Do we need a big war?

So pol, in order to resolve the bugman/soyboy/betamale problem here in the U.S, would a huge conventional meat grinder war be in order?

>possible draft, so its not just gung ho chads, its also betas fighting too
>warss destructiveness and death dealing makes men from the US grow up and makes them into real men
>due to millions of men becoming chad bc of war things like feminism, intersectionality, trans faggots, communism become unthinkable and die off
>men now being chad will reproduce in bigger numbers (especially white bois)

>trauma of war and psychological issues
>kikes somehow made money off of it
>many men dead

Other urls found in this thread:

>post thread with a genuine question and possible solution to our problem
>BBC and cuck threads get 200 replies in 5 minutes

Define big?
Third world countries do need to be culled in population. Create enough distress for first world countries to turn labor, unity and idealism and face away from deviance and hedonism. We need less people in general.

Worst case scenario is that the majority of people of worth dies and the worthless nigger tiers are free to breed.

for example, the tensions with NK spiraling into all out war in the peninsula with China somehow siding with NK, that big

>i will tell you what my grand-pa told me
>air-conditioning will be the downfall of society

really, if these little pussified metrosexuals and their overly pampered cum dumpsters ever had to face real problems with hard solutions they would heroically pass it off to their kids, just like their grand-parents did to my generation .
every other generation has BALLS

I agree but I have hope in one person I met hes from Australia and if he succeeds in becoming the prime minister of Australia then we will see a great nation rise for Europeans and white Americans.

we have begun the march to war there today
there will be an incident (plane shot down)
threats amounting to war
mobilization and some shooting
then another heroic compromise to ensure peace
>this will happen with the ruski's permission

That achieves nothing. NK is a country of no Import and China and West would have no interest in expanding it outside of the peninsula. Too expensive, same reason why the US haven't dusted the place even though it was threatened with nuclear war. There is nothing to gain. Which is just A-okay for the NK, cause it means they could squeeze their dick slowly but surely in the region.

The next meaningful war would be a resource war, that would be fought with tooth and nails, because by the way things are going, its dystopia for all of us. Would probably a century or less from now.

Why fight for globalism?

>full power rifle
>sawn off

>2019, world war 3
>uneasy peace is held through threat of nuclear annihilation
>because of "every life is sacred" no one wants to waste soldiers
>some tard launches nuke
>world.exe has crashed

Good. Let the bird people have it.
May they shit on what we build as they have always done.

literally impossible

another world war is 100% extinction of white race

have a big war and kill one another
luckily it will mostly be pol users dying, ill sit it out hanks

A draft is impossible without social norms. If you boil it down to cost/benefit analysis, prison is better than getting shot at.

Not gonna happen. A war at the scale you're talking about would just end up with everyone getting glassed.

Not sure if troll but that's a m79 grenade launcher

With war comes death. Many deaths of strong white men are bad, IF, the motive for war is nothing but making the joos richer.

But, if it would be a war for the white race, the liberation of our multikulti-nations or simply a war involving killing nignogs/arabs/kikes, it would be great.

And always remember;

> Nothing in life is so dear that we must become slaves, give up our liberty or joining the enemy forces - if death means keeping your people and their freedom safe, death is not only honorable but it is your duty to take that risk.

Pic related

there needs to be more invasions. But it seems like we live in a super cucked time where no one will step up to the challenge.

I'm all for igniting the flames of global conflict, but it must challenge and eventually destroy the fundaments of kikery, and permeate everything and everyone with its destructive impetus, if what we truly want is our redemption as a species.

Homo homini lupus, let violence and strength be our only law.

It will happen, we have to do nothing, nature always responds with a cleansing, men are mere pawns of nature.

Wanting WWIII is peak Judaism.

>kikes somehow made money off of it

>Sides : orbit

i thought he was being retarded too but i think he means the stock on the rifle

>Be unfit to draft.
>Try to fuck your wife while your gone.

Sounds good to me.

I have never known a man who's seen combat to be a pussy numale.

No war is seen as justified on Sup Forums if the US is involved, because muhh globalists muhh neocons muhh kikes. We could literally invade Central African Republic right now for the sole purpose of killing as many niggers as possible and there'd still be shills on here saying we're doing the kikes' bidding.

If there would be an all out war without any room for dimplomacy it would last maximum 2 days, as all the nukes and military technology that's unheard of would blast everything to smitherns. Aftermath would be a chaos of to kill or be killed, or to gather around and form communities. What would the richest of this world gain from destroying everything they've built so far? Absolutely nothing. That's why we are in process of decimation.


many WHITE* men dead

btw where can I get a cutie husbando like the one on the left?

A fitting quote and bristling tunes. They will be played when the seeds of chaos germinate.

No. When I hear 'bugman' I think of Orwell's 'beetle-like men'. Their lack of passion, social isolation and amoral opportunism makes is exactly what makes them consummate survivors, despite their physical and moral weakness.

Bugmen can't survive on their own, though, they're parasites. The solution is a moral society, not mindless slaughter. (which just enriches the profiteers)

if you were unfit to serve as an infantry nigger in the army, you’re unfit to even attempt to fuck my wife, not that she would fuck you, but you know

I agree, we need to make morality or at least manhood a popular thing again, specifically in the cities of the west and east coast where the men partake in faggotry all the time and think its ‘ok because its not hurting anyone else’ or because ‘toxic masculinity’

>bugman/soyboy/betamale problem
You mean the lazy, doughy, and weak men who can't do a single pullup and who can't climb a single flight of stairs without puffing and wheezing? Even if someone did force them out in a war, I have a feeling that most normal men would see them as a burden and want them gone.

I think the idea is that they can be cured - an external threat and the expectations of their society will whip most into shape and they'll rediscover their own wills. And yes, the really far gone ones will be disposed of by their peers.
Not sure watering the fields with blood is the best way to accomplish it though.