/ceg/ Chilean Election General

What does Sup Forums think and who is Sup Forums gonna root for when they start in november 19 2017?
Here's the candidates:
Piñera - CHV (Chile let's go)
Guiller - NM (New mayority)
Sanchez - FA (Broad Front)
Kast - Independent
Goic - PDC (Christian Democracy)
Ominami (Some call him MEO) - PRO (Progresive party)
Navarro - P (Country)
Artés - UPA (Patriotic union)

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Quick rundown on them:
Piñera is right wing and basically pinochet with no helicopters, too bad he likes nigger inmigrants
Guiller is leftist, he's basically allende but with food
Sanchez wants equality for women, communism and cancer, into the trash it goes
KKKast hates niggers and is full ancap Pinochet, but he has nearly no votes
Goic, another commie
MEO, a progresive leftist who never gets votes
Navarro, no votes, socialist
Artés, young fidel castro

So, accordint to this the good options are Piñera and Kast
I heard Piñera was corrupt so does Kast have any chances or is he just meme tier candidate?

Why do South American countries always have like one or two right wing parties and then a dozen or so socialist bullshit parties?

Kast is the best option, he hates niggers, talks about what everyone wants without caring for the offended and wants to stop the mass inmigration from Haiti
This is how it has always worked here, these are the second general election

because every single leftie "intellectual" thinks he and only he has knows how to apply real socialism and everyone else is just traitor scum working for the US.
One creates a party with like 20 people and never gets votes, then one of this 20 has a slightly different idea of the left and the party splits, repeat forever until every leftie is a political party of 1 person

Any chance non commies win?

The only chance the commies have is the fat sjw meme candidate Memetriz Sanchez, but knowing this, Piñera is gonna win anyways

fun fact, Kast also wants to build a wall, between Chile and Bolivia

>Now those faggots will not get sea anytime soon

we aldready have the mountains though

They always talk like "the people" even care about them. And never get past 5% of votes.
Only populist socialists that promise lots of gibs win, actual Marxist have spent the last 50 years trying to explain "logically" why do the working class of Southamerica (or Argentina for this case I know) does not like them.
Of course they just can't assume responsibility, like any commie, and blame it to evil right wing brainwashing.....but the right wing literally never holds power here.

Jesus, how many flavors of communism do you need?

user, I...

Thank fuck there are a lot of leftist parties, they will end up fighting each other and splitting the votes. They really want that Jew money.
We will have a right wing government.

wait what? also what happened to those landmines pinochet added? are they still there?

Is Chile Vamos actually right wing or cuckservative



yeah but if piñera wins we're still fucked

Bolivian winter happened.
Chile never kept track of those mines. Now, after so many bolivian winters, they changed positions and we don't know where they are.

are they far underground or could i still activate one by crossing the border area

They were never deep underground, so you can still activate them. There are fewer than before though, we've managed to deactivate around 80% of them. However, there are still nearly 26000 active mines.

Shit, this was meant for you:

Christ ,Assume they are pretty deep out where no civvies go then


Civies? no.
Illegal immigrants and drug dealers? yes.