how do we get white couples to start having more babies?
white birth rates need to improve fast!
How do we get white couples to start having more babies?
Other urls found in this thread:
Generation Identity requires pure European DNA to be allowed to join
Apparently their leaders can fuck mutts without being called out for
Petibone is a slut that fucked most of alt right male celebs, she also might have had an affair with Lauren Southern
The alt right is a Jewish ploy
This. They're the biggest hypocrites ever
And Pettibone is a notorious roastie. Why would any self respecting man want to date a past prime (22+) roastie?
There just simply isnt anything in it for white men anymore.
Sort the fucking women out first if you want to fix the white race.
>Petibone is a slut that fucked most of alt right male celebs, she also might have had an affair with Lauren Southern
>The alt right is a Jewish ploy
You shills are persistent in your lying, I'll give you that.
Here we have two cowards who hide their flag making spurious claims trying to character assassinate right-wing people. I wonder what motivates them. I wonder what their noses look like.
Meme kids as the ultimate status symbol.
Brittany has almost perfect features desu.
He dosen't look white.
Daily reminder that Martin "The Manlet" Sellner is 5'6" or shorter based on photo comparisons between him and Lauren Southern.
start treating your women better dumbass
Also, just wanted to point out his autism shoes.
I report for the Lauren Defense Force am I in right bread finboss? I pay patreon to you but almost never get told where we meet up after we finish our tasks. Makes Sven sad desu.
Never, stop deluding yourself. Normies won't do it whereas Ahmed and his mates will be popping out 4-5. Can't blame people for not wanting kids these days. Too expensive, roasties everywhere and vidya is better.
So he's a manlet yet he still manages to head one of the most successful Identitarian movements in Europe and bag a woman like Pettibone? Impressive. Doesn't it make you look even worse when a manlet achieves so much more than you?
when will you stop being a beta orbiter?
Thin-dicked commie delet this. They are saints and angels all, only Goldie has had a bit of a history and that is fine.
We need as many anti-shills as possible with the rate of threads we've seen the past few days. ZOG is going all out with their new favorite narrative.
lol he dosen't look like an alpine at all, more like an Turk or Mediterranean.
Not an argument.
he has a (((nose)))
That's kind of a good shop that lol
Women have fucked everything up by pursuing careers. Labor surplus, wages go down, now both men and women have to work. Women realize career pursuits are hollow and jobs really only exist only to support families. The guys are either cucked or too fucking stupid realize this. Women in their 40s go into emergency fuck mode and its either too late or they have kids with deformities. Need to have 4 kids to offset these dumb bitches.
nice work Selner
is it official?
He is very Jewish looking.
is this a Warmaster figurine?
Sellner is not white
Sellner used to run with neo-Nazis like this guy who went to jail for "reviving Nazism" when he was younger.
The notion that he is jewish is the most laughable accusation yet.
Austrians are not white
We are past that point now, birthrates will not fix anything.
>a wild shill appears
Why do you hide your flag Shlomo?
Meme flags are not genuine posters
Its simple.
Men need to grow up and start taking responsibility. Yes, i know relationships and marriage are unfair and biased towards women, but you have to judge character better and pursue conservative and traditional White women.
Men need to stop consuming slut culture and show some back bone and resistance a fucking roasty's attempts at banging them.
In short, White men need to find the right White women and get the job done. We need to take the lead again and stop letting White women take the lead, for we all know how shit White women can be nowadays, you just have to fine the right now.
And lastly, get the fuck out of liberal states/countries. These areas are crawling with liberal, degenerate White women that have no respect for their men, culture and history.
Man up White men! Lets take control and find the right White women and pump out some babies, do it for the children!
Are you saying guys DON'T masturbate to her? Is she lying?
>mixed with slavs, balkan trash and italians
Austrians are mulattoes
Find a woman that's willing to fuck this.
Is this guy like 5'6?
Or this.
In a sensible world that would be the blue haired landwhales.
This guy just screams procreation
who could masturbate to that retarded face
>past prime (22+)
Permavirgin incel identified.
Theyre going out? Let them have a couple of years after they marry before they have kids
Looks like you are trying to justify your unhealthy interest in girls who just had their first period, pedo.
you're an internet meme
The fuck? Why did he piss himself?
