Friendly reminder that women biologically never had anything to fear from foreign invaders.
They just accept the new -superior- cock.
>inb4: Fuck you, you KIKEā¢! -t.neo-nazi LARPers raised by a single mom
Friendly reminder that women biologically never had anything to fear from foreign invaders
Gas yourself ratboy
Where is this filmed it doesn't look like Canada/us just by the woman personality. Looks like Czech republic or Denmark/scNdinavia
but arabs have small dicks
I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, antibiotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women
@pic, jesus fucking Christ!
Literally all states would be blue if only blacks and hispanics voted?
@ pic: the only reason white women vote republican is because white women want their husbands to be taxed less or they fell for the feminism meme and are working themselves (instead of having kids).
Doesnt matter. Just notice her coy smile when the dick goes inside and she instinctively bends over. Women know whats up.
Oh yes I was right, pooland -- Uchodzcy - najlepsze znaleziska i wpisy o uchodzcy w Wykop pl. Lel they live like dogs over there it should be expected that they would fuck migrants from Germany in the woods like hookers.
>worries about his dick being big enough to please women
>desperately wants to woo the wimmens
Google gynocentrism and take the red pill on women, man, this is cancer.
how do you know its poland?
Got anymore of that video OP?
>black cock is just better at pleasing women
Black people are also very intelligent and totally know how to maintain advanced societies.
>fuck society, nigguh, MUH DICK!
The gas chamber is this way, sir!
>tfw you saw a 8/10 blonde girl with a scrawny manlet nigger today.
Guess just being exotic is good enough, as long as the woman feels like she is betraying her tribe and be part of a new dominant culture it's all good for her.
Its sourced from a polish site from 9 months ago
If you call Magda's child a freak in public and not anonymously you will be fired from your job and a social outcast.
Women (and men) will literally deny you the pussy if you call their half breed offspring anything bad.
Pretty much yeah, native women just take the cock while all the native men are beheaded and/or enslaved if they don't convert.
thats a sand-nigger
Redpill me on Vermont and Massachusetts. Why would they be blue in all white male paradise?
>I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist.
Stopped reading right there
pic related worked
It's also one of the reasons why it's better to have 3 daughters instead of 10 sons as a white person.
>deny you the pussy
Hahaha faggot.
they're biologically programmed to be dominated through generations of being taken over
Nu-Male land
The worst thing is when you see old fashioned Dutch (the liberal type) grandmothers walking in the supermarket with their niglet grandchild. Its not even their fault, their children burned the coal.
post more
>woman goes in sex shop
>there is a 5 inch dildo
>there is a 10 inch dildo as well
>she buys the 5 inch dildo
this is what Sup Forums actually believes
its some forum with poles laughing at Germany and refugees
>Redpill me on Vermont and Massachusetts. Why would they be blue in all white male paradise?
Because the men in those places thinkthey can get pussy by being maximum liberal.
Let me put it this way:
>women are now the property of their father
>if you want a woman you pay a daury with the father and buy the daughter
If the sexual dynamic worked like this you would not have men deliberately blocking their logic to virtue signal to please women. Just think about how politically incorrect you are with your male friends and imagine that around women: you would never do that.
imagine the poor cuck that will end up settling her her not knowing she got fucked by the whole immigrant neighborhood
haha wh*tebois are truly pathetic
You guys have posted this webm for a year now, and still noone can provide the video where she supposedly speaks Danish
Women crave the foreign cock
>noone can provide the video where she supposedly speaks Danish
It does not matter what country she is from you plebs!
The idea is that women just bend over to immigrants and vote for more immigrants.
wow she takes that dick like a champ, doesn't even blink. is his dick tiny or is the roastie walking around with a hallway snatch, ever the mystery
She is mocking her native nordic men. Thats the price for being a cuck. In eastern Europe both of them would get most probably beaten.
Oh yea, she has fucked lots of guys before him. No question of about