He's going to be impeached isn't he

He's going to be impeached isn't he...

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Will this insane bitch stop fucking projecting herself onto other people?

funny how so many women who worked for the Dems/were Dems over the years have accused BIll of sexual assault and Hillary of trying to intimidate them into remaining silent

why doesn't Hillary go write another work of fiction, this one she can call "Where Am I?"

Never. It's kept her out of prison all these years.

Says the bitch who gladly took large donations from Harvey


Why is this fucking hag still talking? She lost embarrassingly, blamed it on a conspiracy theory and tries to wear the victim card... Sounds like Hollywood to me.

I am going to have a fucking party when Hillary dies, it's going to be like:


Sorry MAGApedes I'm officially off the Trump train. He has embarrassed Mitch McConnell! Also took his wife for Cabinet presumably to grab the pussy. Also SAGE

Still celebrating, dunno about you.

Trump is a threat to all human life on earth but he getting elected and acting like a 60 IQ subhuman in the office is the best thing that could have happened to the democratic party and its popularity.

What, that she loves him and thinks he's a great guy?

Oh no! Sounds like grounds for impeachment! Nay, the stocks!

You know, if you repeat a lie enough times, people start believing it...
Just saw your flag, my mistake, you should already know that.

This fucking cunt really doesn't have a clue how fucking hated she is.

It's the same for companies whos leaders surround themselves with yesmen. AIG for example.

Who is this woman?

Do the Democrats have anyone else besides Jews, fake Indians, jihadies and batshit cray bitches?

Nah, Bill's been out of the office for 16 years

they are desperate to deflect


>He's like Harvey
>Harvey got discovered and fired within a week with numerous women calling him out
>Trump got accused by one or two women who turned out to be hoaxers
You lost, Shillary. Stop being so buttmad about losing.

please put her out of our misery

She is an empty husk
Latest screen shot
Mortician's makeup applied with a trowel

When people read this they immediately assume Bill.
Way to go you retarded cunt lol

>When you supported Trump for the memes, but then he deports you anyways.


so this is why they sacrificed harvey lmao.

This will be the end of Drumpf!!1!!


And Bill agrees!

She is a brutal combination of evil and hubris.

Nope, literally have nothing on Trump or else it would've came out long ago.

Reason why they don't hav shit on Trump is because get this: he's actually a clean guy, or at least not into the same sick shit the rest of these creatures are.

Still won't do much. They did all that oppo research on Trump and found nothing useful. All those accusers and none with a viable case.


>Hillary two weeks ago: "Harvey who?"
>Hillary today: "Trump is basically Harvey."
max jew

pot calling the kettle Bill?

jews make 75% of all contributions to the democratic party and 50% to the republican party

I came here to say this

do you think they named the hurricane on purpose?

And Clinton's like any old whore, no refunds.

Because Adolf Hillary has firsthand experience at rejection by both(?)

they spent the money on saving puerto rican kids after the hurricane. duh.

wait, not saving - what's that word?

>past Clinton ā€¯Harvey thank you for that money, upstanding jew
>present Clinton "Harvey evil straight white male is like drumpf also what money?"

Makes sense she's on a first name basis with him

no, they spent the money on buses so they could get more children to traffic. try and keep up.

I can get people hating Trump - but I CANNOT for the life of me understand the mentality that gives Clinton a pass.

So is her Bitch husband.

this narrative is so weak, but their rabid lap dog base eats this shit up.

Really makes you think

It's all so tiresome.