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Is It Pagan? By Joseph Goebbels
that guy literally made it possible for jews to control the whole world, why do you love him so much
Love that video
This one is badass.
posting a man who literally caused the creation of the jewish might and ensured that jews will rule forever.
hitler was a zoinist.
You have no evidence for that claim.
HAHA look at this nigga where the british supposed to accept that ""offer"" when the blitz was still happening?
don't forget your heros destroyed warsaw.
>haavara agreement
>the fact that hitlers body was never found
>everything he did benefited the state of israel.
here a pic of the blitz.
no the should have not you forget that the germans signed a pact with the soviet union (molotov ribbetrop pact) and the BOTH agreed to split up poland and divide the baltic states.
here how the germans divided the land with the soviets.
On 28th August, 1939, the molotov ribbetrop pact was signed in Moscow. later the Soviet Government revealed the pact with Germany. Germany would give the Soviet Union seven-year 5% credits amounting to 200,000,000 marks ($80.000,000) for German machinery and armaments, the germans would buy from the Soviet Union 180,000.000 marks' worth ($72,000,000) of wheat, timber, iron ore, petroleum in the next two years".
HAHA so much for muuuuh anti soviets.
>shooting pows
>sending pows to extermination camps
>setting up a police state
yeah, nah
the germans pulled the same trick with sundetenland the (munich agreement) which the later broke when the germans invaded the rest of czechoslovakia SOMETHING HITLER PROMISED NOT TO DO.
britian was not going to fall for the same trick twice.
>believing jew propaganda
yeah, nah
soviets (under stalin) where so ""jewish"".
>the banned homosexuality (which lenin legalized) but was made illligal later under stalin and stayed like that untill the union collapsed.
>banned Freemasonry
>had the stricktest immigration laws in the world
>listening to degenerate western music (rap ect...) was punisheble by being sent to the gulag.
>was ethincally homoginous.
also hitler was not a supporter of christianity look at the kirchenkampf.
what exactly does that disprove cletus?
luring people in these places with bait is not something out of the ordinary.
Stalin and the red army prepared 25 years for an invasion into Europe to spark a revolution to unite all the proletariat in the world
too lazy to search for source atm
>actually defending the pic I posted
>Stalin and the red army prepared 25 years for an invasion into Europe to spark a revolution to unite all the proletariat in the world
>world revolution
LMAO your confusing him with lenin.
Stalin disbanded the Commintern in 1943. Stalin was not an internationalist. Lenin was. Trotsky was. Guess what Stalin did to Trostky? Guess what Stalin did when there were communist uprisings in post WW2 Europe like Greece? Nothing. Or China? Almost nothing only in the spanish civil war did he have a real intrest since it was a stratigic target . This is why Communist China and the USSR were only stratigic allies.
fat burns quit well cletus have you never burned a piece of fat meat?
Do this one lol
look at the book what does it say?
*not for sale to the public*
also he existence of fake or unreliable Holocaust witnesses no more disproves the Holocaust than the existence of the fake or exaggerating Vietnam war vets disproves the Vietnam war. Irrelevant.
This is fun.
Ok do this one.
lol Bernard "Holstein" Brougham (not Jewish) was exposed by a private investigator hired by his publisher and denounced as a faker by his family.
search it up.
I wish they would stop with the modern "conspiracy" bullshit they include in those videos. It's not about dopey music, but what's being said.
August 6th 1939 was a sunday.
Daily Mail didn't print on sundays.
lol it's funny he doesn't mention the ost arbeiters (slave labourers) that the germans kidnapped from the east.
>haavara agreement makes NSDAP a Zionist organization
Hitler barely communicated with his economic minister when he first became chancellor. At best, the agreement was simply a non-violent means to expel German Jewry. Claiming that Hitler was a Zionist is quite a stretch. It was a way to get Jews out of Germany in order to restore a stable political environment in the country. That was the primary role of the party during the early 30s, and creating a mass exodus of a demographic who stood against you would be completely reasonable at the time. The NDSAP was not entirely popular in 1933 and struggled to maintain a decent image with Catholics, Jews, Leftists, and capitalists, having the Jewish Problem vanish through self-deportation would have been incredibly desirable for Hitler at the time. A lot of Germans weren't so keen on the NSDAPs anti-Semitism around the time of the Machtergreifung, so having no Jews in the country would have been preferable to Hitler.
