Alright faggots.Listen up

When/If this shit drops today everyone needs to man their battle stations and ignore slide threads.

If info dropped is e-mails then Pastebins need to be made containing all links to any relevant e-mails. These e-mails will all need to be spammed on everyone's social media platforms.
All artists and memetic warriors need to crank out quality images and spam those everywhere as well.
Those of you who make Jewtube/Bitchute/Vidme content you know what to do.
If this is going to be Julian's swan song for his freedom then this could damn well be the biggest happening in your life. Don't fuck this up.

Other urls found in this thread:

>slide threads
friendly reminder: you can't slide a catalog.

Fuck that celebrity memeflag bullshit. This is REAL activism. And you stupid faggots need to recognize that

The essential concept is still valid and is employed all the time. Just an endless stream of identical cut-and-paste threads to waste people's time and keep them distracted

Very much this. Also, Ctrl+F is your friendo

Can someone link me to what is going on here? I briefly looked at wikileaks and assanges twitter but didn't see what is supposedly happening today.

>hillary falls off the radar and cancels appearances
Is this finally fucking it? Enough smoke alrwady

tl;dr - scuttlebutt is there's gonna be a major leak drop in the next 24 hours

Those were my exact thoughts when I found out she fell today!!!

Shortest video I could find with a tl;dr. Contains the Trump/Hannity interview section where Hannity asks about Julian

Julians tweet

"Fell" onto a plane bound for some safe haven Muslim country or France


you can push s to search instead of pushing control f and its easier. Why do people not know this? Also whats the deal with people saying

>1 post by this id

Is that a joke or is it retarded people not knowing how the post tracking works?

Newfags who don't know post tracking, vpn, IP changing, or just general drive by posting


i have numerous neighbors
i have numerous ip's
>must be fall break for the snowflakes

How long is Sup Forums going to be chumped by e-celeb happening faggots on the one hand and /leftypol/ larpers on the other?

If nothing at all happens within the next 48 hours, can we finally blacklist fucking tick-tock Hannity and attention-whore Turdovich?

This. Nothing. Ever. Happens.

Yeah, I don't know about blacklist entirely but the whole "le anti trump riots iz habbening" shit is fucking cancerous. THIS is potentially huge.
Another thing that pisses me off is how there was little to no attention spent on Imran Awan. Just shows how fucking stupid the kids are. They don't understand politics by any sense of the word

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Shills start posts but never defend any point made against the original OP. So only one post by the ID on the thread they started.

Can i get a redpill? Been at work all day

patience is a virtue and in this case we're working on Julian's time

Damn right OP

Gentlemen, we are going to war .

Politics is rarely loud and show-y. I know it would be cool for Trump to bludgeon Chuck Schumer w a bust of George Washington live, but
1) last night Assange posted and older article talking about taking down a corrupt group by cutting off the tail of the snake....taking out lots of little players.
2) Hildebeast is AWOL
3) Trump all of a sudden has a meeting w McConnel at his side.

Maybe this shows something like, (speculating here) McConnell was with (((them))) but now for whatever reason is with Trump?

just spitballing...

If it drops today, we'll be ready, no worries. But other sources have said he has a deadline a few days from now. I hope you're not trying to get our hopes up early, so we'll be disappointed and stop waiting, and miss the real drop. That wouldn't be very nice.

The same principles apply a few days from now.


I heard the deadline was Oct 21 but couldn't find the source

Possible. That briefing with McTurtle there kind of threw me for a loop tbqh

Nothing will happen, mane. Nothing ever happens.


McConnell looked a little rough to me.

>implying Assange isn't dead already
>implying he wasn't taken out by the CIA
>implying they aren't using his twitter account
>implying you guys aren't falling into the rabbit hole the spooks have dug for you


Ok, fair point. I admit, I want this to happen today but knowing Assange it won't. He still has a few days for his own personal deadline so until that expires, I'll reserve judgement.
Now the intent here is to not discourage people if this doesn't take off today but to instead get the word out (to mostly newfags) that these are the basic necessities for an actual happening. This could be undoubtedly much larger then the Vegas mess or this Hollywood shit and people need to be aware that this needs to be handled properly.
There are going to be shills and disinfo coming out of the woodwork if what he has is big and it's situations like these that seperate the men from the faggots

That's what MegaAnon has been saying today

Even worse Turdovich and Jagoff Posobiec supporting necon rat droppings like (((Mandel))) from Ohio from Kasucks administration.

This or the 25th, I can't remember.

