We all know its coming, what is Sup Forums's thoughts on when it is going to happen?
When will the US real estate market crash?
Next year, Jews always crash the market of presidents they don't like in their second year
>MFW not too much of a young fag to remember 2008
probably not for another 4-5 years. There's gonna be a lot of capital flight from China. Trump wants to keep interest rates low.
I agree it's at insane levels, but there's nothing on the horizon to stop asset inflation. Hope I'm wrong. Nobody knows for sure.
This desu
Canada's will fall first. When that happens burgers should start shorting.
I remember, but it didn't drop nearly enough as it could/should have and in many areas they are back up to inflated levels of pre-2008. Some areas even beyond that.
Why do Americans get out of their cars and fight each other at traffic lights?
naive idea.
no two bubbles are ever the same.
Whatever the next bubble is, it probably wont be real estate.
Look at municipal bonds.
Canada housing is crashing now
Why do you let your women get raped 3 times on a walk home from a night out?
Because their attackers weren't beaten up at traffic lights
When California's home prices fall, everywhere in the US will fall hard. But this won't happen unless Hong Kong's home prices fall to nothing.
Ic an't understand why it is still so expensive there. The place is a shit hole.
If the tech bubble pops, housing market will take a shit so hard its ass will bleed
Their attackers aren't beaten up at all, you house and feed them and throw the people who speak ill of them in jail and then come on this board and talk about America.
Did you just forget that San Francisco was just half way burnt to the ground?
New houses will have to be put up, the new house price in California is exponentially greater than the used.
Middle class people can no longer afford to live there, barely could before this.
RIP California.
Yeah I don't know why people think there's going to be some big crash. Last one was inflated by bad loans and teaser interest rates. For the last 6-7 years you've been able to get 2-3% fixed rate mortgages and getting approved for those loans is a hassle if you aren't willing to put 20% down.
>real estate market crash is a bad thing
I already have a loan on my house, it's set in stone with a fixed APR.
Nothing (((they))) can do about it since its a VA loan.
I can finally buy a cheaper house
Pol, the only place where people think a house has less value than a bitcoin.
Fed policy, whenever they raise interest rates there will be a domino effect. Lots of money being lent with really low int rates, just by the law of averages most of those probably weren't good investments and it won't be pretty finding out who was over leveraged
Well if you were looking to sell for a return, you might get screwed unless you have already paid the thing off entirely.
If you already paid it off then it doesn't matter if everything drops to sub-$100k. You could just sell and repurchase cheap as hell.
It would just suck to be in a loan for $250,000 on a house that is now $30,000 in value. Though if you weren't going to sell it wouldn't REALLY matter anyway. It is an unrealized loss.
Idk, I think people are overconcerned about commercial debt. Honestly commercial debt isn't the fear, it's really public debt that's the biggest concern.
At the height of the crisis Goldman, being a more conservative Wall St. group was levered up 28 to 1, while Lehmann and the like were at 33 to 1 or more. The federal reserve is now levered up 77 to 1 according to Wall St. Meanwhile U.S. national debt is 106% of GDP, but Chinese national debt is 280% of GDP, this is truly alarming.
To conclude, I don't think theres a private sector debt bubble, but there certainly is a public sector one.
Underwriting standard went way the fuck up after the crisis, and haven't gone down at all. Most of the NINJA's ALT-A's and Mid-Prime are banned, or defacto banned because Mortgage Insureres won't insure them. So there isn't another subprime bubble as far as I can tell.
Fire wasn't in San Francisco
>not knowing what "exponential" means
Looking forward to it, as a richfag i will buy a villa.
When (((they))) raise interest rates.
Phoenix here, was here for the crash and now things are just booming along like it's early mid 00s again and nothing ever happened.
Endless sprawl, endless McMansions, endless building everywhere.
How on Earth is this even sustainable? Who is buying all these homes? When will we reach the limit of our water supply here in the middle of the desert when it's all piped in from the Colorado River?
Its already starting to go down. We are past the peak. Prices are still need to fall a lotore to match incomes tho. Look up Mel Watt, he's a negro Obama appointee forcing Fannie Mae to give loans to shitskins with crap credit by taking into account that they pay their cell phone bills on time. They are getting desperate to keep it propped up but will inevitably lead to a crash and taxpayers bailout, or hyperinflation.
there isnt a huge real estate bubble in the United States
mortgages are supported by real people this time around, and speculation is minimal
you wont see a real estate crash coming any time soon
When will the Canadian one crash? Few months back there was a Canadian user posting statistics and inside info bout Toronto crash but he disapeared.
the Canadian crash will be centralized to the Vancouver area, but the Chinese money keeps coming in to prop it up
Chinese national debt is at around 40% GDP not 280.
Right now. It’s been collapsing. And has been since the boomers started to decline.
Jesus christ, do you think of literally everything in terms of race and religion? What the hell is wrong with you people?
They did twice since February 1st 2017. The bubble that is forming now is definitely a public sector one. Hopefully when it pops it cuts Non White Births from 1.9 to 1.5 like it did in 2007. The Non White Birth rate went from 2.7 as of July 1st 2006 to 1.9 as of July 1st 2016.
>reads my posts as it pertains to demographics
>didn’t read the part were I say that the housing collapse is head and has been seen census year 2007 which is when the boomers began to decline sharply
Yea fuck you
when will Vancouver crash
Dunno but I'm saving up now so I can scoop a mcmansion for pennies when it happens