People on this board unironically think Marxism is a real thing in America

>People on this board unironically think Marxism is a real thing in America
>People on this board unironically think Donald Trump was democratically elected
>People on this board unironically think Communism has ever been tried
>People on this board unironically think Russia didn't interfere with the election
>People on this board unironically think Mao killed 100 million people
>People on this board unironically think Trump isn't a facist
>People on this board unironically think Bernie Sanders was a communist
>People on this board unironically think Donald Trump will Make America Great Again
>People on this board unironically think people of color are the source of America's problems
>People on this board unironically think corporations are people

Other urls found in this thread:



>OP unironically believes you can cremate a corpse in 10 minutes

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

Traps are gay
saged shitty bait material

>People on this board unironically think Donald Trump was democratically elected

I do "unironically" think that. What is your take on the subject.


>It obviously is
>We're a Republic retard
>Tried failed and repeated
>Facebook ads from Russia don't compare to Mexico's 11m citizens being encouraged to vote by a sitting president
>Retarded Commies did kill millions through collectivization schemes that starved their own people
>If only
>He is
>Per Capita crime stats prove that point
>Retarded strawman

Donald Trump was "elected" by a massively outdated and historically racist electoral college system. He was not the candidate we voted into office.
>Thinking they cremated one at a time

>Deviant art photo
Stopped reading there.



>He posts generate animate crap and expects to be welcome in a national socialist society

>this quality of bait

cat has only one purpose

>unironically think corporations are people


but corporations are people

i agree with all but the last--jews aren't people

>Thinking they cremated one a time

Actually if you watch the video you'll see they claim they cremated 3-4 bodies at a time at it only took 30-40 minutes (ie each body took just 10 minutes)

This is scientifically impossible.


Pinkos make stormniggers seem perfectly resonable

PEOPLE are corporations

Anime will save the West.


Yes on all counts

jesus leftist faggots can't make a meme without a fucking text? don't tell me how i need to think or feel, you scum.