Could ANY dems have beaten Trump in 2016?

Don't say Bernie, he had no centrist appeal. And don't say Biden either, he was too deeply associated with the current admin that pissed everyone off enough to vote for Trump.

Bernie would have won.

No he wouldn't. He couldn't even beat Hillary.

Obama would have won, but then again he couldn't run

Hillary had to cheat and have every single superdelegate line up for her before the race even started just to almost lose momentum to him mid-way through.

Someone like Howard Dean

>could anyone but the two best candidates that could've beaten Trump, beat Trump?

Any of them could have beat Trump. Hillary could have beaten Trump. 80,000 votes going the other way across Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would have handed Hillary the presidency.

Lol, the Bernie meme. I hope he runs again, so then Trump cam landslide win, and the liberal tears will rain down again.

>white people don't know what it's like to be poor
Nah he still would've been BTFO

He never took back the Whitehouse, kinda makes me sad.

>dnc does everything it can to keep Bernie from winning
>Debbie Jewface forced to step down over bias
>cnn sent Hillary debate questions in advance
>almost entire establishment endorses her

She didn't win on merit. She won because it was her turn to be president according to the DNC and the establishment. More people are tired of the swamp than anything so Bernie had a really good chance of winning if he made it to the general.

I voted for Trump and freely admit that if the DNC hadn't been a hotbed of corruption circle-jerking for Hillary, Trump would not have won against any normal Democrat. He probably wouldn't have even been nominated.

Hillary was an obviously corrupt entitled special interests whore who was handed the nomination, and Trump did not hesitate to call her on that and her many failings.

I for one was excited to have someone slam her publicly and unapologetically. I've always known she was terrible. She was an awful senator, she was an awful Secretary of State, but speaking out against her was taboo for some reason.

Trump won because he called her out constantly and never stopped. That would not have worked against an ordinary, non-corrupt, serious Democratic candidate, as I'm sure he'll learn in 2020 unless he manages to get some stuff done.







Jim Webb.

Gookslayer Jim Webb

If have been okay with that.

>a fucking woman lost to him in current year

Um... Hillary did beat Blomph in the popular vote, sweetie.

low bait

As much as I want to take this seriously, I simply can't. California swung her entire popular vote consolation prize and they have nothing there to stop illegals from voting, while simultaneously having the largest illegal immigrant population in the country.

In the future I would be open to a popular vote consideration, maybe awarding a chunk of extra electoral votes... but only if we have federal voter ID implemented.

>popular vote

Nice try grlorpmhtard but MADAME President won the vote outside of the rural and suburban retards. This truth always triggers Drumpfkins

Jim Webb
The only democrat who is
>pro 2nd amendment
>advocate for white working class
>fiscally protectionist

I've been spacing like this for readability for all the years I've been here and I'm not changing it because a fucking leaf did a low effort shitpost.

Nice job fucking up your country's reputation by the way. I can tell you're part of that particular problem. A few years ago and the running joke about Canada was how nice they were and apologizing too much. Now's it's how much of a fucking nuisance you are with your bottom-tier shitposting.


Hillary won by three million votes.


Yes, Hillary would have won easily if she wasn't a complete retard and actually campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan, etc

Biden could have won, too and even a third term Obama.

You mean 6 million right?

That was planned back in 2008, It would have happened regardless of who she was running against

If they had gone with a mainline party candidate, boring but palatable, and avoided pandering to the progressive left, they would have won. Trump represents big change and normies hate change. Hillary just represented the absolute worst of mainstream politics, which people hate even more.

Trump's victory wasn't by a massive margin. Hillary was a hilariously bad candidate for the election she was in, but still could have won against Jeb! (which is what the establishment was planning) , and might narrowly have won vs Cruz.

That all being said, with the complete chimpout of the left, as long as Trump doesn't massively fuck up in the next 4 years and keeps the job growth coming, no one on the left will be able to beat him.

