You have absolutely NO retort to this

You have absolutely NO retort to this.

So whats the point of the thread?

Trump is vindictive in that if you piss him off, he'll call you names on Twitter.

Hillary is vindictive in that if you piss her off, you'll wind up "committing suicide" with 2 bullet holes in your head in a swamp somewhere


>Berlin Wall
Please tell me this isn't real

>[citation missing]

>Trump = Hitler
I wish. Trump has surrounded himself with a horde of kikes. Trump is no Hitler.

>Hitler had his Berlin wall

Bait or Burger education?
Anyway, here is your (You).

Trump scares you, go suck your thumb elsewhere.

>This is a slide thread.

Even if it's a Sup Forums-tier meta meme you know shitlibs will believe it

t. american education recipient

This must be bait. It's fucking good bait though

Cry moar pussy.

No I don't remember that. Can you provide a reminder of when the Republicans said that?

Why is it always a fucking leaf.

Whelp. Drumpf impeachment soon. He can't refute this

My retort is that (you) get a sage.

LMFAO it's actually real. I honestly thought this was a troll meme.

>NO retort

You and me both.

It runs in the family...

It is better than the alternative. still. I have absolutely no doubt that we would be regretting the fuck out of electing hillary for years to come.

Still no retorts

this is now a DRUMPF thread

>capture Drumpf in certain convenient frames
>thus guy's fuckin ragin, just look at him
give me one (1) video of Trump being angry, screaming with anger, i dare you

>electing this woman

*OP shits on carpet*

"U have no retort to this!!!"

Flush yourself, faggot.