Ask an organizer for RefuseFascism November 4th anything
Ask an organizer for RefuseFascism November 4th anything
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When will you stop sucking bourgeois cock?
Where at, when, and what's security like? Bringing a few friends
Every city runs its own event at a location of its own choosing. I can't speak for all groups, but our team will have protection from the Black Panthers, Redneck Revolt, and possibly the Brown Berets. Not to mention that we are expecting several hundred antifa to be with us.
How's your wife's son doing?
Whose foot is that and why is Chen doing this?
Do you think you will win? What do you plan to do to keep the momentum going? Do you plan on going home 11/6?
K thnx, just needed to let my guys know. See you there.
Nice larping!
Im so ready to see you loose control of your useful idiots so they go and break shit once again. Cementing another 4 years for the god emperor of the states.
Why did you make this retarded thread?
Pic related:
You on 11/4
How many cocks per day would you say you are currently sucking, OP?
>not taking the black pill and becoming an antinatalist
>getting tricked by the Catholic shills into believing in marriage
Wew despook yourself
Remember that they'll have to break through a line of police in order to do anything. If you attack first or escalate in a major way, this will end up worse for the alt-right than Charlottesville.
wanna come fag around with me for a bit?
You sound spooked comrade... Follow the script like they told us
I'm straight, but might suck your dick for you
We don't know if we'll win, but it's worth a shot. The internal plan is to hold until Christmas. At least past Black Friday. In a lot of ways 11/4 is a dry run for 1/20/2018 -- the real antifa day of action.
Last chance for Obamas Communist coup huh?
How does it feel being an useful idiot?
>I'm fighting the establishment, Mom!
>What? Of course the police (wo work for the establishment) want to protect me! I'm a rebel!
Kill yourself, my dude. Plus, you're not even an Antifa, you're just some faggot Sup Forumsack who wanted to start a troll thread.
sage & report
are you just gonna march around and do nothing like every other group ?
Sure. If the American right is for limited government and a free market, how can it be fascist? Fascism requires strong central government and government control of industry.
China is a fascist state
Bernie Sanders is a fascist
Its literally impossible for free speech/small government/free market Americans to be fascist.
Why are anarchists take money from the corrupted establishment they are supposed to be opposed to?
So you plan to start a race war, right?
No we're going to punch Nazis. I hope a lot of them show up.
they just trew 200 of you in jail for felonies that can get you 70-80 years. so have fun with that loser ticket.
So... you're gonna punch random white people in the street ?
Sweet - more bad publicity for the left, more voters for the right.
>China is a fascist state
Come on bud, why the long pause. Race war is coming, right? I mean, Nazis dont just stop after being punched, and obviously the end goal is to destabilize the country and descend into pitched battles.
We've got Carlos Montes that week, so Brown Berets will be active in my city. BLM is joining here as well.
Can you detail your chain of command for us? How many non-profit NGOs between you and Soros?
Do you realize there are going to be half of the USA's redneck militias at your stupid rally, ready to kick commie ass?
Very nice get
I hope you go through with it and not actually just a larper. Good luck with your revolution lad.
reported for announcing reports.
>Brown Berets
Queer brown-hatters... I always knew there was shite on your dicks
>Charlottesville was bad for the alt-right
Nah we have infiltrated a few events and got people to do stupid shit and get arrested. Believe me it's your side that will take losses. It's always fun for us. You guys are easily coaxed into doing whatever because your people are gullible.
Naw son, idpol is a useful tool but is not at the core of the movement.
For the sake of transparency, I'd like to say that the Right would have a lot more success in treating antifa as a street gang than as a terrorist org. In terms of day-to-day operations.
I don't need to prove to you that I am an antifascist. If you actually wanted to discuss 11/4 with someone who is a big figure in it though, this is your chance.
We are planning to hold ground through the virtues of large numbers. Because 95%+ of the crowd is going to be peaceful, lots of libs (with actual Leftists mixed in), any extremist action taken against us will just give us points with the media.
If far-right extremists come and pose a threat, either the police or our internal security will handle them. God I almost hope one of you dumbfucks does try to do something stupid because it pushes you out of the Overton window.
>bernie sanders is a fascist
Honestly -- on the topic of Sanders -- I'd say most antifa are disenfranchised Bernie supporters rather than Clinton dieharders. You know the Women's March, the pussy hats, #theresistance ? Those are the Clinton fans.
Fascists are stupid so I hope they do come and do stupid things to discredit your movement.
bitcoins, gofundme / kickstarter, etc. Above ground meetings are treated the same as any other and underground politics are decentralized cells (same as any other). Honestly we don't need very much money to hold the rally and local orgs are signing on to provide us with supplies for the occupy
How does it feel knowing
that I ,a community organizer
am going to infiltrate your ranks
and fuck all you over. I screw both sides
of the spectrum over and on Nov 4th ,your movement
will be completely annihilated using classic Alinsky tricks.
