Make it stop MAKE IT STOP
Make it stop MAKE IT STOP
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that guy is so obvi gay
There's something off about the way her boyfriend looks
>trans """"""""""""""""""""girl""""""""""""""""""""
That tranny looks better than most girls I know
Strange times we live in.
Of course. What normal guy would want to be in a relationship with a tranny?
he's a complete degenerate
I can only imagine the shame of that man's father
I'm a chick dating a tranny irl and I just came here to see if you guys were bragging about lighting my state on fire.
Carry on, gentlemen!
most girls you know haven't had 20 cosmetic surgeries.
I don't get all this trans thing.
Does it has vagina or a dick?
Sorry, I rarely see degenerates and not fluent in degenerate culture.
beta orbiters give this faggot 2200 a month.
Literally why? Fuck capitalism
Whats the attraction to dating a tranny if you're a woman?
shoulder and chest area is too masc
I think Blair White is pretty cool, she is redpilled and against most of degeneracy of the left
>trans girl
If you are real girl you would not have ''trans'' next to it.
More like dating a faggot with penis who LARP as girl
Yeah, he just wanted to live out his tranny fetish but it seems Blaire wants to marry him.
Nothing like growing old with an old tranny and adopted children
id' fuck her
maybe getting under the knife isn't such a bad idea after all
sarina valentina
Because society is addicted to sex
She has a dick
See thats what I like about them. I don't want one that passes 100%, I like the masculine features in an overall feminine package.
The fuck is he wearing? Why the fuck do you faggots keep giving him attention?
To piss your parents off.
It probably results in less black eyes than the more traditional nigger drug dealer parental payback.
What's "trans" about her?
Bunch of hormone pills and makeup?
That and boobs, she also had facial feminization surgery
Fuck off you deluded cunt
You faggots should all be ashamed of yourselves for constantly shilling for him on this board. Everyone that supported him should unironically kill themselves.
I'd fuck it.*
Bifag here - he's bi. A lot of right-wing androphile or bi guys have that look, like Jack Donovan or M.J. Aurini.
Also Blaire is a qt3.14.
You see my friend, transSEXUAL and transGENDER are two different things.
Blaire, who is very cute with specific camera angles :), is a conservative transGENDER woman with a normal boyfriend like another other conservative girl.
As many fem features as possible is best,
Its the aspect of dominating a man who has become completely feminine and submissive thats the appeal, not the big hands or adams apple.
Why would someone stay with a post op tranny? What's the fucking point.
Anti-traps is best traps.
She didn't get rid of her dick
sam hyde fucks trannys
>joey, as a straight male, what do you tell people when they ask you about your gf having a dick?
Lol so does Blaire and his bf blow a load at the same time? I'd probably fuck Blaire if it meant no one would ever know
The point is the tranny tricking actual straight guys into relationships until is too late
Blaire isn't post-OP. I'm sure her straight boyfriend still gets to enjoy frotting with her feminine penis.
Interesting how he looks wierder than the man who feels he was born the wrong gender. Hope you don't look like this creep
Except for the worst degeneracy of all, TRAP'S! Most of what the left says I can deal with or just ignore but the acceptance of trap's and the idea that we can choose our gender is just insane to me. And trying to convince children that it is perfectly normal behavior is fucking disgusting.
Any man that starts dating a woman without getting his hands down there first is asking for it
Blair fucked up when he got addicted to cosmetic surgery. Prior to that he was a cute femmy twink who looked smoking hot in a litttle black dress and good camera angles on his makeup. Would have totally held his hand in public on a dinner date back then.
Now his mental illness is too apparent. Ditto his slutwear. You don't take a sextoy on a romantic evening to the theatre. Cease and desist, cute boipussis of Sup Forums. Don't fuck yourselves up, enjoy rp-ing as the gf while your youth lasts, and then transform into handsome young man who wears wool suits when you can no longer carry it off. No amount of self mutilation can hold back time. Plus, we like your dick, keep it handy.
Latex and traps. The true white mans fetishs
gas yourself unironically
Some are really passable because they started their treatment early, I doubt you can tell the difference even after fucking the fake pussy
The fact that tranny lovers hate post op trannies proves to me they like DICK, which makes you GAY. Ok so you like fucking it in the ass too, but obviously you love dick more.
>wants it to stop
>posts links so everyone can watch it, spread it and support it
Listen very carefully...
...Kill yourself
First of all, it's called a feminine penis or a boiclit, not a dick, so Joey is straight.
have you seen MTF pussies? pus and blood oozing gashes that grow hair on the inside and need constant dilating
kitty is fucking hot, this is definitely the best pic of her.
Nah only if the balls touch
too much plastic surgery
they both look like perverted homophiles
>Dating a chubby pale dude who thinks he's a girl
Why are you fags calling him a female.
I call it what it looks like to me.
You need to avoid family reunions and go out in public
I guess but where I am I highly doubt I'd ever find a passable one that would fool me. I bet they give great emotionally broken blow jobs, I'd probably let that be as far as I went with one since I haven't gotten laid in so long with a real woman.
White women are unfeminine pieces of trash.
You could date them, or instead you could date something SO FEMININE that they literally change their gender because they so badly waant to be feminine.
Because I know it will get me (You)'s
I want to kill myself
i will never be as happy as that little lad
It's time OP.
No its a he and he cut off his peen
Allegedly with very little evidence other than a /lgbt/ user that is most likely larping
I hate this fucking disgusting piece of human feces, get me the rope ill help you hang him
I watched Blaire's livestream just the other day and she said she will never cut off her dick