New Game!

I do not understand this scene.

She's looking at Sup Forums

You dont understand a cute girl shitposting on the internet?
And then watching lewd material?


Hifumi is Mugino now?


It's not the same without all those Zoi's

She's shitposting on the internet in her free time. What's not to understand?

Why would my cute wife Hifumi-senpai funpost on the internet?

I want to have a threesome with Aoba and Nene.

Go Ahead, I will claimed Hotarun for mine.

Her husband is shit both in the sack and outside of it, and she has to deal with that frustration somehow.

>we literally live in the meme golden age
>djt and whatever are still clinging to a "desu"-tier meme "she said Zoi xDD"

That's a bit sad, I must say.



What would sex with Hifumi be like?


I want to undress Yun, even though it would take ages with all the layers she wears.

full of tsundere noises and cute things
how do you come to that conclusion?

She'd be constantly texting you through the whole thing. It'd be a little weird at first, but at least you'd always have a timestamp for the "IKUUUU"

I want to _____ Yun.

have a loving relationship with

What do you think her O-face emoji would look like?

Suggest a diet regimen to

Wanna whole lotta Yun.

sing a different T





Aoba in the sweats and with a single ponytail does things to my dick with the way she had it over side and coming over her shoulder like that

grab the hair of

>it's not monday yet
it hurts

Even Hifumi's pillow case has cactus on it.


Yun Maji Tenshi

Hedgehogs stink so this is likely.

This is why we can't have nice things user.

Aoba's new dildo

Because it's the first time she's looked like an actual adult. Your dick has awoken to what only your mind used to know.

Looks like an adorable torture device

Can you still love you're waifu even if she has a damaged butthole?

>damaged butthole
Gee, I wonder how she got that?

Well her butt seems fine to me

Loving mai waifu is probably what damaged her butthole in the first place



Sometimes it's damaged buttholes that join people together.


She always delivers nice ass lads but WOW.

good lord

>pink AKG K240

>tfw you weren't born an anime lesbian

Such pain.

Do you think Kou is aware of how outrageously endowed her ass is?


Don't know but she sure love to show it

Yun is love. Yun is life.

Yundere is bestdere

Why did this become such a large meme?



Cute girls doing cute things and the men got fixed out in the anime.

The character designs also ported into anime very well

Because it's a silly little nonsense phrase that came as a result of a one-off joke in a moe 4koma.

It's just something stupid to latch onto for the sake of sounding stupid, like Suiseiseki and desu.

Why couldn't you protect her smile

she was the light of her troupe. she brought happiness to all who knew and saw her. And now all those smiles are gone too replaced only with tragedy and bitterness.

inseminate the younger sister of

Blame Rin.

>men got fixed out
This is a bad thing because soon boys will no longer have role models.

Cute boys doing cute boys things when?

My cute wife doesn't need that when she has me.

Someone please post Aobabutt.

She didn't deserve this!

I want to wreck Aoba's smile.

With rape.

She's a good hard-working girl who doesn't deserve that.

so how long till you think Aoba finds some fan porn of her first creation?

something really hardcore and nasty too.

She reacted to your pathetic dicklet

She'll contact HR about Hifumi.

I want to tease her

You realize that's a cushion for maintaining correct posture, right?

I want to hold her.

Better question is: are the animators aware she actually is quite skinny and that her ass would not be this plump?

This, I want to tease her in front of her kouhai so badly.

and then apologize profoundly in private and confess my love to her.

I want to make her grow her hair longer and wear Yun's clothes.

What the FUCK is wrong with you?

You can ask for 1 favor for finding her wallet


You've never seen a flat, skinny girl with a plump rump? Where the meat collects is all genetics, waistline isn't a golden metric of asset size.

I want to spank her.

movie deito

exchange numbers

Tell me about Aoba. Why does she wear the bear?

I just want to see her smile

Introduce me to Yun.

She's an adult working woman.

Why is this girl's mind filled with such lewd thoughts?

Who is this?

Hazuki is the best.

I love when hair is that way.

Please send help, my heart can't take this.


Post New Game navels.

My dick

Here's your controller, bro
