The future is ours, brethern. World war II never ended. We are living in the transition period.
Adolf Hitler giving us advice on how to get through the transition period following their defeat
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>white peoples
LARP detected, Hitler would be saying "Aryan" if it was really him. 9/11, almost had me.
"If international-finance Jewry plunges Europe into a second world war, the result will not be the bolshevization of the world, but the elimination of the Jewish race in Europe"
One can be absolutely sure that if he won there would have been a complete eradication of the Jews and their influence in Europe. He had already sent 80,000 to Palestine before the war broke out, a war that was declared on Hitler by Jewry in 1933. Hitler wouldn't have tolerated any European country harbouring the Jew after the war was over. If the Jew was to bring war total war to Europe, the Jew would have no future in Europe.
This is still true. Jews have no future in Europe because of what they did in the 20th century.
Hitler was pro-white. Hitler was pro-Europe.
Germany was 99.5% German in his eyes. All racial laws were targeted at kikes.
Larp, what hte fuck are you on about? This is from his final testament, vollidiot. It's historically verified. Look it up. And these are English translations. Of course English would implement it as white. And we use white / blank too in Dutch and German language to define ourselves.
why do you cling to a bad, failed ideology?
Why do communists?
>Doesn't mention Anglos
Hehehehehe we win again, boys.
i dunno
Is this real or fake now?
>And these are English translations. Of course English would implement it as white.
It doesn't matter what you think it means through your interpretation. If you weren't Aryan, you were no different from a nigger. Aryan does not equate to white in the Hitler sense. Aryan means Aryan.
Aryan does not mean white. Just because he might have "mercy" on some groups of whites and let them slave away in forced labor camps instead of letting them starve to death in conquered lands doesn't mean he was pro-white.
It's okay though, because that was his great flaw. When they invaded Soviet-held territory, Slavs saw them as liberators from Stalin. Had he not turned around and started destroying their cities and looting their food and valuables, they would've fought side-by-side with the Nazis to take down the USSR. They would've certainly taken Moscow before the winter set in and had a sizable army to turn to Britain and America.
It's not about ideology. I am morally obliged to follow it because it's the closest thing to the truth out there. It is the only alternative that exists.
We live in a transition period. It's not very hard to predict what will happen. The Aryan race will be reduced to a tiny minority. As a result this Jewish world and its billions of non-Aryans will collapse in on itself and kill the Jews with it.
We will regain our might and the Fourth Reich will be born. Where this will be may surprise you.
It does not matter how we call it or what the government is or who leads it, what matters is the sole existence of our people. It's not about ideology, not about economics, not about politics, but it's all about demographics and survival. National socialism is first phase in mankinds next phase of evolution. We are morally obliged to future generations to keep the flames alive.
100 years from now, there won't be a single white person who is not a nazi. The conditions will make them so. For the Jews there is no difference between a Nazi and a White Aryan, these are synonymous terms. This is they are trying to, slowly but steadily, eradicate us. We are the only sole existing people that is a threat to them.
It is real. Look it up.
The term white has historically been attributed to North and Western Europeans, including those of these groups who migrated elsewhere in the world.
>it's the closest thing to the truth out there
That's rich.
>Tfw Hitler even predicted the future Chinese threat to America
If true this shit has chilling accuracy.
Mongoloid does not mean exclusively Chinese, it meant Russian.
Chinese pose only moderate threat to America. Biggest threat is negros and Jews.
source or gtfo
i looked up hitler's testaments and there's nothing remotely close in there
it's way too much american neo nazism anyway to be from hitler
White = Europid = Caucasian = Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.
>and what a fine chance this sudden collapse will offer the yellow races!
World War II never ended because the German government never surrendered. It was just some guy from the German army. WWII continues and Germany is an occupied nation
Can't find this quote
Nevermind, found the source: they are from the Borman-Hitler transcripts.
David Irving clams them as fakes:
He claims its fake, other historians claim its true, it doesn't matter. The document exists, it's very intriguing, very believable and exactly what we need right now.
>exactly what we need right now.
lol no it isn't lmao
>it's very intriguing, very believable and exactly what we need right now.
You think we need an elaborate admission of guilt from Hitler for the Lolohoax? Not going to fall victim to that bait thanks.
lol cry harder dork
>He claims its fake, other historians claim its true, it doesn't matter.
No, Irving had access to the copy of the diary in Moscow:
>Mr Irving had a transcript of the 1945 diary, now in Moscow, of Bormann (left); he also had a facsimile of the register of all the guests at Hitler's February 1945 meals, kept by Hitler's manservant Heinz Linge. These unquestionably genuine documents showed that Bormann was not present at several of the meals during which the "testament" showed he had apparently taken notes; sometimes he was not even in Berlin.
One of the reasons that Irving has not successfully been sued into oblivion by these "other authors" that he contradicts, and instead, they must impotently call for his imprisonment as a thought criminal, is because he has the sources he claims. They actually exist. So yes, it does matter.
>claims the Foundation Myth being upheld is what we need
The one ideological chain around the feet of all people of European extraction around the world, and you claim "its what we need"? Except these lies are over 30 years old now. They haven't helped us in all that time. The "diary" you are quoting from claims Hitler masterminded the Holocaust. Are you a kike -- why are you pushing fake Jewish history?
Calling bullshit on this.
Either a very bad translation or made up by some toothpaste, this reads nothing like Hitler.
I'm sure the white he was referring to was indo europeans