Prepare for major league chimpouts. This is gonna be good.

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This will be the end of Trump. The one thing you don't do is lower the gibs.

>Trump wants to deny the poor food and housing


no more gibs
no more nigger welfare queens
no more ghetto nigglets without fathers

>I'z don't work for chump change


The chimp outs will be of epic proportions. I'm excited for this. nigga day CANCELLED!

I'm gonna be honest, I have no faith in him to actually do it.

He's gone full Ivanka on every policy he has campaigned on. This will be no different.

Yes, this will help. Surely there won't be more homeless and drug dealing because of this.... God damn you people are stupid.

Calm before the storm for sure.

Cutting off the niggers and the coal burners from welfare will make the L.A. riots look like Oktoberfest.

>everyone is innocent.

PLEASE let this happen. Niggers gonna have to get a JOB now LOL


More like people who've made really shitty irresponsible choices will have to actually suffer the consequences now.

Anyone have those caps from the other day talking about this?

Preach it 56% man!

That's right. As many will just die.

good, just an excuse to massacre baboons without consequences

What does that even mean?? This means more people will be on the streets dealing drugs, period. You don't get that? That's bad for everyone.

What do you think is gonna happen? They won't get a job like you want, they will resort to schemes, robbery, and drug dealing.

Yes, and so will all the people they rob, and the people who have to deal with the fall out.

See, you niggers just don't get it. YOU will be the victim, not them. They will come for your shit.

Are you fucking stupid? People on welfare ALWAYS drug deal

Ok...and what happens when you take that supplemental income away? Does the problem get worse, or does it get better?

if they don't ever plan on getting a legit job then they don't deserve welfare, they deserve a bullet to the head

Then we just shoot them. Maybe your pansy ass is being held hostage via welfare niggers but a good chunk of the people worth saving in this shithole will be just fine.

One of my family's tenants get Section 8 housing assistance and they drive a fucking S Class Benz and they got their daughter a brand new BMW for her graduation.

I believe we're going to see a massive increase in nigger related deaths

Breh aint nobody afraid of some coons. Cant wait to see them start getting locked up in jail for crimes because god forbid they actually get a job & contribute to society. You act like cops dont exist.

make chimps get $0 welfare

Well, he's started doing a lot of things he promised, cunty congress just shuts him down.

>seen people have 4 kids just to collect government money
>spends foodstamps and welfare not on kids but lotto tickets and drugs
the only problem is people who are legitimately poor gets fucked as well.

But... there are more Trump voters on welfare than Niggos and Bean-bloods? What's his endgame?

>gibs me dat
the post

Just eliminate the dole entirely.

Everyone knows it is a tool of the elites to bundle it with their own economic priorities to plunder the middle class.

Really tired of arguing with you scum degenerates, I want to start executing you now. It's all so tiresome, you fucking bleeding heart cocksuckers -- the only thing you ever pretend to care about are criminals, sadists, degenerates, perverts and faggots. You are straight out of hell and you are going straight back.

Well, unfortunately sweetie this is the real world and we can't use our emotions to solve problems.

Wow another edgy retard. Never gonna happen, this is America not fucking africa. Us adults have to come up with real solutions, not emotional fantasies.

It has nothing to do with that, when prisons fill up, they just get put back out on the street in a few hours. Some coon getting locked up doesn't unrape your sister or unrob your house. It doesn't unfuck communities.

You think your punishing the niggers, but your just making shit worse for everybody. You fuckers brought them here, now you have to deal with them. Just like a zoo animal requires upkeep, you need to care for them. You knew they were savages but now you expect them to be like the rest of us? NOPE.

That's a real black pill for you.

> no wall
> iran deal in place
> hillary not locked up
> swamp not drained

yea yea, let me know once it actually happens

what is the welfare rate? you really want 30% of the country with no food no options?

