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Seriously, why are Swedes such a bunch of weirdos?

They're just addicted to the "other"

>Europe will look like Africa, and that's a good thing!
How is it possible to suffer this degree of brain damage and not only be alive but functional?

This man is a medical marvel!

sweden? the fuck is that do you mean swedistan?

>Anders Borg



This is not ok. This isn't even stockhold syndrome. This is next-level cuckery.

his dreams are rapidly becoming true

Sweden was never a real country.

Do they not see that as a negative thing? Africa is generally pretty fucking poor and has a lot of problems that we in the west dont have or are able to cope with far, far better

why in God's green acres would you want your country to be like Africa?

An ever green I suppose.

Didn't one of Sweden's PMs have African blood?

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, antibiotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

This is bait but still kys for using it.

He didn't even have to say anything to know that Sweden is fucked. Just look at him, a "minister of finance" with earrings and a ponytail?

Africa is completely full of corruption, rape, murder, and AIDS.

Nigeria in terms of natural resources and oil is a fucking goldmine, but nobody wants to go down there because of how corrupt and unsafe it is.

How anybody can view their country turning into Africa as a GOOD thing is either mentally challenged or an enemy of the state attempting to subvert existing rule.

Frederik Reinfeldt, if my memory serves me right.
But he is virtually indistinguishable from any other white person, so the "African" ancestry must have been pretty far out, if it even was there at all.
It's more or less identical to the white people in America claiming to be 1/4 Cherokee or something like that, and then it turns out they have the same Spanish/German/British ancestry as every other white American.

I just remember seeing that having something to do with his politics but I can't find anything about it

>Anders Borg ska under en familjefest den gångna helgen ha blottat sitt könsorgan och tafsat på andra manliga festdeltagare
>Han ska även ha kallat kvinnor för "hora" och "slampa"

wtf? to a familie gathering then he has flashed his genitalia and called women "whores".

My respect for the guy went from a hard zero to positive number.

So they are unaware of how much of a shit hole Africa is?

If your people aren't proud of their own country then how can you expect those that immigrate there to be? Worst of all Sweden is well known from Somalia to Afghanistan for its ridiculously OP socialist benefits so they could be putting themselves in a situation where they're taking in the absolute worst people from all over the third world. Compare that to america where pre-1965 they wouldn't even let you in if you were ill/unable to work.

It's not a shit hole.

Africa has greater family values than Sweden ever will. They might not have much but they have each other and love. Better than worshiping the state

>but they have each other and love.

until you're accused of theft or witchcraft then lynched to death by an angry mob

The most godless country on Earth.

When does the purge begin?

>"Sweden will become like Africa"
Wow! Are Swedes finally coming to their senses?
>"he hoped that Sweden will look like Africa in 10 years"

has it ever crossed his mind that he could just simply import the colourful dresses.
He doesn't need to pull off some nwo population exchange move.

Why doesn't America make a deal with Sweden.

We can provide them with tons of multi cultural folks and even fly them out there.

The people here will be happy to go for increased gives.

Sounds like a win win win

>b-but muh Döner
Like gercucks are any better.

>If you let in all the immigrants they'll turn this country into mexico/africa!

This is what people who are against immigration used to say. And they were called racists for saying so.

Just a tactic to get rid of lazy degenerate mothers who dont put in the effort to go to the well and get water for their children and family

if he loves africa so much why not move to it? why the fuck do globalists want to turn every country into the same "diverse" 3rd world mess while simultaneously homogenizing people into 1 color, a mix of shit?

No, it just means you're shit at pleasing women. Don't drag everyone else into it


you're disgusting, I hope you get herpes.

is this a real world or just fantasy?


>Sweden will become like Africa.

Finally someone speaking the truth!

>and that's a good thing.

What in the fuck...