I will show you no remorse and will make you wish you never got into
community organizing, GLHF.
have you made a will, because I want your stuff.
Why would you refuse natural order?
You act like they'll be able to tell it was the Left. The Nazis have the same problem you accuse us of having- too many factions, and no one can be "pure" enough.
Whoever our fighters don't take out will be infighting and distrusting each other anyway.
Your opinions on Communist Revolution Party, USA and World Can' t Wait?
Did you vote Hillary?
it doesnt matter. /quote newt... aliens.
Do you take the fist, or do you let him go elbow deep?
What's your birth gender? What so you consider yourself now? What's your sexuality?
Have you ever been to the gym or shot a gun?
If yes, what was your routine and what gun and ammo did you shoot?
This pathetic commie thinks his numale friends and their puny protest are going to have any effect on the current state of the USA. Maybe you'll get hated even more.
>I almost hope one of you dumbfucks does try to do something stupid
We've already got several people ready to orchestrate this. Don't plan on any deaths yet but you never know.
When will you realize that a person you have been working with since refusefacsism has been created has been passing info to multiple white pride groups and is going to murder and antire chapter of Antifa? Go ahead and try to figure out who I am. It's already too late. I have addresses, relatives, places of work(for the ones that have a job) that are in my city. Depending on where you're from, maybe even you. They're going to suffer. And there is one particularly annoying little shitstain that I am going to literally crucify.
you want REAL NAZIS to show? keep pushing fucker. We will gut you in the streets.
You know this is just going to make you look bad right?
we can hurt you without even being there... we will be "home" hunting this time.
Why would anybody show up to your retarded LARPfest. We don't do that, that's your guys' gig. No right-wingers will ever show up to your stupid gatherings.
Youre also associating with the black panthers, and we know they want to kill all white children. So obviously the answer is yes. I just want to let you know, that we will beat you, and be better off for it. Go ahead, rip this country apart, everyone is a National Socialist, even though you dont know what National Socialism is. Youre my best friend, I just want to let you know that. Id like to thank you for agitating for a race war. Did you know Im flat broke? Im probably poorer than you are, I dont really care about money, or materialistic desires. Those dont interest me. Youre probably much the same, definitely no capitalist exploiter, I presume. Good luck in your agitation, just know - youre the bad guys, this was our country - countries - and the same rhetoric the ZANLA (communist rebels in Zimbabwe) used against the whites, who gave them healthcare and jobs and education and stopped their tribal warfare and gave them the highest standard of living in Africa along with South Africa - applies to you. See, if even those whites on that land who gave the blacks everything werent entitled to the land.. then what are you? Youre on our land, this is reversed now. Youre pushing for white genocide, and were defending from ethnic cleansing, genocide, extermination.
I hope you know that. I hope you know youre the bad guys, and we will beat you. That we are right, and youre evil. That you have brought about desperate times for us, and have justified our desperate measures. Desperation, a struggle for survival as a people. Thats our position... and what do you want? What is your higher ideal that you seek? You would destroy the greatest and fairest society that ever existed, the only injustice that exists in it is against the native white people who built it.
But go ahead. Have your rally, call your comrades and protest the ebil nazis. I was a centrist less than 15 years ago. People like you are the reason people like me exist. Race war soon.
Most gun sales have been to ANTIFA troops.
Chen is a shit tier waifu
they are the bourgeois, it's going to just be them and the rest of the yupster kids who don't have jobs or a life outside of 'studying, activism, and netflix XD'
What are you even trying to accomplish?
One more real question, what's your plan for me, a white male with a wife and two children? If you "win" what will my average day look like then?
so basically you are goign to be pussies and use normies as shields.. way to puss out little faggots
Destroy your intifada.
>is going to murder and antire chapter of Antifa
Go for it bro, and watch your stupid racist movement wither
why don't you answer the questions in this thread regarding how youo obviously don't fight for oppressed or underprivilegded people and this is just a neo-liberal money scam ?
What is your address?
Ive been hearing 2/22, not 1/20. Are you getting your dates right?
the funny thing is was that she was not even killed in the car accident, she died of a heart attack because she was fat
And how does standing in the streets and yelling help to get to that goal?
you got a looooong way to catch up fucker. I hope you ID yourself.. it will be fun to pull your skin off you,
but sadly u wil puss out, use norms as shields and make everyone hate you more.
Your opinions on Communist Revolution Party, USA and World Can' t Wait?
Do you even know who these two groups are?
i think you guys know you're just fbi tools. you're obviously just organizing 'honeypots' where intelligence and law enforcement agencies can gather data and identify everyone on attendance
Any plans for Vegas? On an unrelated note, how many of you want to die?
Muh purity spiraling as an excuse for white genocide. White people are obvious by their skin, except some sneaky mixed Jews. When the race war starts, the lines will be drawn by skin color. Youre going to be largely left out in the cold, I guess you havent seen how they feel about "white allies", theres been a few hilarious examples recently like one guy being told he had to get arrested for being white instead of the non-whites. Youre sub-humxan according to BLM Torontos leader.
