Who is most based politician?
pic related
Who is most based politician?
pic related
hes just another bullshitting politician
This. He's based and he'll kick your ass if you insult a muslim. BASED!
>show us your socks
I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, antibiotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
He is the son of Fidel Castro
I think if he actually met a muslim that muslim would kill him in cold blood.
He's a Clinton wannabe
He is the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro. All signs in his family history point to this.
This faggot
Now putin would be in the first place if you consider redpilled knowing the true shit in the world.
But economically speaking he is a statist at a sanders level that has stagnated russia economy.
I like Shinzo Abe. And Putin is cool too.
It's gotta be the HILLDAWG
Kek he is redpilled as fuck , he become the leader of his country when muzzies were exploding themselves every few hours and the economy was terrible , not only that but leftist morons had surrendered gaza which eventually would fall to hamas.
What did he do?He put his country to economical growth , he build borders in every border of his country i mean literally every one or he still is building them , he leaded his country in 3 wars against hamas and the leftist were autistical screaming about israel even before they put their shit to destroy the west , that is in 2008 , 2009.
And somehow the guy managed to get his country growing , to the point that kebabs became crazy.
After the walls they could not use suicide bombings anymore , so then the missiles came , after the missiles were intercepted nearly every time , they started trying to get bombed to scream muh apartheid , after that failed ,they started with the knifes and trucks of peace that are now famous in europe too(but started in israel).
Did i tell you that he also stopped insane ammounts of ilegal immigrants from africa?
The dude is based as fuck for fucks sake before he entered mit he had already fought in wars as a comando.
There is no one more based than him right now , and im sure it hurts you leaf , seeing your current cucked leader.