Done by the fartwaffen
here is another ost arbeiter.
>was simply a non-violent means to expel German Jewry
and what happened when the could no longer do that?
SS=shit suckers lmao.
Most of the vids are not available in Germany :D
Only the first one ... And while i saw it, I thought okay good speech and nice words but the 3. Reich did too much cruel things....
>Reich did too much cruel things....
you don't even need to mention the 6 gorrilion or gassing to find dirt on germany.
the siege of leningrad 1 million deaths
the starvation of soviet POW's in stalags 2 million.
the massive slave labour programs including ost arbeiters.
and the ghettos with starvation.
the work camps.
>village burning
This is fresh. Listen to all of it.
They oversaturated the lampshade market.
listen to mosleys speech on europians.
>They oversaturated the lampshade market.
lampshades/soap bars (which are a myth from ww1) where a confirmed hoax debunked by historians themselves.
also thanks for the keks lmao.
>idb4 jews let me post this jpg of jews
you know how fallacious that thinking is?
here is one i made of the irish.
the irish where behind it all along!!!
please German user - don't be a cuck. Learn the truth on this for fucks sake - I'm asking you to stop buying into that false narrative and mind you, I'm polish.
>I'm polish.
>polish nazi
>black kkk member
do you have any idea what the germans did to warsaw demitri?
>bombing of warsaw
>ost arbeiters (slave labour)
if you hate natsoc, you are with the jews
>everything I don't like is propaganda because nazi youtube videos told me so
libertarians absolutely btfo
>if you hate natsoc,
>if i hate slave labour being used i am a jew
>if i hate political work camps i'm a jew
>if i hate mass murderers i'm a jew
should i refer you to the oradour reprisal massacre?
oh not even to mention
here from mathuasen camp a camp with out a single "gas chamber" but where slave labourers where worked to death.
This one fills me with a savage, fanatical zeal to ERASE KIKES AND COMMUNISM from our society.
Bonus race war theme:
lets not forget the brothel system in germany at the time.
where an estimated 34,140 female inmates were forced to serve as prostitutes.
lol idiot.
read these.
respect, i can´t watch a single video
lets not forget in 1933 20.000 books were burnt which were considered "degenerate"
lets not forget the looting and seizing of jewish/polish gold and art.
in poland alone the natsocs seized over 516,000 art pieces , including 2,800 paintings by European painters 11,000 paintings by Polish painters; 1,400 sculptures; 75,000 manuscripts; 25,000 maps; 90,000 books, including over 20,000 printed before 1800. the looting of gold and silver namely from the jews also raked in the much needed cash.
i'm german as well bro these vids are propaganda meant for useful idiots.
ahh and finally lets not forget.
the village burning reprisal attacks the germans loved to launch in the eastern front but also in yugoslavia and czechoslovakia.
fuck off faggot
>fuck off faggot
nein wurum?
>implying both parties weren't blatantly just setting up Poland as the battlegrounds for the greatest fight in human history
>no hans, you cant watch this video
this fucking country
are you an ethnonationalist?
>lets not forget in 1933 20.000 books were burnt which were considered "degenerate"
Yeah pornography and marxist literature asswipe.
>implying both parties weren't blatantly just setting up Poland as the battlegrounds for the greatest fight in human history
you forget the trade agreement nazi friend
read my post here.
also the soviets literally propused to join the axes HAHA.
if you want then so i believe that cultures don't mix and i like fugging aryan pussy.
i like you i will call you ostrava.
>Yeah pornography and marxist literature asswipe.
a jew agrees with you max nordau.
i hate you more then any other jew hitler did nothing wrong when he used your people as slave labourers.
>if you want
i want germany to be german. you can suck cock all day, as long as you don´t bring in foreigners
>i like you i will call you ostrava.
haha le funny random name giving xDD
here about the soviets proposing to join the axis you could have had the world nazi friend.
