So, Sup Forums what are your thoughts on jew shapiro?

so, Sup Forums what are your thoughts on jew shapiro?

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Easily the greatest conservative of our time.

stock cuckservative who spews ideological dogma.

he's a cool guy

t.another jew, just passing by

if that's the greatest conservative then rip conservatism.

A mensch

He talks fast with lots of words. But his words contain very little solid content. In my opinion he just talks fast to sound smart, so people can't actually analyze the bullshit he is really spreading.

neocon shit that cringepol likes cuz he's against "muh sjws"

Probably my favourite Jew, followed by Yaron Brook

Complete shill who was fired when he made up a story about Trumps campaign manager attacking a women

Neocon midget never trump piece of trash.

>personal responsibility and limited government

(((Israel first neocon antiwhite never trump midget)))

implying repubcucks even want that shit

I like that video where he's eating the in and out burger but someone edited it with a bunch of niggers fighting and two of them get hit with cars.

He's good for starting normies down the red pill path.

Thats literally what conservatism is

He's a Rabbinical fake ass jew.

Where you real Torah jews at?

Intelligent and able to think on his feet while clearly and effectively communicating conservative principles.
>muh jooos
Kys, Nazi larpers

Naive hypocrite

Good at shutting down SJW's. Not saying much.

Lied about Michelle Fields being """assaulted""" because he wanted his wee wee touched by her and it didn't even work.

Israel-first, race denialist, trad-con neo-con fuckface.

>World Cup 2018
top kek

Most Republicans are not Conservative.

This is why the "Alt-Right" i.e super-paleo-conservative with a touch of schizophrenia, has grown. Conservatives failed and lost the culture and politics handily and pretty easily. Now we have Neo-Cons in their stead.

I'm surprised he even acknowledges the Talmud, let alone reads from it sometimes on his show, considering the pure venom in that shit regarding non-Jews. Which of course he never acknowledges.

I'd love to see Lil' Benny vs Nick Fuentes on Israel

>Now we have Neo-Cons in their stead.
What do you mean, "Now?" They've been mainstream since the mid-60s.

Talmud is absolutely trash. It's unfortunate modern day "jews" are so easily deceived, 99% of them believe the Talmud over the Tanakh (Old Testament). They are not even remotely alike in theology and ethics.

>They've been mainstream since the mid-60s

Yeah and now is now, jesus fuck stop splitting hairs I didn't say it just happened 5 minutes ago.

The amount of neoliberals on this board gives me ze schwarze Pille

president shapiro 2024

he's an autist who's straying libertardians and other (((CivNats))) away from 14 and 88 red pills

Torah has its own anti-anything other than Jews bullshit, but yeah it's much lighter than the Talmud.

I'm surprised by how common anti-Jew sentiment is where I am (Illinois). I know people who work at a grocery store in a town with a high Jew population, and they're shocked by how rude, deceitful, and avaricious they are. Buy the most expensive cut of meat, bring the bones back, demand full refund. And they get it, because the managers are pussies and visibly afraid of these parasites. They think that everyone is supposed to know the ins and outs of their "culture" and customs. Do they give a fuck about anyone elses? No.

Local restaurants too: Jews come in, eat half to two-thirds of the food on the plate, send it back and demand full refund.

I see another shoah on the horizon.

Why? Jews already run shit. They don't even need one as a figurehead.


Is a good voice for capitalism. You can hate on the fact he's a Jew, but at least he's not a Jew trying to force you into a Marxist nightmare

hes got a sharp mind

unless youre an edgy teenager it's hard not to like this guy

fewer whites are larping these days

we current have the first jew POTUS, so why have another?

The alt-right isnt conservative, its leftism with the favoured races and sexualities switched.

Not a fan. He pretends race doesn't matter--only culture--and also promotes a half-baked economic theory that will only help the rich.

He's good on BLM I guess. But that's a second-order issue. His goal is to tame budding race-realists into Constitutional Conservatives.

He's /ourjew

>free markets only help the rich, the gubmint must share the wealth!
Fuck off commie
>implying race and culture are genetically linked
No. Any ethnicity can learn to git gud if they arent irreparably, physically damaged by their current culture (inbreeding etc)

I agree, these Talmudic Jews are purely materialistic. They teach its ok to swindle goyim, to lie to goyim, to basically treat non-Talmudic's as animals (thats actually in the Talmud).

