Holy shit his trickle down tax cut for the rich plan is a disaster.
Holy shit his trickle down tax cut for the rich plan is a disaster.
archive or ain't readin it, leaf
It has been fun watching this Jew implode over the past two years, I have to admit.
>fed income tax lowered for everyone
>cant write off state income taxes
>liberal states still fucking you with 5% state income tax
Thats his fault how? Maybe those states need to fess up why they needing all dem monies for dem programs?
All these blogs and worthless images really make me give a shit. Mind your own tax plan retard.
You should care about the budget deficit that Republicans are about to explode to give tax cuts to billionaires.
Why should people in states that do not have a state income tax subsidize states that do?
>anyone earning 200k+ is 1%
Oh I get it now, its just stupid
I believe it's over $700k puts you in the top 1%
>paul krugman
where the fuck do you think you are you crack head
Anyone listening to Krugman deserves a swift kick to the nuts
Trump's the smartest man alive. Nothing he has ever done has been wrong. Everyone who opposes him has to constantly eat a buffet of shit.
Nice pic. Saved and saged.
>the utter city of Krugman
Can the Nobel committee take back his prize?
get a job
are u black in real life ?
From what I've seen, it could legitimately fuck over a married family with kids by removing exemptions
Idk. Not a mathfag
Surely it isn't obamale-
>Half the posts are from the same person
Awwe, poor baby
>Trump is going to do to America what Brownback did to Kansas.
I hope it makes every libshit miserable.
Paul Krugman is too unintelligent to understand that other factors exist that prevent Kansas from being competitive despite low taxation.
>half of 26 is 8
no im white
Hah, Canadians.
Have fun with your immigrant problems.
I knew it. Republicans crash the economy just to piss off liberals.
Bush took office during the dot com bubble burst, which was a mini recession.
Here's an article about Kansas Tax cut and how it's success was not measured properly.
post hand ,than why shill for him ?blacks would scalp u if they where majority
Let America, the world's capital of greed and degeneracy, implode.
When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural. Our plan is in full force.
you're not helping yourself.
Lol there was no recession when Bush took office u fucking retard
Even Kansas Republicans admit it was a failure and Brownback ditched the state in the middle of his term as governor
im not posting any of my body parts so u filthy retards can jerk off to me
no way
You may not be old enough to remember when just about every online and tech company in this country lost most of the value of its stock, but Pepperidge farms remembers. It was a recession you remedial fucktard.
post your local blacks chicks
depending on different states, but the average is less than 400k
some is 220k some are 280k
point is, you are a leaf, and you don't know what you are talking about.
Your mother should have ditched you in the middle of her term of pregnancy you moose nigger
Obamaleaf is on the toilet again.
nope bush did not inherit a recession
u must be thinking of Obama
he inherited a Great Republican Recession from Bush and 8 years of glorious Republican economic policies
>Half of 14 isn't 7
Good to see you're canadian schooling taking you places, though. Feel free to add me to your "fan" collection :^)
>Worst recovery from a recession on par with the great depression
>reallocates social security money
>reduced the deficit
The worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican depression took the longest to recover from since the Great Republican Depression. Wow really makes me think.
How about you fucking Republicans stop crashing the economy every time you're in charge. How about that?
>>reallocates social security money
lol every fucking time
when right wing retards can't handle facts, they make up crazy bullshit that they can never prove
Clinton never reallocated SS money
Just like Obama never changed how unemployment is calculated
You retards are just fucking fake news morons.
>half of 18 is 53
Otherwise you wouldn't support leftist policies to tax the fuck out of me then complain when the state doesn't have enough stolen funds.
savage filename
The concert venue was a Gun-Free Zone. Can't defend yourself from hostile gunfire if you can't bring defensive gunfire.
>Not super rich
>Voted Trump
*full retard*
Trump = kerchiiiing $$$$$$
Everyone with half a brain knows that conservatives & libertarians are fucking retarded when it comes to money, taxes and mathematics in general. Time and time again history has shown us that right-wingers cut taxes to benefit big business and the rich at the expense of the middle & working classes. This leads to bigger income inequality and huge budget deficits that they simple pass onto liberals who have to spend years cleaning up the mess.