Give tax incentives to only white couples.
>i literally don't understand history: the post
What is this haircut called on the guy?
Der Jude
it's a photo taken after he had a fist fight with some leftists in a metro station in Vienna. he says it's the coloring of the jeans
>slanted forehead
>hooded eyes
>hook nose
No goyim hes totally white!
Do you actually expect anyone to buy this? How dumb do you think people on here are? Be honest.
The amount of shills itt is telling.
What time is it in tel aviv?
You should be asking yourself the same thing, im not the one standing up for an obvious kike.
you might be the one with autism. he dresses bad, but those are normalfag kicks
Reminder that this is how stupid these people think you are. They think people on Sup Forums will believe any line of bullshit without evidence.
I'm half Jewish and half white. What do you guys want from me? I'm ok with either reproducing or just dying off
Im sorry, but youre the one with zero evidence, i gave three obvious points, make that four, his name rises suspicion as well.
Not to mention my jewdar.
But no, you have no points, thats why you resort to insulting me.
>how do we get white couples to start having more babies?
all we need to do is make people use our sperm more. this can be done by selectively breeding ourselves into super humans with super sperm.
>Get them to be less selfish.
>Get them to focus on future generations.
>Get them to believe in higher principles.
>Get them to care about the white race.
>Get them to care about the future of the white race.
>Get them to life for a cause higher than their personal daily experiences.
A damn near impossible task. So stop trying to fix everyone else and start doing good with your own life. Are you married? How many kids do you have?
Reminder that this poster claimed the man in pic related looks like an obvious jew. This is how stupid these people think you are. They think you're lower than dirt.
Ive seen better looking jews.
Continue insulting me, youre weakening your argument.
And a reminder for you kike, no one is paying any attention to what you say.
Every “white” group thats popped up has been started by kike lovers, or a kike.
make it illegal to have sex for and other reason but procreation. rightwing nutjobs shouldn't have any problem with that
>don't trust any white movements goy, they're bad for you!
Thanks for the warning Rabbi
trump is working on banning abortion, maybe you could start raping women
question for you op, why do you want other people to have kids?
>taking everything i say out of context
sure im the kike
who do you think youre fooling?
Hahah, must be a reddit faggot
>everyone that disagrees with me is a kike shill cuck!
>why doesnt he worship the same e-celebs as me! Must be a jew
how many kids do you have?
You just said every white movement is run by jews or jew lovers. How is that not the same as saying to avoid all white movements? Unless you like jews.
how about huge baby bonus checks?
>trust me goyim! This ones legit!
How is it? Why not start your own smaller movement then merge with another around your proximity till you grow state/nationwide.
Rather than joining some random group that you dont even know the leader personally, only through social media.
If you actually cared about the white race, thats what you would do, is start locally.
tough problem. how do you get people you don't give a shit about to take on the extra burden of having kids they can't afford to fulfill your insane fantasies?
This is a total non sequitur. What I do in Finland has no bearing on the internal politics of Austria/France/Germany/Belgium. That's what we're talking about, Generation Identity. An organization that you're slandering based on nothing. Your behavior is identical to the behavior explained by the JIDF agent here
not really. Austrians are Central European so they have darker hair than Northern Europeans.
not really. Austrians are Central European so they have darker hair than Northern Europeans.
And your not?
All youre doing is slandering me, rather than refuting what i state.
Like i said
>he doesnt agree with me, must be a shareblue cuck shill
Unlike you eurofags i have the right to question whatever i like, i know youve never had that privilege, all im asking is what evidence of this man proves hes 100% european.
Thats not a picture of his mug.
>well he started the organization so he must be truly european
what kind of history? gimme a quick run-down pol
I like their big boobs in this cartoon
You're the one making extraordinary claims, you're the one who needs to provide extraordinary evidence.
>black hair
Sellner is not white, dear shills
I guess Adolf wasn't white either.
how to spot an infiltrator - they refer to themselves as "alt -right" (the alternative of right is what kids? That's right. Left.) Don't be a tool. Get the fuck out of school.
Sh is pretty hot bro, do you blamed based stick man for going after her, his wife is a fucking gook.Go back to tumbler share blue faggot.