Tinder have led to more interracial and stable marriages by connecting communities in new ways


The JEW PARASITE needs to promote cuckolding so that the parasite does not lose the host for breeding. Multiculturalism and interracial marriages are the corner stone to the Jewish survival. It is just Jewish culture, and should not be the interest of the other races unless those races of human want to support the parasite.

why don't you talk about all the white man black woman relationship
s they push in every TV series?

Asian here
Virgin till 23,
All of a sudden turned 24 with job, beamer, and a pad downtown

Pulling 7+/10, 18-21 year olds on Tinder and around the market area. Already at 8 white liberal and conservative cuties, 5 asian thots, 2 mexicans, and a mulatto qt. I am 25 now and currently in a ddlg looking for thirds.

So weird and interesting, how girls perceptions of older guys are. I havent really changed at all to be honest... but like the moment you hit 25, you get so much tail from the cute young girls. Its like how high school girls think highly of college guys.

The degenerate life comes to you when you hit 25 bros, especially if you werent a full on chad before. Take it all in before the wrinkles and baldness come

Tinder has been out for how long? Get back to me with the stats in ten years.

Just fucking kill me now. I'm sick of seeing this shit everywhere.

White Wife & Black Husband 50 percent more likely to divorce

>virgin til 23
>hookup advice

This is bait but you still need to stop

Tinder hasn't even been a thing that long. How do they know the marriage will be stable after the 7 year itch

>tfw 25 and permanent non-Chad
B-but, user, you said--

No bait. Srs.

Got a car and a job and a place to your own? My pad is only ~$900/month for a nice and small cozy 750sqft living space

You should seriously kill yourself then.

Yep, these claims seem a tad premature. Like a nuMale's balding and OP's ejaculations.

Baldness is caused by DHT not low-T

>try tinder
>first suggestion is an indian girl named pooja, no joke
>excess amount of negroes on tinder

>Speaking about why more diverse societies are beneficial, Dr Ortega told MailOnline: 'I believe, like many, that more diverse societies have greater advantages.

>'They tend to fare better in socioeconomic status, are usually bilingual, and have well-known human capital gains.'

Why? Life is good atm

what? In almost every show, they ALWAYS push white woman/nigger male.
Look at fucking nearly every Doctor Who.

>only ~$900/month
>being this keked

It is pretty odd that they aren't releasing all the data. We all know that if this app pushed and proved their narrative (non-white/white marriages are amazing!!!) then they'd be screaming it from the rooftops.

What are they hiding?

Fuck off back to your rice-eating degenerate country and get the fuck out of mine.
I'm not memeing, posting ironically, or being satirical. I'm completely sincere: fuck off, leave my fucking country, and never come back.
You're a Godless Asian and you don't belong here.

How can one determine a stable marriage of others?
>One cannot


Not bad for downtown living and having the market plaza downstairs accross the street with bars and restaurants.

>likes living downtown

Oriental af

lmao trumptards being mad from getting RICED

Yuppie life is fun life

Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

Yuppies don't live downtown, they go downtown maybe.

'Our model predicts'

So in other words they have absolutely no evidence at all and are just anti-white leftist scum who wish to see White women have non-white children and breed their own people out of existence.

>choking her out while you go in dry and steal $40 from her purse is every woman's fantasy

cool story bro

If Pooja has big hindi milkers you should smash.

>rich asian chad derailing threads with nothing to offer in his worthless post


I’m a white male dating a black woman in a predominantly Hispanic area. I got tired of insane Latina bitches. Now I’m dating a black girl who said she was a doctor but has more days off than me, and I’m a independent contractor. Her ID is fake, her debit card has a totally different name, and she’s been giving me attitude non-stop lately

BUT GOD ALMIGHTY HER ASS IS AMAZING!! You have never felt ass as firm or as wonderful as this. A black girl’s booty is magical, the only problem is well

everything else :/

Gonna be single real soon. I’ll never date another nigger after this. I’m sorry for trying the forbidden fruit guys :(

Every single commercial, even the Nintendo Switch, advertises Jamal and a beautiful white woman hanging out. I just refuse to buy any products that encourage race mixing. If I am unable to marry due to jewish social programming I will make a grand exit from this planet in a synagogue


Interracial probably means more Hispanic-white or Asian-white relationships but they use a picture of a nigger.

Things were much better when niggas like that were slaves and you could fuck them when ever you felt like it with no consequences

stfu nobody cares

Nevermind. It's literally just a computer model.

Thank goodness that modern technologies such as Tinder are finally helping women to find the sexual satisfaction they deserve.
Sometimes it's so satisfying to be living in 2017.

Fat angry virgin detected.

Nice digits and content.

Step 1: Get decent job.
Step 2: Use decent money to buy decent car (depending on location) and decent home.
Step 3: Be decent looking.
Step 4: Don't act like an incel retard (even if you actually are.)
Result: Get decent looking pussy.

How many (You)s would you like with that sir?

>swipe left or right
>This leads to a profoundly deeper and more loving and stable marriage
Yeah fuck that bullshit. All will be divorced and suicided in 10 years

You're a mongrel

pump and dump. niggresses hit the wall twice as hard especially the most juicy ones