Did Sup Forums like Blade Runner 2049? How would things like replicants and AI girlfriends effect society in the future?
Did Sup Forums like Blade Runner 2049? How would things like replicants and AI girlfriends effect society in the future?
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I thought it was fantastic. Every scene could could be wall art, the characters were deep and rich, the plot line was compelling and highly intellectual. About the only thing that sucked was Harrison Ford's costume.
This may be the only place left to find a woman willing to fulfill the true role of a woman. The movie foreshadows this dark possibility.
it made roasties butthurt but its still pedowood crap
I really liked it user.
>roastie begging to fuck Gosling
>doesn't because he's loyal to his hologram gf
Best world would be
-looks and AI from Joi
-replicant body and possible to breed babies like Rachel
and that flying car with the drone pretty cool too!
I love yo...
Bitch made it fucking personal.
Fucking loved it
Incredible movie. One of the best in years.
It could've been better, but still worth watching more than once.
The future in Blade Runner 2049 is straight depressive.
I want green fields, big families, christian culture, automated bots farming, collecting, seeding and dealing with security. I don't want gray megacities, synthetic love and bots revolting.
I want patriarchy and christianism strong, nationalism and collective idealism. There is no purpose in living in community, if you are to live in a bland uncaring super consumerist structure. We didn't gather together millions of years ago just to lose our souls.
i dont get it, is this part 2 to the movie Driver?
The film is very good, but not godly.
I really REALLY liked it.
Women getting obsolete is a superior option to let feminism go rampant. But it's not the optimal solution. Thats getting women back to the kitchen and making babies again. Patriarchy is the only natural path for humanity. Anything else is a moral abomination.
His RoastieBot didn't even loved him, she just 'told what he want to hear'.
Time to swallow the burgundy pill user. The future is almost guaranteed to be more "gray megacity" than "green fields". At least in most large population centers. As time goes on, you will probably have to live more and more away from most people to experience any kind of greenery, although environmentalism seems to be very important to both the right and the left, so there is a chance that actually much of the natural world will remain preserved, however not for living. For living you will have to live in a gray megacity, unless you want to forsake technology to a large extent. Although anything is possible really, its impossible to tell. It can go either way really. Our future is either extremely bright or downright black. Seems vague and obvious, but its what I really believe. We are either on the cusp of an unprecedented and nearly magical golden age, or on the verge of a hell of our own creation.
Technological advancement has rendered such a social organization almost impossible. In the past it made sense because most jobs were something women couldnt even do as well as men. In the automated future, you will have no success convincing anyone that women need to sit at home when there is no objective reason they cant engage in whatever activities society has available, or become educated, or something else. Its just a side effect of technological advancement. As much as I hate feminism and womens "liberation", I am forced to admit that the social organization of "man works, woman stays home" is simply outdated, from a purely technological standpoint, and not having anything to do with any kind of arbitrary "social progress". There is simply no way to create such a society without actively barring women from living even semi-free lives. Still there is no reason they can't regain their femininity and the role of motherhood to a large extent, but unless we go back to the stone age, there will never be such a hard distinction between genders again.
Blade runner was badass; No more forever alone.
Damn I want to see it but I don't want to go to the theaters alone, and there are surely no quality torrents of it yet
She didn't love him, she was a computer program designed to tell him what he wants to hear. I love this completely goes over the heads of waifufags
>ywn see traditional gender roles
>ywn see streets filled with children and lifelong married couples
>ywn see modest fashion and good manners
>ywn see a drug-free, patriotic and just society
You say "back to the stone age" like that would be a bad thing.
loved the 1982 one
2049 is abhorrent retarded pompous shit
actually added that fucktardry to the list of reasons why leafcucks must be exterminated
death to your whole degenerated species, you leaf abomination.
See I can't buy that. I might need to see the movie again, but I thought that earlier the waifu called the hooker to the apartment so that K could feel a body. To me it seemed that the program did attach to him.
Yeah it was designed to serve the owners needs. It figured out he liked that red headed whore so it hired her. Seems pretty inline with its function. We're probably only a few short years away from Amazon auto buying what we want for us
If society ever comes to the point where it looks like blade runner. 90% of the population will be on anti depressants and overall quality of life will be hell tier.
have you checked the torrents? I was going to try tonight.
