Ready for impeachment lads?
They won't lose the house. Gerrymandering will make sure of that
>7 more years of this
They won't lose the house cause red state niggas don't care about voting.
I know one thing for certain, and that's if President Trump gets impeached or run out of office, when we all dealt with that fucking foreign nigger as our President for 8 years, then the American people are going to revolt.
It will not be pretty.
Anyone cheering for his impeachment will be a target. Anyone cheering for the Democratic Party, will be a target. Anyone cheering the anti-Americanization of America, will be a target.
What kind of target?
Targeted for treason.
What's the penalty for treason?
You will see murders all across the nation, and law enforcement, upon hearing why John Smith killed Mohammed Alakbad, his wife and his 4 children, the police will turn the other cheek.
Why? Because they're sick of this shit too.
If they impeach President Trump, the Democrats are signing the death certificates of tens of millions of liberal Americans.
Specifically, what law was allegedly broken? Someone has yet to tell me.
FBI pls go
The leftists don't care about the law or the constitution.
Nothing. Liberals are fucking deranged retards with serious mental disorders.
Anything less than 8 full years of Trump will result in massive violence.
Pretty big if, considering the dnc has zero working class support.
>he's not watching the current live press conference
maybe they'll get him this time... .05% chance
25th Amendment "He's crazy/incapacitated so he has to be removed." Bold strategy. Ultimately foolish.
The only thing keeping CNN afloat at this point is baiting libshits with fantasy impeachment articles.
disagreeing with leftists.
Impeachment for what?
Also, it's not mathematically possible for Republicans to lose the House. It's entirely possible for Republicans to get a supermajority, however.
Been ready since November
He broke the Russia law. Very interesting.
I hope so the impeach on nothing but legit reasons with smoking gun evidence it will be 1776 again.
>Losing the house
IMPEACH == the very real death of many many liberals and niggers.
respect the flag or lose every seat, demofags
for what? deporting illegals? you are delusional.
are you sure its trump and no batshit insane nigger lady maxine?
His campaign was ordered to hand over sexual assault documents during this press conference. Probably rape.
That will never ever happen.
But if it does happen, I think the correct question is: are you ready for Civil War II, you Slovenian twat.
If congress can just arbitrarily declare people insane, the government would be purged of liberals in a week.
Impeach Trump == libtard fap
Came to post this
>CNN LARPS again as competent political commentators
Or niggers as I like to call them.
Impeachment is imminent.
imagine being so stupid that you believe what CNN says unquestioned no matter what
Fuck you, alphabet spook, but you are correct. Millions of people who have never heard of this Taiwanese shadow puppet-making board will start killing anyone with a coexist bumper sticker, along with their media handlers.
The Jews will run back to Israel
Theyre just trying to rile up their base, I wouldnt worry about it.
Trump isnt going anywhere.
>we're gonna revolt!
No you aren't. Stop deluding yourself. You're going to lie down and accept it and continue to bred out of existence just like us.
OMG -Is this going to happen? CNN is never wrong. I mean shit - they broke the news story of the year that Pokemon go was part of the elaborate Russian collusion efforts. HAHAHAHAHA - Suck it #MAGA bitch!
Don't they need 2/3rds of the Senate and the House to impeach Drumpf? Even if they win in a landside in 2018 and take 2/3rds of the House there is no way in hell theat they'll get that much of the Senate.
Lol this
Trump won't leave the White House without a fight. And by "a fight" I mean he has "the military" on his side. Good luck, Democraps.
>guys, please vote for democrats at the next house election, you can get rid of Trump and replace him with Bernie! We promise!
kek, shameless media
The yanks have a shot. They still have their guns, and elected trump in a landslide. (The hillary winning popular vote is a massive bullshit lie)
They have been talking about impeachement for a year and trying to dig dirt about him for 3 years, if there was a way to do it it would have already been done.
Its because of retards like you that the cancer of identity politics has grown and taken over liberals. You do realize ur just helping them by acting like an idiot and giving them a reason for moral grandstanding. Now large part of left sees Nazis and windmills ewerywhere good job. Thats unless you are intentionally acting retarded is to help the neo liberals.
The liberals dusted off identity politics first you fucking tard. Go be a cuck somewhere else
>lol he doesnt know half the country dreams of using their 350 million guns to btfo of a corrupt government
You don't need a reason to impeach a President. But you probably want to have a good one so it doesn't look like naked tyranny, particularly to the sort of people who voted for Trump.
Impeached for what? Oh right, the anolument clause, the one that says you can't own business and be president at the same time. he broke the law as soon as he was inaugerated
>the anolument clause
>anolument clause
Gronalt Blumpf!
First of all thats not true, and adding more fuel to the fire surprisingly makes it worse. Also you might look up the definition of the insult you gifted me, if your impaired brain function cant comprehend the word then it would be better to not use it at all.
I like how you faggots say he will be impeached every week. Lmao
he doesnt own the business anymore you actual retard
>impeaching Trump
Alright, demshits. You asked for him.
Trump can't be removed from power. We would be reaching Middle East levels of political discourse.
oh shut up
There's no way that could backfire on Democrats. They have no leaders that could possibly be construed as having mental illnesses. #Pelosi2020 #Maxine4Prez #SandersSoundsSane