Do it folks. Burn this stupid fagget things.

Location:France,Nantes city, la tour LU (LU Tower)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Plan

the fire wou'll be turn off

The thread will be deleted

How come mods suck cock nowadays ?

Here is the idea one of these frog faggot got:
Geniuses... They are right to surrender.

I won't lie, looks like you've got a difficult task frog bros.

l'élite de la nation khey ^^
This season is harder than the others though.

Up to this building it wont be easy yeah.

Except climbing, or even a tall ladding i dont see.
Maybe a drone with blowpipe

idc how we get it down, but it needs a generation identity flag instead

not discreet enough and one failed attempt and oops you're now an arsonist... I'd suggest using one of those high-output lasers

The fact is, unlike before, there is virtually no way to get there by foot

Our options:

-rent a crane (impossible, 1k€ a day)
-clim (might fall and die, 38m high)
-burn it (don't want to burn the building which is historical
-use a drone to cover it (too heavy)

The only way is to make a petition or comparable fagget shit.

Can shia the jew really say he got one over on us? He's planted the flag in fucking fronce how gay is that

>he will not divide us
>in france
what does that even mean now

High powered laser?
Burn the role holding the flag?


Call in a bomb threat?

These lasers are forbidden in France.
And the flag is always moving, you can't target a point and warm it.

brainstorming with yall, but how about a drone that is jury rigged with spray paint?

We shoud get a drone and directly hit the pole of the flag full force

use a drone with a claw to rip it off the pole?



not sure the drone has enough force to actually rip the flag.

Stop enabling him guys. At this point if you let that flag fly it would look much more pathetic for Shia. He's not even hiding it

The fact he has to run to begin with shows his cuckary.

>Pour oil in flag using drone.
>Light the flag with laser.

>pretend to be muslim
>say flag offends you
>frogs, like the cucks they are, will remove the flag as to not offend the religion of peace

Drone + Makeshift Flamethrower
Drones + Hooks and lift it away somehow

train a monkey and strap a bomb to it on flag day

The only answer is a high powered laser guys

Stop all other discussion right now. Maybe a few of you could get them and point them all at once. The problem is that we have to trust the fucking eurocucks to do something

The only non faggot way is to target the camera, not the flag.
We located the camera which is on the building connected to the tower

Drone with automated skizzors.
Snibbity snab we got da flag
This kills the boof


This could work really well, actually. Quiet and hard to detect.

> Alerte à la bombe dans le bâtiment

> Cela entraînera un trouble à l'ordre public


oil will still leak on the building, and still potentially catch fire from the flag embers. We have to minimize collateral damage.

You could use a rope and climb up to the flag on the building.

Isn't it far right to fly the national flag of the country you're in?

Not bad desu

Fuck the cuck mods reeeee

put spray paint on a drone and then paint a dick on it.

I was thinking exactly this.

Anything using fire will get you arrested you dumb fucking cunt. Just get on the roof and find the camera and cover it with a trump face or something.

Just equip a drone with a blade, ideally a rotating one, and cut the rope which is holding the flag.

There is no risk of burning the building down and gravity will bring the flag right in your hands.

What flag is it?

I vote for this but where are we going to find a monkey trainer?

high powered laser is easily the best method

>this will get you arrested retard
>do this, which will also get you arrested