If you made a movie about 2017 Los Angeles today in the 1940s people would have said the same thing. The thing is humans are very emotionally adaptable when it comes to survival. If that's just "how the world is" most would accept it like we do today
Thought it was terrible
To add to this point, look at fucking north Korea. With how expansive the internet is today with smartphones or what not those people HAVE TO KNOW by this point they're being held hostage, yet they still show up to their government mandated work.
You really shouldn't underestimate the amount of shit the average mouthbreather is willing to eat, moreso if they're not white. Why do you think the power that be are pushing for a racially mixed, lower IQ society?
It felt more like a piece of art than a movie. I wasn't really entertained but it felt like the point was to paint a picture of a world, and not go the usual movie-esque routes.
Only thing that has changed from then till now is more population and more technology. Really isnt a vast difference.
Now introduce the world of BR to LA? then you'll really see shit happen(negatively)
I watched it last weekend in 2D IMAX and it was a damn good sequel, provided that you can sit in the theater for three hours, but it's sad that it's not making big bucks in theaters, and it was released in correspondence to the Weinstein sex scandals. And this film triggered a ton of feminists.
Fun fact that you all should know: There's a black dude in this film who owns a child labor camp that is unironically named "Mister Cotton".
Love kills joy....really makes you think....
She was self-conscious enough to act like she's jealous of the hooker.
She made him delete her local copy so she wouldn't endanger him.
At some point you have to start wondering if it really matters whether her feelings are 'genuine' or just lines of code. God knows I can't tell with 3D women when they're being real.
how the fuck do you get into that car? go prone?
That's completely wrong. The politics and general attitude of society has changed drastically. Changing demographics, unhappy parts of society with shit like feminism and BLM chipping away at the foundation of modern advanced society, all that didn't exist in post WW2 America until the 60s.
It still kept a conventional 3 act structure into the narrative which I enjoyed. It had the potential to go completely up its own ass and ruin the film but they did a good job with that. The pacing could use work, sure, but on the other hand I feel that's kind of an aspect unique to these films.
Well yes, I was referring to aesthetics mostly in that post. Everything is dark and dreary, where most of your light comes from neon signs. constantly living in a dark concrete jungle like that will only bring a population down.
This whole thread fucking reeks of marketing
you get on your knees, like the leaf bullprepper who realised that insult of a movie to the 1982 one
Somehow the people of Beijing survive. I'm sure modern day LA doesn't look too nice in the bad parts of town at night either.
This may be the case, but my take away from the movie was that anybody of value on Earth has left planet for the outer worlds. They never show it outright, but I assumed the outer worlds may be more utopian, while (((they))) took over the lowest common denominator goyim on Earth with mega-capitalism and hedonism.
Also why the fuck is this on Sup Forums, take it to Sup Forums you faggots
delet this
What do you mean? It's a waste of money to go with people who will ruin your immersion. Alone is the ONLY way to go to the movies.
Luv was best girl
anybody can describe that scene who triggered sjw ? i dont have the attention span to watch a 2hour movie
Droning the shit out of people while getting her nails done was great.
lol implying bio-women aren't exactly the same but not as good at it.
pls giv bully gf
Stop making all burgers look stupid you stupid fuck.
Stop using technology
Luv was a badass in this film.
It was three hours.
And it wasn't a particular scene; it was the existence of Joi, who was K's AI girlfriend.
Because this is probably the most pol friendly movie of the past ten years.
It's a wonder it made it out the way it did considering todays politics.
I liked it overall, but it still had strong Marxist undertones which will become apparent in the next movie. I'm talking about how all the replicants are slaves created by evil corporations run by fucking white males and they have to organize to overthrow the evil humans.
>tfw no autistic superhuman strength gf
I enjoyed it, unsure if I prefer to the original or not.
Baseline test was scary, I imagine my sons being forced to undergo that in the future to look for signs of toxic masculinity and justify mandatory sex changes and reprogramming
Wow I just watched the 80s blade runner on kodi the other day, I had no idea there was a sequel coming out
How crazy to make a part 2 almost 4 decades later
Baseline is a type of Turing test to make sure you're not a robot. Similar to CAPTCHA.
If your future sons were ever forced to undergo that test it wouldn't be for "reprogramming". Rather, it is a test to make sure that they know WHO they are reprogramming.
>unsure if I prefer to the original or not
easy, then
you don't deserve one bit of the original, you worthless piece of niggering shit
>we are the resistance
scene scared me a little but luckily they didn't go that way
They feel threatened by JOI because she's a hologram but is a traditional housewife and makes K happy
You're talking about the test in the first movie.
