Got a case of the blues Sup Forums

got a case of the blues Sup Forums

can we please have a memri thread today?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes.. yes .. I believe this one is real!


thank you nederland :3





Stealing this





wew could be a new favorite













Religion in a nutshell.

>The Democratic Club
Fucking kek

>Sup Forums enjoys Jewish propaganda tailor-made to influence the goyim into supporting them

Are all of these real, or are they just Sup Forums edits? And I keep seeing these a lot, but I always forget to ask where is this from? What talk show is this? Got any clips?

Never quite sure which (if any) are fake

The funny thing is, most of them are accurate translations!



Some of them are real, some fake.
Memri TV are the people who translate it.

the only edit is the canada/albanian one, they're all legit, i watched the actual footage and they did say all of those

None of them are 'real'.
Memri is literally Jewish propaganda.


Still funny.

I could verify 3 of the ones i posted as real

I knew it but still clicked..

would rape then honor kill the roach on the left

>MEMRI's original mission statement read: "In its research, the institute puts emphasis on the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel."

this one is an obvious fake, calls into question the veracity of the more believable ones. thanks for killing this meme for me, i don't deserve happiness anyway.



I like your hat meme.

Still factual though.

That was exactly the one i couldn't verify

Fuck you


>MEMRI's founding staff of seven included three who had formerly served in military intelligence in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)

pure coincidence

I agree





>ruining a based memri thread with rick and morty gifs from tumblr

We are having a discussion about why religion is retarded and using these Islamists as an example











Id honestly rather watch this than any news on TV, except maybe One America. At least these guys will fight over what they believe than make snide remarks and smug faces blaming everything on whites while the white host or guest pouts in the corner.







Kill yourself.

>Halim Barakat described MEMRI as "a propaganda organization dedicated to representing Arabs and Muslims as anti-semites". Barakat claims an essay he wrote for the Al-Hayat Daily of London titled The Wild Beast that Zionism Created: Self-Destruction, was mistranslated by MEMRI and retitled as Jews Have Lost Their Humanity. Barakat further stated "Every time I wrote Zionism, MEMRI replaced the word by Jew or Judaism. They want to give the impression that I'm not criticizing Israeli policy, but that what I'm saying is anti-Semitic.

MEMRI posts are actually JIDF. Why am I not surprised. At least they contribute good memes, unlike those ShareBlue "people"

im two minutes in and ive lost like 6 times


What the fuck is it with these guys and Spongebob?

You fuckin raftnigger...

At last I truly see.



Burn you faggot

Get thrown off a building

that laugh always cracks me up


Fucking jew.


Fuck you.

Allah be praised


Spongebob is probably the most famous modern cartoon the US has produced that has a wide international audience.

>MEMRI posts are actually JIDF. Why am I not surprised. At least they contribute good memes, unlike those ShareBlue "people"
You can't out-jew a Jew...


Is that a weeb Islamist?

Banned at most countries because they make fun of too much stuff