Torah doesn't teach any of this. You supposed to be honest in all your dealings and use correct weights in your financial transactions, meaning be fair don't overcharge people wether jews or non-jews. The God of the Torah only allowed Israelites to fight when their survival of a nation was at stake. I know some verses seem harsh like God commanding the Israelites to commit genocide against a people, but if they didn't they'd come back with a vengeance to try to wipe them out. God was trying to use the ancient Israelites as a light to the rest of the nations of a correctly functioning society without sexual deviancy, child sacrifice, and senseless killing.


>le same thing maymay

Alternative Right is not Leftist, though it has some Socialists in its ranks.

Triple H broke it down well

I personally think it's part of a Bolshevik divide and conquer plan, considering Spencer's ties to certain people, but whatever.

His economics are pretty solid. Favors a new gold standard too.

As for race, the idea that expression of collective racial populations...has nothing at all to do with biological reality is absurd.

Jewish neoconservatives readily accept a radically individualistic society in which Jews would be expected to become economically, politically, and culturally dominant while having minimal allegiance to the lower (disproportionately gentile) social classes. Such a society is likely to result in extreme social pressures as the responsible lower middle classes are placed in an increasingly precarious economic and political situation. As in the case of the intellectual activity of the Frankfurt School, the Jewish neoconservative prescription for the society as a whole is radically opposed to the strategy for the ingroup. Traditional Judaism, and to a considerable extent contemporary Judaism, obtained its strength not only from its intellectual and entrepreneurial elite but also from the unshakable allegiance of responsible, hard-working, lower-status Jews of lesser talent whom they patronized. And it must be stressed here that historically, the popular movements that have attempted to restore this prototypical Western state of hierarchic harmony, in opposition to the exploitation of individualistic elites and the divisiveness of intergroup conflict, have often had intensely anti-Semitic overtones

Lots of overlap between Islam and Judaism regarding treatment of the out-group.

To me he's very bright but his views on Israel are one of the things I hate about Jews.

Same could be said of Christianity and Catholicism, but all of these groups have updated their religions for the modern civilised world, the only one lagging behind and showing no signs of progress is Islam.

A zionist neo cuck that (((they))) are trying to normalize as our guy.

P.S all these Shapiro threads on the frontpage are part of some Zionist shilling operation, probably from the goons at the Zionist Organization for America.

But nah, don't listen to me, he's the cool juden goys, he such great debaters, so insightful, not mouth piecing old neocuck views at all with barely moderate levels of charisma.

I think it's normal to have in-groups and out-groups. That's where we are disagreeing. It's just how you treat the in-group and out-group that is bothersome to me.

They maintain their own evolutionary strategy and in-group preference while undermining everyone else's. I have come to believe that some of them do want a world of racially ambiguous cappuccino toned people of lower average IQ than ever before to replace Whites and Asians, thereby making the Jews themselves the most intelligent race overall.

Judaism is still savage, they're just smart enough to get others to blow themselves up for their own benefit.

Yup. The Culture of Critique is a real eye-opener because majority of these dots are not something you would easily come to connect
>As Horowitz (1993, 86) notes, High levels of cultural fragmentation coupled with religious options are likely to find relatively benign forms of anti-Semitism coupled with a stable Jewish condition. Presumed Jewish cleverness or brilliance readily emerges under such pluralistic conditions, and such cleverness readily dissolves with equal suddenness under politically monistic or totalitarian conditions.

>I think it's normal to have in-groups and out-groups

No shit.

>It's just how you treat the in-group and out-group that is bothersome to me.

Jews treat the out-group like shit.

He's the rebranding of Zionism for the youth. "Look goy...I mean GUYS, he's making fools of SJW's!!! He's so sharp! He's also a Jew! Hey, have you heard about the poor Israelis being attacked 24/7 by those Palestinians that we disarmed decades ago and now subjugate because the land they're living on was given to our distant common ancestor by a deity in a real estate deal? That's right, ancient prophecies are now shaping foreign policy! It's called ZIONISM! Sign up today!!!"

Holy fuck. I can't wait until a Nick Fuentes or Molyneux pushes his shit in.

he's a typical nerd who was bullied as a kid and now vents this frustration by attacking easy targets like trannies and sjws

I'm not saying I disagree with what he says but he's a little irritating dweeb

Its like he lurks here. How does he know us so well

he's a stupid kike that spams his shit all over like a stupid subhuman kike

he also hates america and is a virgin


rabbis pay their retarded cult followers shekels to go home after work and spam the internet with jew shilling

rabbi even provides the tablet to spam from

jews are evil

Hate him more then the liberals.