>In October and November 1940, German-Soviet talks about the potential of joining the Axis took place in Berlin. Joseph Stalin later personally countered with a separate proposal in a letter on 25 November that contained several secret protocols, including that "the area south of Batum and Baku in the general direction of the Persian Gulf is recognized as the center of aspirations of the Soviet Union", referring to an area approximating present day Iraq and Iran, and a Soviet claim to Bulgaria's sphere.Hitler never responded to Stalin's letter. Shortly thereafter, Hitler issued a secret directive on the invasion of the Soviet Union
>elimination of social differences
toldya he is a leftist
and people here still think theyre going right wing with nazism they arent and I said it yay for me
wow, every time i find a new(one i had not heard before) hitler speech its so inspiring. this is a great one too. He truly lives on
This short compilation of excerpts from Mein Kampf always serves as a great reminder that we absolutely do fight for the truth while most if not all others willingly turn a blind eye to so many fundamental truths about reality and how they affect us.
Ain't a hohol, but they're still better than you Kraut cuckboys.
>i want germany to be german. you can suck cock all day, as long as you don´t bring in foreigners
:D:Dnice do you like feminine benis as well hans?
>haha le funny random name giving xDD
no i just like you ostrava...
>and people here still think theyre going right wing with nazism they arent and I said it yay for me
he literaly established a fucking mandated race and anti miscegenation law (nuremburg laws).
made abortions illigal
established an office to combot homosexuality
and citizens could own grenade launchers and guns.
> plebbit
>when you shitpost so hard that god finally grants you brain damage
>fucking hohol
"There are horrific eye-witness accounts of mothers eating their own children.
In the Ukrainian city of Poltava, Andriy Melezhyk recalled that neighbours found a pot containing a boiled liver, heart and lungs in the home of one mother who had died.
Under a barrel in the cellar they discovered a small hole in which a child's head, feet and hands were buried. It was the remains of the woman's little daughter, Vaska
US charges Ukraine three times more for American coal
i fugged so much boipucci i lost 5 iq points i could become op at this rate.
>he literaly established a fucking mandated race and anti miscegenation law (nuremburg laws).
>made abortions illigal
>established an office to combot homosexuality
>and citizens could own grenade launchers and guns.
where is the problem?
>combat homosexuality
since we know that homosexuality is genetic to some degree, i disagree witht combating something like it. but spreading it threw television and the like so people get literally infected with the gay is also bad. pic related
>where is the problem?
i was responding to a retarded plebbetor who thinks nazi germany was leftist.
>witht combating something like it.
it's pretty hard to combat homosexuality in a society that praises the aryan man and masculinity hans.
>also becoming gay from watching tv
what do you watch hans?
also nuffin wrong with being gay as long as you keep it to yourself ernst rom was a fag and many member of the SA where too.
oh you think you are a analqueen?
think again! your pathethic little snowflake sexual orientation can´t combat the absolute degeneracy only a german mind could come up with
*gets shit on the face*
also where did that american go to?
i blew him the fuck up and he run with tail between his legs.
also kraut bro what do you think about the fact our grandmothers got raped so hard that we all got slav blood in us? now fucking ivans man.
>>also becoming gay from watching tv
>what do you watch hans?
american tv probably. germany is not to much behind (conchita wurst)
>it's pretty hard to combat homosexuality in a society that praises the aryan man and masculinity hans.
celebrating masculinity is gay?
>*gets shit on the face*
>scat porn
pffft pathetic
watch this
*bdsm mtf trans midget bukkake* (yes that exists)
my favourite video was removed from youtube.
>celebrating masculinity is gay?
nah it's hard to catch a fag in a society that praises body worship and hyper masculinity.
*ancaps eternally*
welke video was het?
>yes that exists
wouldn´t have doubt that
i go with some user from /r9k/
"torture child porn on live stream" (yes he paid for it)
>"torture child porn on live stream" (yes he paid for it)
lmao i was on Sup Forums a week ago and some user shitposted cheese pizza.
here i have a screencap (don't worry i censored it)
>*ancaps eternally*
fortunately i can´t find the news about the 9yo boy who saw an transgender on tv and said to his parents "i want to be like him" and the parents where like "oh i am sure that boy is aware of his sexuality at the age of nine so lets give him hormone treatment"
>nah it's hard to catch a fag in a society that praises body worship and hyper masculinity.
nobody cares about the fag
>le hitler was a 1488 meme.
>le hitler hated muslems meme.