This Site Is Bad For You - It Could Be Good

I recently came to this site after seeing predictive posts made in reference to the Vegas attacks.

I'm 32.

I'm hear to tell you guys that this place is not good for your well-being.

In my few days of looking here I find myself saying things like shit-skin, and nigger, and feeling hate that I hadn't felt in a long long time.

I see a lot of people regurgitating social-engineering programs about various topics.

I see a lot of people playing into the divide-conquer narrative that they program you to live by.

I see a lot of ignorance on various topics.

This place could be much more valuable than it is - pretending that something like this could be at its best is foolish of me, but I thought I'd share my thoughts regardless.

The world is totally controlled by people who laugh at the left-right, capitalist-socialist loaded and programmed arguments. You're all being played

Other urls found in this thread:

>my few days of looking here
lurk more.
you round out about 30 days in.



You've got to go back to goybook, this isn't your blog.

>In my few days of looking here
>This place could be
Fuck off you cunt.

>can't navigate these topics maturely
sorry dude

















Newfag. Lurk moar.

Where do you think this shit comes from retard?

I would imagine most of you replying are like 22.

The perspectives on this board are almost all created by social engineering programs - the divide and conquer narrative.

You are the cucks - just like the libs.

You are being controlled.

Thanks for your opinion bro!
I find it is the only place on the internet where you can actually have a conversation about something controversial without being downvoted or shadowbanned. I really can't think of anywhere else.

Group think is everywhere. It's scary.

Shut up nigger

I agree.

This is nice place to get controversial info.

It has value.

But it also has a lot of negative impact and the majority of what's posted here is created by socially engineered people who don't understand what is controlling them.

This board actually used to be a lot like you described, but that was a long time ago defiantly before 2012.

You're just wasting your time at this point, a lot of what you see is either satire, or people baiting other people into believing them/shaping their world views.
The people you're trying to reach are way too far gone.

Deprogramming takes time but we will get you soon enough.

Wanna prove me otherwise? Leave and never come back.

lurk more. I'm 38. you haven't been dosed with enough of the information floating around here to understand. the world is a dark place, and it is very controlled. until you see the information that has been systematically hidden from view, you don't know. you're still in teh matrix and you come here to lecture us about what you don't yet know.

It's very easy to be one of many - to be on the popular side.

It's very easy to call libs cucks.

It's very easy to be controlled.

It's harder to confront half-truths and social programming.

This. Sup Forums is mostly just bait at this point unfortunately.

Shills getting panicky today. Feels good man. Hillary dying. Hollywood panicking.

go home gay bowser



t. Someone who lives in a majority white area and doesn't have to deal with non whites daily because if you did you wouldn't post this thread


Don't forget the BLACKED \ RICED threads constantly being spammed, it already infected Sup Forums as well. You're better off going to 8ch. If only their interface was less shitty.


also claiming to have just visited the site recently and already determined what its all about is a bit glib. I would say keep an open mind and you will likely find a happy medium. there are fucked up people here, that's not going to change. how you decide to interact with it is on you. 0.02
t. 33 yr old parent

People in cities are less racist than people in the country. Exposure to non-whites has a definitive effect in reducing racist tendencies and thoughts.




>I'm new here, but I already know more about you and your culture than you do.

Fuck off nigger.

op programming is fighting against the truth.
sorry op, but you'll never leave this place again, we all come back sooner or later because truth is inevitable.
just don't reveal your power level in public and everything's fine

>regurgitating social-engineering programs about various topics.


Total crap, foreigners carry on with racism in their native tongues. Not all but enough that you seem uninformed.



Lurk more you absolute faggot.

You just have to control your thoughts and what you say. If you mindlessly absorb everything you look at, then yes, this place will be bad for you. But if that is how your mind functions you are useless anyway.

Fucking newfag

Please look at a map of demographics before saying false shit. Try starting with the deep South then moving to the Pacific Northwest.


I'm the same age and there's nothing wrong with it if you have thick skin and can think for yourself and sift through trash. You prob spend too much time on reddit/

Everyone on pol has made a thread like this, you aint never leaving frend, welcome to hell.

someone is triggered by free speech

>been here a few days
>Reddit spacing
>afraid of redpills

Lurk moar newfag

I hope you're still here. You remind me of someone I once knew. I'd like to clarify some things and I hope that you cease to see something so ugly in this place;

-Sup Forums is not one person
-Look at the catalog. That's diversity. That's what it looks and feels like. Chew on that for a second.
-Even the most hardcore racist segregationists among us are against genocide. You'd understand that if you just take the time to hear them out
-Stormfaggots didn't start raiding this place until /new/ confirmed Illuminati Jew meme and Richard Spencer is controlled op
-God is real, and so is the Devil
-You're here forever

Get that rediit spacing out of here you retarded niggernot only are you a reddit nigger but you also have a shitty retarded ideology,le centrists skptic intelectual.Eat shit faggot the world will either be fascist and white supremacist or muslim and turn into africa.

the redpill just kicked in, yo!

>Sup Forums is sick thread
>week later
>Sup Forums was right thread

Yes this is the path for everyone

>In my few days of looking here I find myself saying things

People like you get manipulated into buying products from posters.

sugi pula Codreanu. Lumea va fii cum vrem noi sa fie.Nu mai pune botul la propaganda evreiasca

>divide and conquer narrative

The "I am enlightened" newfag. Get help.


"The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. And when you're inside and look around what do you see- businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters- the very minds of the people you are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured- so hopelessly dependent on the system- that they will fight to protect it."

At the pits of hell, there is buried a small treasure, though humble, still all-powerful.

Total rubbish.

Nigger, you said you've only been here a few days.

You don't know shit.

>Also: I'm hear to tell you

You are like a little babby

Cool story, now go hang yourself, if you can.

It's not glib, it's presumptuous, you absolute faggot cuck kike nigger shitstain.

>hi guys
>I'm mature for my age
>I'm new but
>here's where you're wrong

I'm 33, and you're a fag


I've been around since the Usenet days. This place still represents, in part, the wild-west aspect of those times.

Being oblivious to reality doesn't help us though. Just because you can leave here and forget about it all does not mean you are doing anyone, the white race, any good by allowing it to continue down this path while you go back to your life.