How do we fix homophobia?

>current year
>still no PRIDE
>still no gay marriage
>not even civil fucking union
>85% disapproval rate of homosexuality
>tfw it's not natural
>lesbian porn searches skyrocket

I fucking hate my country, we're the shithole of Europe, still living in the 19th century. I can't stand watching my LGBTQ+ friends being deprived of their rights and being oppressed on daily basis!

I should've taken my chances and try to smuggle into Sweden with the refugees.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop being gay. Hopefully your fag friends don't reproduce. Keep Macedonia proud and straight.

Gay Macedonian American here. Feels bad man. Well feels good that I don't live there, but I got lucky and others did not.


stop raiding, you phony homosexuals

I am not sure that "fixing homophobia" was a good idea, given the hate and garbage coming from the gay community.

Lots of gays on pol. Its not a conspiracy.

how do i immigrate to macedonia

can you deny what you have seen in this pic?
but then again you are one of them, most likely
(or someone taken in by the homosexual thread they made in /lgbt/)

Someone made a thread to troll on pol. Shocking, I'll file it with the 50 daily threads.

Coined by George (((Weinberg))), a psychologist, in the 1960s,[13] the term homophobia is a blend of (1) the word homosexual, itself a mix of neo-classical morphemes, and (2) phobia from the Greek φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear".[14][15][16] Weinberg is credited as the first person to have used the term in speech.[11] The word homophobia first appeared in print in an article written for the May 23, 1969, edition of the American pornographic magazine Screw, in which the word was used to refer to heterosexual men's fear that others might think they are gay.[11]

The bible is clear on homosexuality, it is wrong. even secular from religion homosexuality does not produce a happy home life for children. It is a mental illness and should be taken care of

Wait, did he actually say this?

yes, he did
look it up my man

>how do i immigrate to macedonia

I second that.

Wow, he actually did it. Absolute madman.

>being deprived of their rights and being oppressed on daily basis!
Can't wait till we fucking ban this degeneracy in the Constitution forever in november!

doesn't that go against the EU policy?

Hating fags is hard wired into humans. It has been rejected across time and cultures. If governments have to spend millions on brainwashing programs that target kids, then it is clear as day fags are NATURALLY repulsive.

Source for this?

Don't do it children of Alexander


You don't have to be upset you never sucked a dick in your life darling

Mods should ban all fags. Holy shit, even Sup Forums has fags? I'm out of here.

This is year 1. In 3 years we will be calling you faggotts in movies again and trans will be a medical study on mental disorders. You should have just walked away when you got the chance to marry.

Blacks marrying whites did lead to the normalization of bestiality in the west.
Abortion is bad enough, we don't need a slippery slope for that one.
Homosexual marriage does lead to increased risk of child abuse the next panel about the 8 year old drag queen is evidence enough of that.

>Serbia allowed degeneract in 2001
>Bosnia still no fag parade
Is kebab smarter than serbian subhuman?