im moving to france next year
nowhere near enough. europe needs revolution
>all criminal migrants should be deported is now considered based
When did he start giving a shit about his fellow Frenchmen?
He only talk about criminal...
I think it's only to stop the rise of Marine.
Macron also said he will bring thounsand of African's directly from Africa.
Fucking mad man is/ ou r / guy
>All illegals are already criminals, since they are in the country illegally
Probably just to appeal to the right and get them on his side too.
He worked with the Rothschilds, I doubt he really cares about the problem, just wants more support.
No he isnt
Lol yeah he only "TALK". And only talk about the criminal... The important thing is what will happen in the futur. And futur of France is 75 % of newborn are African in Paris in 2016 and it's 40% in France as a whoule.
>I will govern France like a 'Roman Emperor'
>criminal migrants
All migrants are criminals since they illegally immigrated
Yeah of course he want to stop people to vote right wing. He will probably take some action and show it to news tv. And news TV will defend him like it's a good thing. Then right wing french people will "oh governement is with us" at the same time 75% of new born in Paris are African ...
I call this bullshit - where is this puppet going to deport UNDOCUMENTED migrants?
Is there a designated place on Earth they will be thrown?
a big pit. thats spiked.
has the call been made?
This and there is more. There is no designated land for _undocumented_.
This is just bullshit to boil French frog further.
>Hey, it's me Macarron I promise to raise the Defense budget by 2% of the GDP in order to fight terrorism
4 months after being elected
>soldiers patrolling in the streets are exhausted
>soldiers in Mali have to buy their own boots
>half of our tanks can't start
>half of our helicopters can't fly
>Nah... Let's cut the budget of Defense by 500 millions euros
You are all so delusional, no wonder Sup Forums supported Trump
Macron is Rothschild puppet. His team are the ones responsible for the weaponized migration attack.
That he's saying anything to the contrary is simply to provide cover for the continued destruction of French culture. Now he gets to hide behind this statement, rather than be seen as a deadly Rothschild agent, while dragging out the process (so the migration continues) and so the eventual "compromise" ensures the migration can never be stopped.
What better way for the Rothschild's to tighten their grip on the neck of France than to make it appear as if their employee suddenly gives a fuck about the people?
Come on, that's like Hitler-tier for French levels.
You guys forget this faggot is a master of speech. He could make the gullible mind believe anything, hence why he got elected in the first place.
He won't do shit, because 99% of the migrants are already "legal".
Henry de Lesquen (a guy from the french right which wanted to be president but didn't got the required 500 signatures to be a candidate.
That guy said he will cooperate with some African country like Chad and he will bring them there. Or they can go to another country if they are accepted there (Canada or Australia).
>When deporting criminal migrants makes you a madman
We REALLY need a global war to thin the herd.
>40% in France as a whoule
Truly a lost cause, looks like France will be the country to serve as example
You need to fight for God sake! blood must spill to fix this, its gone too far. there's too many in europe already, theyre entrenched. the most you can hope for is a stop to refugee intake, that still leaves you with millions of muslims.
its time to fight
It is only for undocumented migrants. So fucking stupid.
Why not include documented migrants from "war-torn" countries as well? They commit crimes just as bad and only get a pat on the back from their troubles.
>Or they can go to another country if they are accepted there (Canada or Australia).
>Undocumented criminals
>Accepted somewhere
Macron and your Henry are flat out lying, user.
Macron approval rate is somewhere in 30-s of percent and falling and this bullshit is just to cool French frog down and boil him further.
>Why not include documented migrants from "war-torn" countries as well?
Because documented migrants can actually be sent back/deported unlike undocumented migrants.
Stop shilling Macron. He's the most obedient puppet of the globalist elite. All he says is to satisfy the public opinion. If he could he would bring as many of them as he could, don't fool yourselves. We must not believe his bulshit.
Henry de Lesquen 2022!
>this bullshit is just to cool French frog down and boil him further
ding ding ding
The wording says "liés à un acte de malveillance", roughly "linked to an act of bad will".
We'll see what "liés", "malveillance" and "all" mean.
yeah, maybe the next guyll fix it.
Wake me up when he deports all undocumented migrants
>Macron is Rothschild puppet
is he really?
if so, has he gone rogue?
or was the fact that he worked at a rothshild bank no proof of him being a puppet to begin with?
If we're optimistic (and that's a big fucking *IF*), we can be happy that this is the first time this type of reasoning is even considered by the ruling party in a major country of the modern cuckold west.
It's a start, it lets us count the voices.
Even if we see some people sent back to there country. It will not chance most of the thing. France take up to 100 000 immigrant each year.
the absolute state of the world where people need to be praised and called "madman" for deporting criminal migrants.
Its pure perfection. Strong EU support but strict immigration controls.
Lol man that guy was not even know that he become minister of economy because they put him there. Then when economy was going shit he resigned. Then a year later he presented himself as a candidate. Every major news outlet was promoting him. And at the same time they were bashing against all candidate. They started lawsuit against his oppenent. He barely managed to got 23% despit having all the media presenting him like a breath of fresh air.
>tfw stuck in the Bizarro timeline
this sucks
>if so, has he gone rogue?
No, this is just a bullshit act to take the heat off because even the French have their limits about how much assfucking from arabs they'll take.
Talk is cheap. Real action is something totally different.
we have not heard anything form him for a while
There are daily news about him reforming the shit out of French economy.
He must have gotten the call
i think it doesnt really matter where your path starts, but where it ends.
if he uses his presidency to getting back order to france, i dont see a problem.
time will show then.
wouldnt be to pessimistic about everything user.
there are reasonable people in politics out there.
200 000*
>200 000*
>200 000 men
why did i think about trains reading this
That faggot isn't going to do shit. Empty words.
>tfw literally just moved to France last week from the UK
Avoid Paris at all costs.
Wow, I thought the conservative candidate lost the French election.
If this reform passes France will have stronger immigration policy than the USA.
But not as good as Hungary.
Have we checked to see if the blood of the Bonapartes flows through him?
I don't et it. Wasn't he supposed to be /notourguy/?
There's something you fucks don't get: this new wave of right wing was all planned. Every single one is backed by Israel. They flooded us with migrants, "Syrian" migrants so that we can hate them they way they do. This is all according to plan. The left might be losing but the right is controlled.
But in the end, the western civilisation will be saved, right ?
The white race will be saved, right ? so who cares ..?