White privilege in a nutshell

White privilege in a nutshell.

>One is saying that we need to improve
>the other is asking for gibs
Anything else?

>political cartoonists

>America's not great, and I'm going to fix it
>America's not great, so let's insult it

>America's not great, I'm going to fix it
>America's not great, white peepo it yo faul

>politician says we need to fix shit
>sports entertainer says we need to fix shit
it's not privilege, it's career.

Bottom one should be edited to say "Fuck whites"

Yeah, trump has billions already, why he need gibs?

>America used to be great, lets fix that
>America isn't great, was never great, and white people are evil

Liberals pathological hatred of context is amazing.

kys you redneck flag sucking piece of mental degradation



How is he asking for gibs? I've literally never heard him asking for anything

The first wants to get a tax cut for himself while the second wants cops to stop shooting black ppl wo justification. Too bad the crowd is too dumb to know this.

are you a leaf?

>1 post by this ID

Stop replying to bots. Jesus Christ you idiots.

Pretty much.

The BLM movement itself is a gibs movement. That's their endgame, no amount of "responsible policing" is going to make them shut up.

>we need mo money fo dem programz n shieet

fuck off you Bolshevik bootlicker. kys

Kaepernick has money too

>taxes get cut across the board, including lower, middle and upper tax brackets
>Trump is cutting taxes for HIMSELF!!! Better not cut taxes on anyone :^)

Get used to it nigger.

>America's not great, let's make it great again like it was back when women couldn't vote and niggers knew their place
>America's not great, let's kill all police and white people

The Leaf has come

>This country was great once, and can be great again!
>This country has always been pretty bad desu.

Reductionism like this is fucking stupid. Reducing their arguments to a handful of words as if they are the exact same argument or even contextually similar is fucking absurd. Fallaciously absurd, even.

>can police please stop murdering unarmed black men? it's not their job to serve as the judge and executioner. also black people face higher incarceration rates with harsher sentences than white people for the same crime.
>wow fucking niggers shut up or go back to africa stop exercising your first amendment rights to say things i don't like

top: but i have a solution
bottom: that's it i'm just a whiny faggot

>American education

Canada is shit! Now you say it and see if you get offended.

If only this were true. Niggers need to die.

Turnip only cares himself and other failures like the Laffer Curve (see Kansas)

America may not be great but at least one of those people is American and stands for the Anthem like an American. Now fuck off back to the shit news site you browse this from while stroking yourself like we all know you do.

>America is not great BECAUSE of the political elites and the swamp
>America ain't no great mufukin place cuz crackas be rayciss bix nood sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiittttttttt Trayvon dindu nuffin he wuz a good boi an sheeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt

hes suing the nfl for not hiring him. Litterally let me desecrate the flag on national television AND give me a job. FU.

one proposes a solution, the other one just whines

>America, the government, is not great.
>America, white people, are not great.
Remove Maple

>desecrate the flag
You are misinformed.

muh race...get the fuck over it, White America. You lost. Little by little gentrification, multiculturalism, and globalism will wipe out you basement dwellers. You will be left jobless, cucked, and broke. You are not wrong.....we are saying Fuck White People and it is becoming more and more acceptable to say this because you gave us everything we needed with Donny. Thank you

wrong you are brain washed. Kapernig said the fuking words himself in an interview. I wont stand for the flag of a country that oppresses my people.

Now you know, its ALL about the fucking flag.

Reminder that black people are only some 20% of the total amount of people killed by cops. Fuck you.

>number of genuinely unarmed, innocent black men shot by police every year; under 500
>number of niggers shot in just 1 city alone by other niggers; over 500
>fuggin racis ass poh leese

Maybe niggers should stop committing crime

>being intentionally obtuse of the subtext of WHY it's not great
liberals in a nutshell

>The government has let you down and made life for the average person harder while the people in washington flood your country with low skill immigrants and taking huge bribes for themselves

>fucking crackas not respecting us n shiet, we're good boys who din du nuffin

No one cares about criminals being killed, and protesting in the name of criminals and race baiting pisses people off.

Great strawman, not to mention football players are overpaid pieces of shit for what they do

>hurr durr I run the football gimmie my millions, also fuck you crackas you don't know the struggle

Context faggot. Do you know what it means?

If a communist and a libertarian both said that they will "Change America for the better" you would be able to understand what they both meant when they said that phrase.

Pretty much yeah

i would sacrifice my own well being and future for the godless hellscape that niggers and liberals think is reality to be true

Can anyone tell me how to filter certain flags? It seems anyone posting under the antifa flag, commie flag, and BLM flag contribute nothing of value.

If you're trying to be smarmy it's best that you actually read the stats for people killed by the police and why. You and your mob are exposing the Left and their pets as a pack of whining imbeciles.

>Reminder that black people are only some 20% of the total amount of people killed by cops.
And they're only 12% of the population so what's your point?

>can police please stop murdering unarmed black men?

>police tells you to do thing
>don't do thing, initiate aggression
>get shot by police
>leave out second part because lmao dude haha like racism lmao right