You remember that dude from West Point? Former RANGER. He's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got former DEVGRU and Green Berets running resistance workshops.
who says anyone is going to witness it.. its black bag time.
you really do not know who you are playing with. I killed for a living sanctioned by the USA. you do not stand a chance.
>so basically you are goign to be pussies and use normies as shields
this is literally the core of their movement
screenshotted back dumb fuck.. you are pathetic.. you are going to get real people killed playing commie.
This commie is way too fucking funny.
Antifa troops? You mean dickless losers that live with mommy's money and feel 'oppressed'?
This thing is going to make your 'movement' get declared as a terrorist organization.
Such men have no interest to join commie faggots. Jesus christ you're ridicolous.
>we've got green berets running resistance workshops
My fucking ass.
No one makes rainbow if they're a commie. Period. They get shut the fuck down and the furthest they get is a number at best.
Nice larp
Cool story bro. I hope you get violent, then no one in America will sympathize with you. Razor-thin line you're walking there.
Despite all you've been taught, white people don't hate themselves enough yet. But soon the social engineering will cross the line of no return. Finally.
oh now you are moving dates again because -- wait for it--- you suck. yup confirmed, you suck ..
Why can't you get a job and become productive for once?
That dipshit that outed himself on Facebook and got run out of the Army?
He's probably the best you have though. A failed, washed up loser with a criminal record.
You guys have a Vegas chapter?
yes it was the only pic i had handy- yes she died from being a fat ass not by the right.
The single demand of November 4th is that Trump/Pence must go. There is nothing about socialism in our press releases and we don't bring up socialism with most of the groups who have signed on to support us.
You mean RevCom? Comrade Bob is a fucking hack lmao. RCP is a joke to most leftists.
There's no such thing as a birth gender you fucking dumbass. No girls on the internet either.
Is your side planning to employ spike strips / caltrops?
Do come, please. All you do is make the right side look awful.
The single demand for November 4th is that Trump/Pence must go.
You'll get to have another day off to go vote again. We're not trying to change the system of government. We're only holding ground to make a statement. Hell -- it worked for Korea!
you're talking about shooting people for practicing their first amendment right? Rethink your response to the day
We're fighting for all the people who suffer under Trump who are mostly poor / minority. It's not a money scam because there isn't big money involved in this. Protesting costs $0 and occupying can be paid for by most folks out-of-pocket.
We really do you dumb fucks. I'm trying to warn you. We pay them a couple thousand dollars for a day of training. It's the best money can buy.
You're words will haunt you when the revolution is complete.
I have ten more posts to go before I can disconnect from this trash website.
mfw antifa are playing right into Sup Forums's hands.
No no you're a GOOD revolutionary. Keep up the fight comrade! You're going to win!
for everyone 1 of you there's 100s of us, go suck a dick .. i cant stand dumb asses and you clearly are one. go be stupid somewhere else.
I remember him getting BTFO
In light of so many Antifa arrested facing serious charges, why continue this? All these people are doing is blocking roads, destroying property, hurting people, and in some cases looting. What is the point? Is this the white man's excuse to riot? Can't let BLM have all of the fun? Please explain what thought processes, if any, are behind a.) wanting to overthrow our government and b.) thinking rioting in the streets will somehow accomplish this. You honestly look like a bunch of jackasses who want to keep the gibs flowing, and are unhappy with the president of JOBS. It is common knowledge most of your people are street homeless or unemployed/underemployed former university students.
>national populism
>oppression of opposition parties
>strong central government
>government control of industry
These are the 4 ingredients of fascism. China has all 4. Get a fucking education. Stop getting your definitions from CNN.
enjoy getting raped by capitalism, you could have been free Ireland.
not murdered... I did my "job" hopefully my "job" will be you next.
Never met Sweet but appreciate her efforts. My org has mostly women in leadership roles, as it should be. They're much more creative and network better than males.
Do you know what happens when normal people get tired of commies?
Before Hitler's rise there was a short-lived commie uprising in Germany. The same is happening in the USA. Your commie ass is going to get actually oppressed this time.
We're not as organized as antifags, the web page doesn't even exist actually. However i speculate that something will get commies very hated in the next years.
You're going to get fucking smashed... i feel so sorry for the incoming loss of lives, but you're commies after all.
So, its another normal Antifa march ... can see why some of us aren't that hyped up. I mean, its another normal Antifa march ... running around...vandalism... shouting and chanting....
what exactly is going to be so special about this one ?
>muh silent majority
Hillary won the popular vote and we can radicalize what isn't willing to fight.
You say there isn't many of us but there's chapters all over the country and members even in your shitty right wing circle jerk.
No questions here, just wishing you good luck in dismantling the democracy of US and destroying the western world.