user, undocumented invaders are by definition criminals. Is the french midget going to deport them all? No. This is an attempt to placate the masses.


Deport them

>Criminal undocumented migrants

But the ones who don't get caught for their crimes get to stay?

Not good enough.

What about all the known Terrorists... why not get rid of them too.....
heck... why stop there....

Are liberals regretting voting for Macron?

Seriously why are there so many god damn pictures of these guys and why are they on their phones in so many of them?

are you saying...you need .... a .... run ...down

Take the bogpill.

does this mean all undocumented immigrants or undocumented immigrants that have committed crimes?

He's a cuck, he only said that because journalists pushed him back to a corner with their questions.
He's not going to do anything.

Deporting people who have done violent crimes?

Even USA does that and we're practically an open borders state

i'm not surprised at all this guy looks up to Trump as a father-figure

Undocumented = crime

Martial law forever

some day you'll get the call

We live in such a cucked time that a country deporting criminal "migrants" is considered news or even thread worthy.

Kick all the trash out!!!

>almost 2018
>still not taken the bog pill

>placate the frogs by deporting their precious immigrants
If anything this makes them more angry than they already are.

I think the keyword is "undocumented".
Him saying this is basically admitting that they've been harboring illegals and publicly denying it.

is this supposed to be impressive? let me know when he sends back the "LEGAL" invaders

In most places, undocumented people are civil violators, not criminal violators
The difference between breaking a law and merely non compliance

He won't do shit. Foreigners don't understand that

Does that mean they haven't even been doing that?

And you fags ran a campaign against him, he's literally the hero france needs

You haven't got any call from them yet?

Need a quick rundown?

Wow. We live in a time when people are surprised when a Presidents exercises the law

Birth country of parents
Both parents born in France 70,75%
One parent born in France, other foreign-born 15,13%
Father born in EU28, mother born in France 1,13%
>Father not born in EU28, mother born in France 6,89% frenchcucks
Father born in France, mother born in EU28 1,23%
Father born in France, mother not born in EU28 5,89%
Both parents foreign-born 14,12%

Friendly reminder that France is at 8 percent interracial mongrelization, 6,80 women fucked by mooslims and niggers and 1,2 french men with shitskins.
And just around 70% of french population is still european, they will soon be below USA.
But hey, lets hate romanians because of a group of people from a different race, with different race and culture(gipsies). Rip france!

wtf literally Hitler

Is this real?

I've had hope since I read the comments about how Africans are having too many kids.




If they don't have documents, including no passport, where are you going to deport them to?

Interview them, trick them to say where they are from, fabricate documents, deport. Don't answer any calls from Amnesty and other human right cucks -> profit.

Did Macron just LARP as a leftist/centrist to gain power? Reading some of his interviews and transcripts of his speeches, he actually sounds like a nationalist. He often glorifies France's colonial history and has even made pro-monarchy statements. Dare I say it, I'm actually starting to quite like the guy.

I was so bummed for the frenchfries when LePen wasn't voted in, but holy shit Macron might be /ourguy/ now

lucky frogs

wtf, i'mwithher now

I have the conviction that before speeches, macron throws a dart at a huge sheet with different topics X different political standings
and he rolls with it

Not ONE will be deported for years... lawsuits and court hearings on "human rights", EU immigrant obligations, Blah, blah, blah.

Nothing EVER happens fast in Europe, once the courts start looking into things.

he had no choice

Is Napoleon back?

If you get the call, you best answer

>no source
I see the sliding shills are out today.

Why the fuck aren't we deporting ALL the illegals?
It's not like there are 11 million of them like in burgerland

>why are there so many pictures of these guys?

Can we get some bogdabots for this man?!

It's a constant cycle of hope and sadness. One minute he says France has no culture, then he says pic related, then he nationalizes stuff, then he sells everything to the italians

>11 million of them like in burgerland
If only. There are at least 20 million.

It is a very sad time, indeed, when a leader of a country does something obvious and what would be expected of a leader and the response is, "HOLY SHIT!!!!"

As others have pointed out:
undocumented = illegal
They just changed the wording so people don't realize those "migrants" are criminal already.

Wtf I love France now

Don't say things like that, please, d-don't

sure thing.


help us to take down the HWNDU flag



This guy says everything and its opposite.

NOT deporting illegals is ridiculous
NOT deporting illegal CRIMINALS is ridiculous

Also we don't have a border, therefore even if he ever implemented that shit (he wont, and its already in the law since probably the founding of that fucking state).

Even if he deports them to Algeria or whatever shithole they can come back for 30€ then continue getting 5 gibs at the same time for existing.

Magnum if not a jest

Answer your phone.

>gonna deport the criminals that get caught committing other crimes
let me know when they decide illegal immigrants are criminals for just that


> It's Fate.
The Bogs do control france, and they have decided enough white genocide.

Teach your kids their history. Let them know they're bogyal.

lol. Reminds me of Trump.

>deport them all!
>fuck beaners!
>"I will thereby deport crooks"

And basically nothing changed lol. Macron is also twice the liberal that Trump is. He values immigration.


Yes our PM said the same thing, How did that go?

I didn't know this pervert was actually a nazi pervert.


-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

I see. Yes it does seem to me he is using ideas from both sides, but I was wondering how French people see it.

Directly to any french colony in africa
probably ivory coast

And to think he would be bad for France.
I like being wrong with these sort of things

>slide thread
Good call, T.B.H.

Too little, too late you French frog fuck.

You'll never save New Africa, I mean France, from the Black and Arab hordes. Fuck your entire nation.

I thought he was supposed to literally be Mr. Globalist Cuck? Since when did Macron become the FN platform?

Hit this burgerfaggot with the quick rundown



B-b-but macron was supposed o be a shill!!

>there are people who post on Sup Forums who HAVEN'T received the call yet

>burger meme

I can give you a basic gestalt


Based gay french jewish hitler.

Off the side of the fucking boat, somewhere in the middle of the atlantic.

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

Could you imagine if he was actually an undercover Trump agent?

Stop calling me

>the bogs haven't called him yet

gilf fetish people confirmed for the most intelligent people once again

>go ahead... try a little... first ones on me

I actually kek'd... but you're still a leaf


they won't deport shit, this is just a desperate call for undocumented migrants to legally obtain their documents, but nig nogs are too fucking stupid to simply apply for citizenship

Was he /ourguy/ all along?


Now THIS is a fucking WOMAN. Wow she's exactly my type of girl lol. I'm rock hard. Anyone got sauce on her?

I've been here for years an I've never got a call

Emperor Jupiter the 1st says many things, but does he deliver?

Is he actually doing stuff or is he just putting an act?
