Reflections of a Russian statesman

Has anyone on Sup Forums read this book? What is Sup Forums's thoughts on the book?

Ultraorthodox dipshit that has not given a single fuck about the average ethnic Russian.

Haven't read it but I have read The memoirs of Sergei Witte and it's very good if you want insight on late Tsarist Russia

But he does care, when he is writing about how democratic conceptions destroy themselves. That can also be applied to Western poltical thought from the westerners and the marxists.

>The memoirs of Sergei Witte
thanks for the suggestion

He really didn't. The only good thing about him was his unapologetic racial supremacism and hated of Tatars, Malorussians, Armenians, Jews, turkics and mongoloids that sadly happened to inhabit Russia. But that was a norm and largely still a norm for ethnically Russian peoples. Now the problem with him is that he only really ever cared about mythical principles of (unpopular with the people) Orthodoxy, legalism of Tsardom and freezing all emancipation of rural folks and rednecks

I did not find him attacking alexander the II's policy of freeing the serfs. Mythical what do you mean? Well no offence but goverment is not based on nor ever on popularity and it should never be. The majority of the Russians were loyally orthodox, and pro tsarist.

Spot the assmad liberashka

Back to 2ch faggot

>Hurr Durr de don care about le common man
Parroting your commie propaganda like a good goy

Sure , Monarchist Russia had a sort of fast system but it doesn't mean that they "weren't cared about ", it isn't means everybody had their place

Of all political systems , (((democracy))))), (((Communism)))) and Monarchist, Monarchist was the most populist and patriotic

You russian spastics cried about le ebin Czar and overthrew him , then you got your freedumz of 20 million deaths, gulags and firing squads

Good going, goy

Дpyг, Дpyг штo ты дyмaтeшь oн?

>the majority of Russians were loyally orthodox
The whole culture and folklore of Russia is based around disliking the church and making fun of priests. Russia never was Christian and never will be
>attacking freeing serfs
He didn't support any expansion of education for those freed and freemen already. You wouldn't want to be born in that group in the Russian Empire
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a liberal
There is a zone for low IQ spermtoxicozed idiots already

Remember what happened last time when you got rid of your ultraorthodox dipshits and started giving a shit about all those average Russians?

>nice russian

>who were the Slavophils

Well historicaly that is not true, the majorioty of the russians were very concerned with the chruch. There are plenty of foreginers who wrote about he russians love for the church. Then why do the russians get bapptised, and whie do you have on the claneder days that have to do with Christianity? The attacks on the church came frist from peter the great, and then the Marxists. Well majority of the kids who went to college all came out against the system that had given them the ablity to go to school. So why should have Konstantin trust the asperitions of college kids who were disliked by the majority of the rural and city people.?

A bunch of LARPing idiots who deny the Nordic Balt-Finnish racial soul of Russians.
Man.. getting baptized in some village church was sort of a holiday for them. They didn't really belief, and that's why you don't see a backlash against murdering of priests by commies

>the majority of Russians were loyally orthodox
So i would like to ask a following up question, why where there a good amount of pious Tsars( Paul, Nicholas I, Nicholas II, and Alexander III) and noble throughout the empire?

>They didn't really belief, and that's why you don't see a backlash against murdering of priests by commies
That dosnet mean they didn't beleive, what it means was that they didn't want to stand up, because the hardships had made people give up. I would say its the cirucmatsnces and a lack of charctaer, which means that there were people who in the minority stood up to commies and where killed. That reactionary sprit aganist the church was a reason why fascism was so correct and succseful.

>Man.. getting baptized in some village church was sort of a holiday for them
I don't understand, I'm of a Greek family background and baptism are holidays.Also remember dude, Sunday is literally called "Resurrection day"

>don't see a backlash against murdering of priests by commies
they were afraid,marxist won the civil war and started the Red Terror. Everyone was afraid to do something

The only good Rom*anov was Alexander III who kept his people out of war and actually tried to make living condition good for ethnic Russians, Germans, Finns and Balts. "Pious" Czars were simply maintaining their image as many others were. Most of them were adulterous and otherwise "indecent"
>I'm of a Greek family background
So of ethnic origins that has nothing in common with Northeastern Europeans like Russians and cold-shaped mentality and intelligence. Greeks may take Orthodoxy serious, but Russians don't
Actually they were not afraid to kill the commies when those kikes took ACTUALLY important things like bread and their farms

>The whole culture and folklore of Russia is based around disliking the church and making fun of priests. Russia never was Christian and never will be
[Citation needed]

>All Russian national heroes and geniueses are orthodox
Meneleev, tshaikovsky, Dostoevsky, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Finally
>Orthodox Church in every little town and city district
>Death penalty for converting a Orthodox
>Orthodoxy state religion for 1000 years
>The average citizen went to church EVERY MORNING in the 17th century despite it not being state mandated