>Sup Forums is filled with white nationalists
>Trump has done jack shit to solve the issue of white Americans dieing in droves from drug overdoses
>instead he ramps up military spending, cuts taxes for the rich and fails to pass a healthcare bill
>Sup Forums still supports him

If you actually cared about your fellow white people you'd be up in arms about this.

Meanwhile, Sup Forums is fine with money flowing directly into coporations and the military. Welfare waste is fucking nothing compared to other corrupt shit that's going on.

anyone receiving welfare over a certain threshold shouldn't be allowed to vote.

WOW so edgy. You're an angry little kid, congratulations you'll never persuade anyone of anything, your just spinning in circles.

Again sweetie, this isn't the wild west, you can't just pew pew pew your problems away, we have to deal with REAL solutions. That might mean taking some of trumps gibs to give the niggers gibs so us innocents don't have to deal with the fall out. I don't give a fuck about niggers.

I want them to get a job or to get lost. Yes.

I doubt he knows.


How can we not?

>seen people have 4 kids just to collect government mone
Ive seen people put off starting a family because they didnkt feel financially secure enough to have a child responsibly... and then get sucked into careers until it was too late for them to have kids.
Welfare actively rewards irresponsibility and multiplies the numbers of the stupid at the expense of the responsible and with money that responsible people needed to start their own families. Welfare redistributes from the better breeding stock to the worse, with predictable demographic results.

Dude you are pathetic. Grow some bawlz.

>If they aren't given money for doing nothing they will start robbing people
>In a country that encourages conceal carry and home defense
You didnt think this through did you? Even the first half alone is a good arguement to stop giving them free money

When did I say I gave a fuck about niggers you inbred brainlet? Are you always this spastic? You're that guy aren't you.

>"We want to reduce excessive government spending"
>increases military budget by hundreds of billions of dollars

Sorry idiot that wasn't one of the choices. Does it get worse, or does it get better? This is a very simple ass question.

Hello Sharia Blue

>They will come for your shit.
ok but I have an AK with 1000 rounds of ammunition waiting for them

Wrong. The only way Dems get votes is gibs. There needs to be reform. You want free money, them do something for it. I would even be OK with all welfare recipients being basically an employee of the fed gov. You get $400 a week, you sweep streets or clean toilets. Anything is better than allowing people to stay poor for nothing.

You're a fucking pussy kek

>if I stop paying niggers they might beat me up

>your just spinning in circles

I'd be good with this if he was actually serious. What is the plan to end corporate welfare? How about ending hand outs to other countries? Trump is half ass.

Niggers will literally drop like flies

>home defense
>houses are never robbed

Have you ever gone outside? Let me tell you how the real world works. The niggers stake your place out, or they look on facebook and find out when you leave.

Then they rob your house while you're away, the cops show up 15 minutes later, niggers are gone. If someone really wants your shit, they will get it. This isn't the movies.

Are you an omnipotent gun god? Can you shoot anywhere all the time?

End child support.


really? he is preventing them from feeding themselves?
No. He preventing the government from stealing money from me to feed lazy niggers.

Rooftop Koreans = Best Koreans

Holy shit this triggered plebbit hard


I'm a dem but thank fucking god finally. Biggest thing I want is mandatory drug tests for welfare

I think trump is finally listening to rand paul more and more.

This is very good.

pretty much this and will lead to collapse and more crimes. Enjoy the third world NA.

>Us adults have to come up with real solutions, not emotional fantasies.
Boomer detected. Wellfare is a feelgood "bandaid" solution to put off making a real fix to the problem. Don't worry you'll be dead before it gets too bad. Thanks!

>ghetto nigglets without fathers
so for you this is funny ?

Girl going in life without parent ? this is funny for you ?

please stop

"Welfare recipients in Hawaii get the most benefits, according to Tanner, at $29.13 per hour or $60,590 pre-tax income annually. However, the state's minimum wage is only $7.25 per hour, according to the Labor Department."

