is presented on the surface. I have no interest in knowing what is actually going on as long as I can work a horseshit job 5 days a week then get hammered and put my dick in a wet hole for 2. To be honest I'm not nearly as tinfoil as most of Sup Forums, but you are the reason why our governments have been able to fuck us over so severely for the last century and a half. I almost have more respect for fanatics on the other side than you on some level, at least they stand for something.

Ironmarch fag here.
I usually troll here like 80% of the time.

i don't see how a casual sex app can help make friends

My money makes me more money and I no longer have to work. Rich people make money while they sleep goyim. This is the thing you fags need to learn. So I came on here to set you faggots straight whilst my wife cooks our dinner.

He's a Pollyanna type nigger. Happy bastards who everyone hates, but they don't realise it.

He's referring to the app for you guys 'Plenty Of Faggots'.

hey i'm trying to live up to your standards

Make friends/have sex/don't have sex/internet relationship with potential real life relationship etc etc

this. get out while you still can

>I can do anything I can in this world
>I choose to go Sup Forums. Sup Forums above all places

I basically read this: A man I don't know is fucking my mom in the other room so I'm not allowed to leave my room so I farm diamonds in minecraft while shitposting on the internet.

You sound delusional. All you see is happy people? Do you live on planet mongo?

>my wife cooks our dinner
then she must be very pleased right now that you're shitposting on Sup Forums

>He thinks people are happy

You sure you've left your house?

The clear pill is that none of this matters, but that's OK because we can enjoy life on our own terms and not according to society's dictates. In the mean time before our inevitable death, we can help make life enjoyable for others through charity and good-will.

Or you can just engage is selfish hedonism at the expense of others.

aren't these apps just full of shallow people looking for a filthy fuck, and sex addicts? how is this a place to make friends?

Also sounds like humourless, boring nigger.

>lots of sex

Liberal detected

every. fucking. time

> be me excellent education
> stocktrader make high 6 figures
> white wife , kids , nice house , good neighborhood
> church lots of friends
> called loser by nigger tier Slav
> wew lads who let the white niggers on Sup Forums ?

Clear pill is Epicureanism

When your real flag looks like a meme flag.

Hey faggot, I have both a happy long term relationship and a healthy social life. In fact, I have most of the building blocks to a "healthy life" and things in the world still bother me.

It actually sounds like you're the one with a shallow sense of what an ideal life should be. Some of us simply think about the macro and ask alot of questions about the world.

I have a wife children and a business. Vast majority of conservatives do you dolt.

>become a Chad
you can't fix genetics, or autism, user.

t. ugly 3/10 beta autist

You insult me but your first lady and future president are Slavs. We will run America one day! We are also much better looking than you American roasties. Lay off the milkshakes LeShondrea.

Mostly, yes. But as long as you're not like freaky ugly you can use the bants. Play about for a laugh. If you meet a lass on there it's possible to get friends, although most are looking for serious relationship or just sex. They're just people.

brainlet as fuck yo

It will take another five years for people on this board to realize you are right.

Hedonism doesn't have to be at the expense of others?

wrong country to try spouting knowledge from, reproxy yourself into a white counry, mr uganda

oh well, i'm not putting a picture of myself on a sex app.

>or just sex. They're just people.
the doubt is because they're shit-tier people as you often find with those with loose morals

LOL, you can't just ignore it. White are becoming a minority. When non-whites become the majority they'll democratically elect a communist government. We have to stop the Jew from committing white genocide unless you enjoy a 50% "privilege tax" and having the government regulate your entire life.

>You are all loser faggots wasting your life away on here
that's why you'\re here? it's really not nice to rekt yourself like that, faggot
sage the bait, kids

Yeah real complex space age solution. Be happy, be normal. Be retarded brick head burger Chad

Anger fuels passion

We all love life and just LARP as nazifags here

you live in industrialized nation that is safe and 95% ethnically homogeneous. of course that's what you see, fucking idiot.

What the fuck are you on? Loose morals? Deary me. If young, sow oats: as per Shakespeare.

>The Clear Pill
We call it the blue pill, newfag

Clearpill is egalitarianism.

Who is John Galt??? $$$$

>>The Clear Pill
>We call it the blue pill, newfag


>clear pill
can we just call this what it obviously is? the "i've not lived enough of life to even fill a tiny pill of wisdom for people to swallow" pill
>the innocence pill
all you see is happy because you only use your eyes, because your brain has not had any experience dealing with people who would rather die than reveal just how unhappy and vulnerable they are to the public world
>no experience wearing a mask
you think that the good in the world outweighs the bad because all you've ever had is good in your life so you have no idea what it is that makes the world worth living
>no experience suffering
you attack and lash out at people you don't know simply because they believe what they say, or try to
>no personal beliefs of your own to defend; empty- vapid, like your pill
because you see something always happen you think it's ok for it to always happen
>never had a relationship in your life worth salt
when you think that because some human elements of a movement are weak and vulnerable and very, very flawed the movement on the whole must be weak and vulnerable and very, very flawed you're really just showing once again that you have no idea how it is to live in this world and what it means to work towards something better.
>your list could go on forever, ignorance is endless, and innocence begets ignorance if you remain innocent willfully

go on and take the ignorance pill already goy

Actually, no. Do you really not realize that some people experience true, sustained happiness, rather than the brief spasms of libidinal pleasure that you settle for? If your "happiness" is only experienced in brief, quickly fading flashes, that's not truly happiness and it's really sad that you don't even realize it.

There's already a pill for this, it's called the blue pill.
>Just live your lives goy, we'll handle politics, enjoy your bread and circus, you shouldn't have to worry about such things

oh please, if this is a woman's 15th dick, there's going to be a 16th. and that is to say nothing of these MORALLY LOOSE whores who have fucked 70 guys by age 24 and think nothing of it.

absolutely degenerate.

redditFags are try hards.

it's worse than the blue pill.
the blue pill is thinking progress needs no restraint; but at least it stands for something and understands that the world could be better.
this faggot op can't even reach that level and has nothing he stands for, satire writes itself forever and always; clear pill indeed lul.

Spend a night in Detoliet, Chiraq, or Niggermore. I guarantee that you'll change your mind real fucking quick

Yes we know about being bluepilled.

>go to grocery store
>see everyone living in harmony

>go home, turn on news/browse pol
>'race war when?'

what part of the brain do you remove to experience this state of being?

YEA clear pill.

Smoke weed nigga. Fuck tomorrow. Fuck your kids am i right? They'll be fine. And if they're not? Fuck em, they're losers.

Don't think to much just smoke up niggaa woooooooo

not a single argument

If you are looking for a virgin in this day in age you will die a virgin. 70? FFS how about say 7 by the time she's 23? You think that's a whore? Sorry, you're an idiot.