>Russia was nerve orthodox

>Being this much of lying piece of shit
As stated back to 2ch, spastic
You're a typical Russian libshit slash commie slash pagancuck so fuck offnback to your 2ch shithole

>They didn't really belief, and that's why you don't see a backlash against murdering of priests by commies

>What was the civil war

This kike isn't even trying

If you need citation on that you either are not familiar with Russian culture or not Russian yourself. Aka your opinion has no relevancy
>Alexander Nevsky
That's a negative figure in Russian nationalism, favored only by commies, Stalinists and Eurasianists

sovok being buttmad as usual.

ameritards truly most retarded people on eath

Greeks are just as shrewd and smart as russians, but anyway they come form the same poltical traidion as well that of the roman empire. I would agree with your asumpitions on the tsar peter, and catherine but not the 19th century tsars, they were pious openly, not just as ploicy but because they were belivers.

гдe ты yчить пo- aнглиccкий?

>they come form the same poltical traidion as well that of the roman empire
"Tradition" that is hated by Russian, Celtic, Baltic and Germanic nationalists alike. Keep your racially egalitarian Semitic shit away. Rus. Not Byzantine, not Rome. Rus.
>legit Northernist and ethnonationalist must be a sovok

I don't promote equality or egalitarianism, as i posted the book at the thread which is utterly opposed to equality, which is a flasehood
. Then expalin to me why the Muscovites took the tilte of the thrid rome, which copied the egale of the Greeks?

>Russian libshit
No, he's that autist who claims to be descended from Bavarians and had prominent Nazis in his family who shits up every Russian thread.

>I don't promote equality or egalitarianism
Maybe you personally don't, but the Roman Emptie and Byzantine did
>Ivan III represents the entire Russian people
He took Hellenic Aristocratic wife and liked her family eagle flag. That's about it

>Not having arguments

Your typical r*ssian millenial faggot

Every single Russian of any I Portland's whatsoever in world history was Orthodox

So you can stick ups your "edgy" Christian hate up your ass.
As always R*ssia is centuries behind in their parroting of the West:
Newsflash spastic: Being anti Christian has become orthodoxy here , you're guiding your country into the same trap that's destroying western civ and has already caused the worst catastrophe in your history

Without christian Orthodox r*Asians are drug addicted alcoholic biowaste that prostitute their daughters and massacre each other while being ruled by Jews


>He took Hellenic Aristocratic wife and liked her family eagle flag. That's about it
No, i disagree it was way more then just that, even those that is true. I would argue it was more about understanding Russia's unique position both as the only orthodox country and that russia has to expand and start cebnterlaising its power to defend itself and to understand what, who and why they are a distinct people, which russia will be called the brigde between eats and west.

The Greeks of the byzantine empire always saw themsleves as supeiror to non-Greeks which is still the case. That means its good to be Greek.

в пиздe твoeй мaмaши

Why so rude?

Russians must forget about the Emprie, Muscovy, USSR, Federation and return to the stage of homogenous Northern Rus both in racial character of governance and principles of living
>The Greeks of the byzantine empire always saw themsleves as supeiror to non-Greeks
Yet had what today is called non-racist civic nationalist legal code.
nice. v pizdu grekochurok

>Forget the Empire, height of your power in favor of a time where you were weaker and irrelevant

The essence of pagancucks

Well law and truth and immaterially values that aren't equal, by the way should superior size race. I know Greeks who are trash and not trash. However that doesn't mean that race is not unimportant, but it should never be the first requirement.

>famous center of commerce that cucked the Horde that terrorized all of Central and Eastern Europe

There shouldn't be people of other race in your country. It's that simple. Trash of your own ethnicity can be destroyed with eugenics

What happens when you go make your "job" like this?

Гдe ты yчить твoй пo- aнглиccкий?
But that is impossible, races and enthicitys always move around and at the same time, racial intermarriage is not common or in large numbers. most people marry within they're racial group.

>that is impossible

yes, that's true, white people are being forced to leave. I know an afrikan from south africa who told me about the hate there for whites. Still i don't that destroys my point.

It actually does in a way that it is possible to have a homogenous society or run racial laws on nonwhites. Nationalist takoever and revival of the Russian stage is just a matter of time

Yeah, thats fine if russia wants to keep its slavic racial view alive, but then again what it means to be russian matters more.
However here in america its impossiable. So of course im looking at it with an american lens.

you don't mind me asking why you kept responding to my posts? You did not respond to the others.

> Nationalist takoever and revival of the Russian stage is just a matter of time
Do you actually believe this? Name me one (1) nationalistic movement you are not ashamed of.
I wish that it was true tho.

Back to sosach, faggot.

>Russia never was Christian and never will be
lying kike