Why work?

End welfare, fix the family courts, MAGA!

do /pol idiots not understand that clinton and congress ended federal welfare like 25 years ago?

Dumb cracker

Oh, I wasn't answering your question. Just insulting you.

The amount of homeless on the streets of LA will skyrocket even more. Nothing wrong with people going poor, up until they decide to live outside your window, which is the case right now for me and a lot of people. They have setup tents on the sidewalks in places like Burbank and Glendale, which isn't exactly ghetto, yet. I haven't seen this my entire life that I have lived here, been here for over 35 years. Again, never have I seen the amount of homeless living here as it is now, not in the late 70's or 80s or even 90s. It's unprecedented. Like I said, its all great until it comes to your doorstep, and if this transfer of wealth continues, as this unregulated system was designed to do, then the future is dark my friend. Soon it will be where unless you are baller rich yourself, you are just as broke as the nigger next to you.

>no options
So these parasites draining the tax payers money is justified?
So go get a fucking job is not an option?

YASH. Finally reducing expenses. Hope it goes through.

same here i have renters that live high as fuck on section 8. and yep they are niggers.

He nailed that shit. All except the sheboon question on nfl shite, he shouldve just ended it there

every one post their dream welfare reform.
1. move it completely to the states
2. stop paying niggers to have children out of wedlock

not going to happen but i can dream

>>ghetto nigglets without fathers
>so for you this is funny ?
Maybe they could stop getting arrested at insane rates or not run around on their women.

Having a victim mentality allows one to never progress.

The Iran deal being left alone is good. We want them to become the superpower in the region to compete with Israel. The swamp will take a long time, at least his 8 years. The other two, yeah he has no excuses. They need to be done asap

satan here is right, some states take the right approach, they put you in a job you can do well in, they make sure you feel that you are contributing, blue states rob their citizens of all dignity and creates a crime factory at the same time, typical Venetian style governance coming from the democrats

I love that woman.

>reddit the post
>sees flag
>faggo the post

You're retarded. The entire law enforcement community lives of the stupidity of criminals. Niggers will be dropping like flies they break into the wrong house or rob an armed citizen. Please bring on the chimpouts.

-mandatory drug testing
-state run
-criminal record means your instantly excempt

I just fucking came in my pants. If he can take away nigger gibs i would be so happy.

So all dems have to do is promise to bring back the gibs to win 2020. Wonderful

Corporations push the economy forward and make nice things happen.
Military secures America num.1 of the world

On the other hand welfare make niggers breed, make people lazy, encourage poor life style and basically is unfair for normal working people who actually contributes to society


fuck off our boards normie leaf

im not opposed to helping out hardworking people who need a little hand up or disabled people or what have you, especially if they are my people, but I've known wayyy to many no good niggers who worked under the table and got mad tax and welfare help to just pop out future criminals

>welfare rats pay literally negative taxes
>I'm supposed to be outraged because the Rich who currently pay most of the taxes are now going to have to pay less taxes
k. I'm not excited about a tax cut for the rich, but I'm not outraged by it.

>Maybe they could stop getting arrested
Sure lets put them all in one basket. Please neck urself you retard nigger

>using pre-planning

>believing welfare prevents that
oh sweetie

i don't know if the drug testing is good in a cost/benefit way but we should absolutely not increase benefits for having children. if anything i would be okay with paying these niggers to not have children



Show your flag you fucking leaf

at least we won't be flooded with niggers

I would welcome this. I work at a grocery store, and sometimes I encounter people who buy shit with food stamps. About 80% are obese degenerates. They buy soda, candy, chips, and generally really unhealthy shit with their gibs. This causes them to gain more weight, and thus be a burden on the taxpayer when they need to be treated for their ailments.

I think a good compromise would be for people to be allowed to keep their current benefits, but only allowed to purchase rice, beans, bananas, and frozen veggies. The medical savings alone would be enormous.