Bernie is the only one that could have beaten Trump. I'm not sure why you want to deny this. It's clear that Hillary cheated to get the nomination and weaker numbers against Bernie. The establishment banked on the idea of a historic first female president in the same way Obama was the first black president. Because it was a given Hillary would win, her campaign management ran the tours as a victory tour. Bernie would have made as many campaign stops as Trump

That's not how elections work in the US and both Clinton & Trump knew that, yet she decided to not campaign in Wisconsin, etc.

>Rnc does everything it can to stop Trump
>Still wins anyway

Bernie had a shot, a lot of independants who ended up voting trump would have voted for him instead. Trump and sanders had a lot of similarities.

Of course after endorsing hillary he shot himself in the foot, hes not electable now.

>bernie the only one that could ahve beaten Trump.
Among the ones that tried, I agree.
Biden could have beaten Trump too. I think he regrets not running now. I think he thought that he wasn't needed and that Hillary would win. He didn't want to run against her either because they didn't have good ground to criticize each other without being hypocritical.

Jim Webb

>Voting for a full blown left socialist
I hope this is being sarcastic.

No moderate liberal was going to vote Bernie, you dumb fucks. Just because all your friends 25 and under liked him didn’t mean anything for him being a valid candidate, he’d have lost bigly. Bernie tucking sucked.

Does anyone know this lady. I would like to send her this picture everyday.

I would've voted Bernie if he went through. Voted Trump. Would gladly have preferred Sanders.

If the Russians didn't hack the election literally a random person could have beat trumpf

What state

Ohio. Same with most of those around me. Ohio was just pissed off at Clinton, not thrilled at Trump.

>No moderate liberal was going to vote Bernie


Here's too far out there on crazy land for the average person. Free college, free healthcare, all with lower taxes? I'm sorry but how the fuck does that happen. Oh yeah we're gonna end the wars and use that money I guess.

Florida is the complete opposite and you would have to dig deep to think a majority of people would forego potential financial benefits for themselves to give it to someone else.

Biden couldn't have beaten Trump, but him running would have redirected the midwest working class whites to the democrats long enough for Trump to not get early momentum and take off. Imagine if the first three months after announcing Trump sat at 3-5% instead of 8-13%. No news about "Trump at top" -> less exposure -> less chance to get views -> polling goes down -> we get Jeb and Marco -> they lose to Hillary. So yes, no democrats could have beaten Trump in in final form, but his weak first form was super vulnerable and they didn't capitalize on beating it when they had the chance.

>implying that's what would happen under Sanders

Lol, was this your first election?

They actively gave him publicity because they thought he would be an easy opponent. This was in one of the email leaks.

Yes, because they were stupid. They should have realized, "hey if this guy gets big, he'll snowball HARD". Instead they though "what a racist, everyone knows racism is bad in THE CURRENT YEAR, I bet if we shine the light on him, it will make all republicans look bad".

Jim Webb.

if obama could run for a 3rd term he'd win

Not sure why people keep saying this. An absolutely hilarious amount of blue seats in Congress and state positions flipped under his presidency. People were fucking sick of him and his campaigning didn't even help Hillary.

Why I'm engaging Trump thumpers idk, but he didn't win by being good or rallying support... All the data shows he won because they got Clinton voters TO STAY HOME. The Clinton Campaign fucked up, Trump wasn't a bastion of people rallying behind him, he did awful in terms of supporters, but Clinton dissuaded too many voters and lost to lack of interest to go vote for her.

That 's the DNC process though.

right, the rust belt would vote for bernie "pay for tykeisha's gender studies degree" sanders

He got more votes than any republican in history. He was the first republican in 30 years to win in the midwest. He clearly rallied supoort.

Old Man Bernie would won. Everyone knows it and it enraged the average poltard

News flash, there are more voters now than in history! That's why you always parrot that stupid fact, it's misleading and means jack shit. He did percentage wise worse in most counties. He won the Midwest because any candidate against Clinton would. Hop off his dick.

Independents aren't necessarily between the two parties.

I think a Sherrod Brown/Kirsten Gillibrand could have had a chance, they're known for their Blue Dog activism (They were, Brown still is, centrist, countryside Dems)

How democrat voters can be okay with the whole "superdelegate" thing is undeniable evidence that they are utterly and totally braindead.