What do you think about raising another mans children OP?
In my situation the mother and daughter are both so blonde and white that they are borderline albino. Would Sup Forums? Also the mother is 5 years younger and a solid 9.5/10
What do you think about raising another mans children OP?
In my situation the mother and daughter are both so blonde and white that they are borderline albino. Would Sup Forums? Also the mother is 5 years younger and a solid 9.5/10
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You can use "my wife's son" which raise your political correctness level by x3
is the father still around? consider him a part of your life too if they share custody
>raising another mans child
Unless the father died, don't do this
He did die, the mother is very easy to handle a usually pretty chill. Also the kid is fucking cute as fuck and started calling me dad by the second date.
I think the kid might be guilt trippin me a little.
>He did die
cheers and godspeed, then.
I don't.
>dad by the second date
Run dude
Thank you, I think I might be pretty set.
sounds legit if the daddys dead and she fine
> its a go
> go make more white babies
You're going to have your own kids with this woman, right?
Is that her? Make sure he really is dead. Some bitch likes to pretend that their baby daddy is dead but he's just fucking off somewhere.
>both so blonde and white that they are borderline albino
I'd accept the child if it were aryan-white
Thats fine, that ensures those girls grow up right and dont become sluts, and thats ensuring a future for white people, also have some of your own kids with her.
Just make sure to fuck her as well once she hits puberty, that's the only way to off-set the inherent cuckoldry of raising a child that's not yours.
I intend to but.. [spoiler]I'm a true México born mexican, I'm so sorry Sup Forums[/spoiler]
Full nudes or didn't happen.
someone post the original pic that t-shirt comes from
If the kid was young enough that he'd start calling me dad and the woman was giving me my own child, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Use your head.
Don't have your kids, then, or maybe obtain sperm from a tall redhead guy and use that.
Not her but pretty close, she has more tits and is a natural blonde.
They look a little russian I guess.
>divorce invites gentleman to the home her ex husband pays
I dare you not to rage
Cuck-cuck cuckah!
Orphans, the children of political prisoners, your brother or cousins' kids.
Nothing else is acceptable.
Nigga don't do it!!! When you guy's break up, the child will get hurt and so will you.
That's actual cuckoldry
>UN flag
>talking about cuckoldry
Fuck off, this isn't about politics or news.
That poor kid
The ONLY TWO acceptable cases of raising another mans son...
1) He is the son of a true friend that died in your arms during combat. (hands off the wife!)
2) You are an old fuck that already has his own kids off to college and on their feet. The child of the new woman must not be mixed race and is well on their way to becoming an adult, is reasonably responsible, and requires little guidance...
OP is a literal cuck
you trippin dawg...
it's the best way to get be able to diddle a kiddle, which is usually the case with single mothers of daughters and the men who love them
This is some trash bait.
Don't forget Levirate marriage
Deuteronomy 25:5
>If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.
I'm 28yo, and while I wasn't a virgin I've only slept with her (tuly sleep together).
damn that's pretty nice.