For example, it took Bill Clinton nearly two terms in charge in order to overturn the huge damage the Regan/Bush administrators had done to America's finances. When Bush junior was put in charge, he and his Republican friends immediately cut taxes & plunged America back into the red.
>Just mint a trillion dollar coin and walk it over to the treasury hurr durr.
>First, a lot of corporate profits arent a return on physical capital and wont be competed down if capital gets cheaper. Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others derive their profits from technological advantages, brand name, and market power; cutting the taxes on those profits just leaves their owners with more money.
Yeah they will. The next thing that competes with them will be made in the USA if the USA is a good place to invest.
So, hard working people get rewarded while niggers, spics and Jews get punished.
finally my favorite BTFO has returned
it's gonna be a sweet, sweet thread
damn u fucking nailed it
65 posts in and the right wingers are already crying
good job OL
thx lgbt bro
The 1% is almost entirely doctors and engineers.
Trump's no good very very very very very very bad tax plan
I don't trust krugman.
You are fucking retarded and obviously have zero understanding of fiscal policy
brownback is right for cutting education.
People still listen to Krugman past first and second year textbooks? Lel
only fools don't tust what they cannot comprehend
lots of business executives, tycoons, trust fund babies, financiers, actors, athletes, media stars, etc
you know, the very group that conservashits and right wing retards have been programmed to worship, serve and obey
I bet u think tax cuts for the rich pay for themselves with trickle down magic pixie dust
>24 posts by this ID
>leaf talking about US politics
the most prosperous time in america (the 50s) had the tax brackets go up to 50%
I bet not one of u fuckers even bothered to read the article.
At least you were bold enough to show your real flag, leaf.
much higher actually
If you need to have a job, you are not in the 1%
No, you're a retarded nigger and it's almost frightening how disconnected you are from reality.
I know you live in this magical world by Michael Moore where the 1% are all evil white slave owning oil tycoons, but in reality, the 1% are mostly doctors and engineers.
>not understanding that owning a small business like a landscaping company puts you in the 1% of earners and the US government fucks you
still a fucking leaf
Prize Nobel everybody laugh.
lol you're getting btfo so badly
you're so fucking triggered
u just keep repeating bullshit that isn't even true
you're so fucking cucked beyond repair that u think Warren Buffet and George Soros need massive tax cuts
there is no hope for u
I lived with Obama's trickle up poverty for years, I'm willing to try it the other way.
ummm sweetie Occupy Democrats images from twitter can't be wrong
You seemed awfully (((knowledgeable))) on American financials for a leaf... off with the proxy, then you can explain how the Clintons lovingly sold their country down the road for China's inclusion into the WTO.
>not understanding that owning a small business like a landscaping company puts you in the 1% of earners .
How many landscaping company owners take home $700k per year in income?
Lol aren't these the same people u retards complain that they hire illegals and Hispanics?
Obama raised incomes to soaring new heights
>check Sup Forums on my phone during lunch break at work
>Obamaleaf is posting during the day because he can't handle the bantz at night
>obviously don't have a job
Hows college in toronto buddy? Maybe someday you'll work for a living and you can stop lying about yourself on the internet
I know you're a leftist and possibly a nigger and therefore catastrophically bad at math, but even you can understand that 1% of 300 million people amounts to 3 million people.
Do you seriously think that America has 3 million Warren Buffetts?
Most of those 3 million people are doctors and engineers.
>same shill image you always use
are you the obama leaf?
Pretending we could go back to the same tax brackets we had when most of the western world's manufacturing was destroyed
>all people get a certain percent tax cut
>which means people making more will receive a larger amount of tax cuts measured in dollars
why are you so retarded?
holy shit you're fucking retarded
you are so fucking retarded it's unbelievable
u think America has 300 million workers? Or 300 million tax filers?
What in the fucking world is wrong with u?