>how does he know me so well


The idea that this place is all losers screaming cuck and racial epithets is an ad hominem lobbed at anonymous people, which doesn't even make sense to do.

>The alt-right isnt conservative
Not entirely no. But why would they be? Has it not proved to be a failing model?

>its leftism with the favoured races and sexualities switched
No it is not. This sounds like radical centrist claptrap. The "alt-right", and similar dissentient right-wing movements stand for things which were considered perfectly sane and normal a hundred years ago. The radical left, and increasingly the general left, stands for principles which are totally inimical to a healthy, sane, stable civilisation.

The alt-right are not left-wingers.

OK, fine, some elements of the alt-right are sympathetic to various degrees of socialism but only within the context of nationalism. But on the whole, the alt-right generally stands against almost all forms of egalitarianism, and if opposition to equality doesn't qualify for right-wing, I don't know what does.

I'm sorry but saying that the alt-right are just leftists with the races and genders switched is incredibly void of nuance.

Got a link?

haha love this based routine, how does he dare to go after those leftists

His stance is Israel first so he can go fuck himself.

he's a shifty kike but he's definitely smart, the "talking fast" takedown doesn't work when the vast majority of a person's work is written. he's a syndicated columnist with a half dozen books

>ywn have toddler Benny in your lap as you read him stories
>toddler Benny will fall asleep in your arms

idk, i like him
i've not watched much of his stuff but from what i've seen he makes a lot of sense

*will never fall asleep in your arms

>I'm not saying I disagree with what he says but he's a little irritating dweeb
This. His views are mostly fine (if you ignore the seething rage he has towards white nationalists). But on the whole, his views are pretty...bland. They aren't new or exciting. They are the type of views that most people would have went along with 40 or 50 years ago. Again, he's mostly correct but it most certainly is not strong enough against the left-wing that we now face.

Amazing at debating.

>mothers basement rip

I like him. He is quite smart even though he doesn't support Trump.

He loves projection and thinks religion as a valid reason for his opinions. He's smart when it comes to shitting sjw's but other that he's very irrational and loves to use his opinions as facts.


Implying smart people should support Trump. Ha.

>a jew supports jews
Who would have guessed. And at most he's a civic nationalist, not explicity anti-white. Civic nationalists just don't care about white people becoming minorities, they don't actively fuel their demise like some do. Though you could argue they indirectly fuel it.

Quintessential controlled opposition. He is a neo-conservative, which was a group of jews who infiltrated the Republican party in the 80's and have dominated Rep' and Dem' foreign policy since.

Don't be fooled by his seemingly right wing views. Although he REKT many feminists and PWNT tranny bathrooms, when it comes to issues that actually matter, he is definitely not /ourguy/. Pic very related.

There are no good jews.

He is a manlet and he hates us for calling him up for what he is. Just like any other jew.

>seemingly right wing views.
>being right wing isn't about individualism and free markets, its about hating blacks and da jooz!
>unironically basing your understanding of political leanings on what leftist media says

>I don't care about the browning of America
>even though it would mean de facto one party Democrat nation

>Implying individualism and capitalism are inextricably right wing

Individualism has led to the abandonment of our traditional values and left us dominated by other more cohesive groups. Explain to me how this is right wing.

This. When one group is busy being an atomized egalitarian individualist fag, and the others are embracing their in-group biases and tribalism, the atomized group will be destroyed shortly.

On that note, fuck Jordan Peterson too.

He certianly doesn't care about the "browning" of his children.

Yes, fuck Jordan Peterson.
Kek. I say we gas both of those faggots

As an altjew, I commend his fight against leftism but he’s blue pilled on race and the jq. A part of me wants to believe hat he’s actually redpilled and doesnt show it but he really does just seem like a cuckservative who’s good at trolling the left.
I don’t know why he’s in America though, I get it, he loves the constitution yadeyade but gtfo and move to Israel, Israel needs people like him and living next to hostiles will red pill this nigga.

I’ll give him a 4/10, entertaining to watch, triggers lefties, but too bluepilled on some key issues like race.

Pick one
Its right wing because that's what american conservatism is. You cant just pretend your collectivist views are right-wing in an attempt to avoid the shameful label of left-wing.