can we stop making an enemy out of everyone who isnt white? asian woman are a blessing, we just want niggers gone. We should except harmless blacks like Ben Carson though. We just dont want trouble makers.
Can we stop making an enemy out of everyone who isnt white? asian woman are a blessing, we just want niggers gone...
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Fuck off and die
Yellow fever fags are worse than coal burners.
>t. fbi
Asians are worse than niggers because they pose more of a threat to Aryandom. You fucking yellow fever dork.
ugh now I hate Nazis
>We should except harmless blacks like Ben Carson though.
haha le BASED black man!
Try living with a bunch of spics and riding a bus packed with gook who don't speak english and then tell us how u feel.
Why do yellow feverists always post the ugliest Asian women in these slide threads?
Theres a reason that the most "beautiful" models in Asia and kirea have larger "white" style eyes. Even they accept that we look better.
Ben Carson isn't a nigger. He's a civilized person. We only want niggers gone. White niggers, black niggers, but only the niggers.
>making an enemy
Who's doing that unironically?
I don't give a fuck about other races, so long as they are not in my country. My main enemy, and much of Sup Forums's main enemy are cuck white race traitors. Blacks will be blacks. Arabs will be Arabs. Pajeets will be pajeets. Can't fault them for that. But I can fault whites for wanting the acceptance of anyone other than other whites. Those folks are the only ones that deserve the oven.
Nazis are so intolerant. That is why their Reich fell. Can't be like the Romans.
furthermore, you have to question your stock when 1/3 of you guys are overweight and doing drugs. White people are a mess
Hitler was the biggest weeb of all time
Yes, in 2017, we've evolved. Everybody can be a nigger now. Its funny to see people's faces when "nigger" is said out loud. Of course we are talking about all niggers, white, black, asian, or whatever.
>he still doesn't know
lol no
would you rather live in a street that is 40% asian, or 40% black?
I agree with you, you can be a nigger, a muslim or whatever but if you don't make troubles and live like a white guy you have your place in my country.
How can you not yet have grasped the obvious: that hapas are the true master race? It was never the Aryan or the Han... it was the latent potential in the genes of white and yellow, a potential that can only be fully realized when mixed together in the Hapa.
>t. nigger
while you're at it
/pol loves Mexicans!
Asian women are the superior women.
Both are equally retarded.
I'd rather see someone with yellow fever hang around and raise their child than another single mom coal burner with 4 mixed babies living off welfare.
This and only this.
>implying yellow fever fags can even raise their kids
Id rather live in front of a poor yet hardworking Japanese family instead of a whitetrash like where the Irish alcoholic husband hits and shouts her wife on a daily basis
nice try shlomo
I believe Hitler would have supported merging the white and asian races, niggers are shit and need to be cleansed from the earth