Sup Forums will defend this
>immigrant meme again
you can't be an immigrant if no country is established.
they were called "settlers", not "immigrants".
tribes are not nations.
Conqueror's aren't immigrants
>giving a shit about the lives of inferior people
Best thing to happen to the Indian was the arrival of the white man.
Indians were stone age nomads.
So what is their response if you agree with this and then explain that this is why we need to cut immigration? Or are we calling it cultural enrichment now?
Also, Context is missed.
You can judge the American people of 300 years ago against by your culture and lifestyle of today. You sit in your chair on your fat ass, drinking drugged up high fructose corn syrup, chomping down on mashed corn chips, and say white people were bad because they displaced a bunch of low IQ stone age nomads.
Their choice was to displace a few low IQ indians, or watch their children starve to death.
It was an easy choice to see which way was the future of humanity.
America wasn't a Nation, engines fought each other over tiny plots of land and then would leave that land to go elsewhere to hunt buffalo. They were too fucking stupid to come together and form a Nation, hell, look at the fucking natives on reservations now, they barely know how fucking 80s tech works
implying indians werent raping other tribes when they were.
Where are the natives now? Or are liberals owning up to white genocide being real?
Dumbshits, this actually supports our argument, just look at what happened to the Indians. Do we want to repeat their mistake?
and therefore they were completely right with destroying indigenous culture?
well maybe i got to write an own amendment then that states that this piece of paper surpasses all other pieces of paper and therefore i can do whatever the fuck i want with no backlashes at all. american logic 101
what was the name of the country they immigrated into
They just prove his point
they brought a lot of destruction onto themselves
The tribe of Chief Spreading Bull remembers.
It was directed towards Europeans you dumb as maple pancake.
So why do you want more of it, natives?
You can thank the jews, not whites
>implying native americans had a society to immigrate to
kys you brainlet
sage bait
How can you commit crimes in a nation with no laws? :^)
Yeah, that's literally our argument.
Yes, the destruction of a population is tragic, which is why we're ensuring it doesn't happen again.
You can't be illegal if there is no immigration law to break
He's technically right though since we we were the ones responsible for bringing niggers over.
Nice guns, fuckers! Wonder where they got those?!
>choosing a pic of already uplifted natives with rifles and proper clothes
really makes me think
Taiwan took the words out of my mouth.
Why do Indians still think this was there land when they were originally japs that migrated from navigating the ice flows. Fuck off everyone on this side was migrants unless it was the Clovis pepole or the giants who actually lived here from day one.
Wait so they do agree uncontrolled immigration from foreign cultures is a detriment to the local populace, then argue that we should have uncontrolled immigration?
that's what the muslims moving to europa are saying.
damn native americans had rifles? very impressive.
>and therefore they were completely right with destroying indigenous culture?
Yes. They weren't a formal nation so Europeans and "native" Americans fought for the land. Europeans won.
>Natives allow many European settlers into NA, even teach them how to farm and hunt local flora and fauna
>Trade with the European immigrants and even intermarry with them
>European Immigrants push the Natives further west, get them hooked on firewater, kill/rape with abandon and generally act like shitheads
>Leftists think we should allow a new wave of even more regressive immigrants into the country
History repeats
cultural appropriation.
basically tee-pee niggers.
Look where open boarders got them you dumb fuck, also op is a faggot
>Implying savage Native Americans didn't kill, sack and rape one another long before "da white man" came along.