"the companies buy a lot of politicians, maybe even you Mitch, I don't know"
Fucking lost


Looks like a torrent info Hash, try using the "476757746a7a4d6c6330666b314a34530000090784b4f787761686f7a73757075736" with "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" at the beginning on your prefered torrent client and see if it's downloadable.
I'm not at home at the moment so I can't try it by myself.

there are plenty of shills on other "Happening" threads already

Either a shill or you literally have no concept of what sliding actually is.

you think Trump was telling the drug companies they can't buy Mitch anymore?

Yes, I am aware of all of this but here's the thing. A) Julian is alive and well and whatever he has is big enough to secure Trump to stop chasing him or B) he was comprimised or killed and the information coming out could still show Democratic collusion and control which would still be something that we would need to jump on.
Now it is possible that Assange is kill and the info released could damage Trump, in that case we will definitively know that Assange is no longer with us. People aren't understanding the full scope of how major this really is.


Well,if he delivers it will be the biggest happening in our lives.

is it just me or did Trump completely and utterly skirt around the entire Assange question. He went back to his stock"The dems created the Russia controversy because they were embarassed Hillary lost" instead of answering the question that Hannity actually asked him. He didn't even acknowledge Assange. 4D backgammon or what?

remember julian delieveriering is dependent upon vigilant user noticing posts before they get deleted this means u ahve to be on 4 chan for all of today

It better happen today.

2 spook 4 me

Just saw that. Way too scary to look for it

Please let this be real.

Here is the discussion from today.

why the hell cant we use bittorrent?

Bump for truth and preparedness



Because its not safe.
The 4 zeros in the hash were put there to stop a bot matching it and automatically shutting down the whole internet to contain the information,just like last time.


Maybe. As well as supporting Mitch in this in exchange for Mitch's support on taxes and the wall and healthcare.

This is something circulated last year, this has nothing to be with what's happening now

Yes he totally did. I don't know if it's because he's anti-assange (unlikely) or if he just knows it's a political hot topic. He could have told hannity of screen to make the call.

I'm kinda confused as to what's happening right now.

Got a screenshot of that PGP-code Assange posted here before it's censored by Twitter.

Didn't Assange already give away the goods? "Muh Obama school records" that nobody gives a shit about? He's a cunt who hypes up nothing burgers all day.

i just, i don't know what to think anymore. We have the Mueller /ourguy/ theory, but the facts don't seem to indicate there is any truth in that at all. And now it looks like the Assange tweet, while cryptic may have just been him sending somebody a new public PGP key. I want a happening, I need a happening, but it just feels like there will never actually be a happening.

Those records were from a fake account

That was recognized as a fake tweet about 10 posts into the thread about it. Methinks you protest too much.

bump for interest, bump for the cause

The files didnt changed in the last year.
Everyone is waiting for these files,exactly.
Anything short of these will erase Assange from the public mind.

The Catalog is shit, right now.

Assange is going to release some new shit on WikiLeaks soon. The educated speculation is that it has to do with Clinton/Russia.

Fake account, CIA or Troll, doesn't matter. Just ignore it.

I don't think Mueller was ever /ourguy/. What seems more likely to me is that he's being pressured into doing the right thing here. His intentions don't matter. The outcome is what matters

Yeah, really perturbs the pistachios

Still waiting.

megaAnon is on the level of WHAnon with how many LARPs have come from it.


Shills will be out in force.

Wake up guys nothing is happening all the Hannity tick tock is promo for his new religious movie coming out next week.

Let’s work hard to MAGA

that would make me so mad. The only reason I give Hannity the sliver of credibility that I do is because he had that private dinner at the white house with Trump. If he starts going the Glenn Beck route I'm out.

Maybe Mr. Assange will be on Hannity tonight? Surprise guest?!

Hannity tick tock tweet could be a multitude of things. Could be fake. Could be attention grabbing BS. Could be him signalling to Assange. Could have been the Julian releasing the key.
All I know from my past experiences is that anyone MSM should be taken with a grin of salt. Julian on the other hand doesn't usually just tweet out keys for no reason

this man is high on bitcoin profits
it makes us all a little psychotic at these bubbly times

Lookit, MegaAnon (MA) is just pulling you in and playing on the hope of all MAGA. It's a Psyop writ large. I think the motive is Anti-POTUS. When the truth bombs of all time don't materialize, you're going to be disappointed. Disappointed people get angry. I think MA is hoping you will transfer your anger to POTUS. LOOK! He's become part of the swamp!! MA is clever and his writing indicates an IQ but it's still bullshit.