White males are a disgrace
White males are a disgrace
Yes, they are comrade
You mean Amerifats are a disgrace, America doesn't count as a white country
look mom i posted it again, sage and report
wow agreeing with yourself - didn't see that coming
You should hang for this unapologetic samefagging
How can this be posted multiple times a day every day and still get replies every time?
That's about 250lbs of oil. C'mon mate, at least make it somewhat believable.
Fascist scum
You are disgrace, you samefagging little JEW NIGGER
How the fuck is this fat lard not dead from that?
This looks like your average fat black buffarilla bitch in the projects.
bullshit 25 gallons
>florida man
Next, that shit is normal there
Will he ever recover from this post
Fascists don't bother me
Because it totally has something to do with whites, saged
>209 pounds of a low viscosity liquid
What are you sliding "comrade"
Kys baby
>A Florida man
Fuck off, Fl*ridians are subhuman.
>samefagging this hard