In 2049 it's used to determine the emotional stability of replicants, that is to make sure they don't act too human.
Lots of cottage cheese looking SJWs bashing the actress taking on this role and her ancestry on social media too.
is the movie about the AI gf or is this just a 15 minute thing
I could imagine that Anarcho Primitivism could be more popular than ever in the techno-industrialist, postmodern, post-scarcity dystopia portrayed in Blade Runner
going to the theatre alone is the best way to watch this movie
There's multiple scenes with her and they are all great, the sex scene with her the hooker & K is amazing but the whole movie isn't based around her
This relationship occurs through like 80% of the film, but doesn't overshadow the story.
No she's basically just a plot device that helps push the main character along on the main mystery by pandering to his delusions
I've liked it mainly because it stood up on its own without resorting to nostalgia pandering like Nu-Star Wars. There's a couple of pieces that I would've shortened, and the soundtrack (apart from the "Tears In Rain" reprise) is definitively not as memorable as the one from Vangelis.
I've liked the relationship between K and JOI, and the fact that K wasn't really the Chosen One in the end.
The neobrutalist architecture was a nice touch.
What do you mean "provided that you can sit in the theater for three hours" ?
Are you implying it's a feat ?
>her ancestry
What? Are they mad she wasn't a sassy nigger like some marvel capeshit character?
But then he does...
Ill just watch the scenes somewhere then
forgot to give you a (you). my mistake
Movies alone is fine bro, almost better in fact
Was directed by a frenchie. Quite good director.
Does anyone else get chills when they watch dystopian films or read dystopian literature? Why is it that these societies are presented in such a bleak manner?
no, she loved him unconditionally and forever, that is transcendent love that no human could ever do
No but I got rock hard when I saw the prostitutes
>Why is it that these societies are presented in such a bleak manner?
Because the Chinese won
Buy a banner fag.
We are already living in a dystopian future, people from the past would get chills if they realised Drumpf would be the president in 2017. He's literally building a wall like the one in bladerunner and treating poc like replicants.
Sup Forums told me not to pay for hollywood propaganda, and I listened. I would lie and say I'll torrent it later, but I won't. If the jews are going to spend millions of dollars to try and control my thoughts, the least I can do is not participate.
Eat shit Ridley, the only thing 1982 had on this one was the Tears in the Rain scene which would have been middling crap if not for Hauer getting divine inspiration, 2049 blew it out of the water at everything else.
I think you mean the jews won user.
It made me feel something, I'll give it that.
... For once, I'm legitimately moved and surprised by a fucking leaf. Well done, my friend. Well done.
I watched it. It was enjoyable but it really deviated from the narrative of the true Blade Runner.
1) It wasn't about what it meant to be real or artificial.
2) The narrative was about artificial life encroaching upon the domain of the real via some kind of Deus Ex Machina "miracle" where artificial life is able to copulate and give birth.
3) It was about class warfare between the ultra ultra rich and the "skinners" or androids.
4) It was about slavery
5) And i'm sure most of you missed this one but this movie was very subtle feminist propaganda. You see non of the male characters are vitally important.
A) Deckard abdicates his role of a father in order to protect his child which makes absolutely no sense but its in the story.
B) "Joe" is believed by the audience and by himself to be special but it is revealed he is not special.
C) The child is a woman
D) The angels are all women androids
E) The rebel leader is a female android
F) The Police Chief is a real woman
G) The main antagonist is a female android
6) Jared Leto plays a satan character and not a god character. He desire to conquer the stars and all of creation but needs a massive slave population to do it and is willing to use any means necessary to do so and has any means necessary to do so. He has unlimited power and the only thing he can't actually control is each person's will, just like IRL.
But the movie drops a lot of concepts and just drops every interesting character and does the typical shit writer conflict resolution via kill everybody.
Writers today are such shit.
However the visuals and score are worth this movie to see in theaters but the story is not as good, the antagonist is trash also.
it was pure shit. ryan gosling is a fucking faggot that looks half retarded, they killed the best character, sapper, in the first 5 minutes . jared leto's stilted way of speaking like a kung fu master was infuriating. the movie felt like it was filmed in slow motion. the best part of the movie was when luv crushed the ai girlfriend with the annoying cuban accent.