Why is genetic engineering illegal?
Why is genetic engineering illegal?
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because humanity is not advanced enough to even come close to making a proper decision on what's best.
Designer babies, black people turning their kids white and white people turning their kids black, Cats humping dogs, disgusting creations beyond imagination.
Could you explain? I'm not really sure what you mean by this.
They're doing it in China. It's only in the West with our childish terror of genetics and evolution that we're outlawing it.
Wait for November.
>black people turning their kids white and white people turning their kids black
This will be hilarious I hope genetic engineering reaches the consumer level cryptoblacks and cryptowhites everywhere
Each permutation is a paper, but there are many known
If genetic engineering were illegal then blacks wouldn't exist, which is racist sexist islamaphobic homophobic etc. etc.
you create a sub strata of rich genetically perfect humans
imagine if all of Donald Trumps kids were immune to AIDS ebola hemophelia because he paid 10 mill a pop to give those kids these attributes they will go around acting like they are better than you, fucking whores, being degenerate, not contributing to the population to the same extent if they had to content with these types of diseases and frailties
you will further the class divide and spread animosity
>roiding for this
You need to be gassed.
People will realize that the whites and Japs are the best.
You'd quickly end up with Brave New World / Mega City where everything is walled off from the badlands.
The badlands would be orcs.
The cities would be whites and Japs.
I wouldn't mind.
Only because I'm pure Aryan.
Digits confirm.
CRISPR isn't that expensive already, so in 10 years it'll likely be even cheaper.
>they will go around acting like they are better than you, fucking whores, being degenerate, not contributing to the population to the same extent if they had to content with these types of diseases and frailties
lmao what
You dare challenge the Bogdanovian guard?
Because Godlike humans would disobey their masters and be uncontrollable, and we can't be having that right goy?
idk what the fuck your on about. But the reality is that who knows what type of mutations will come of us fucking with our dna. we could make superhuman sure, but what are the long-term effects. Maybe that superhumans kids 100 year evolve to piss acid or shit radioactive turds
post his cock pls
If Chinese products are any indication how this will go, I can't fucking wait to see the results.
Becuase muh bible
>his instagram
How does one become some dry?
Where is /fit/ when you need em?
Yeah pretty much Sup Forums+/fit/ on super steroids 7 feet tall 500 pounds less than 10% bf 300 IQ blonde blue eyes with golden skin.
Imagine an army full of ubermensch like this
Don't forget: furries fulfilling their fantasies via splicing
>implying that the world wouldn't transcend armies by that point
War never changes
>idk what the fuck your on about
if you tell someone they are special and genetically superior they will act like pretentious fuckwits
thats what I'm saying do you dissagree?
I'd roid for that desu
To quote a bible, "the water monster is right, cat man, they are among us."
Because it is a slippery slope.
You genetically enhance a fetus to be immune to all diseases, all generations following him/her will be immune to all diseases. Unable to be reversed. But if they were to make a mistake, out of millions and millions of variables, they could potentially make every following generation infertile. Potentially killing the entirety of that generation.
We Astartes Now
This is basically correct. People do not know what they want. They think they know, but they don't.
Tons of tren hex. Your balls will fall off and your heart will explode. But for a few years you will look pretty good.
Imagine being so empty on the inside you care only about the outside.
God doesn't care how perfect you body,facial structure,hair,eyes etc are,the things that should define a human are his deeds and how he/she behaves and what he/she thinks.
Would you really trash your ancestors,your dna and all that stuff just to jerk your ego and fulfill your gay fantasy about the "perfect man" ?
Because this is a Christian nation. The only genetic engineering you'll be doing is competing for the best woman you can get, or enlisting/kys if you're not fit for breeding
We have sperm banks user, another generation will always follow
>they will act like pretentious fuckwits
Who cares shitskin?
Not for the chinese.
checks out
>is against race mixing
>is against gay sex
>is pro genetic engineering
really makes you think
yeah that doesn't follow at all, making one singular genetically engineered person, or even a ton of them doesn't warrant that even in a theoretical sense.
The elite would eventually alter themselves greatly and an "artificial ruling caste" would be created.
The rest would never stand chance to compete on any level and humanity would eventually end up enslaved.
Ok,let's take God out of the excuation because I see a degenerate american doesn't have the mental capacity to recognize the existence of God.
Why would you throw out the window years of evolution and everything that makes you unique and special just to fulfill your superficial and homosexual fantasy about the perfect man?Are you that frustrated about your own body that you'd like your kids to look like your ideal man?Why don't you want your kids to have things in common with you (genetically speaking) ?
The answer is simple,you are a simple minded,superficial,frustrated and a homosexual man.
Actually it would be more like the Tau: the smart ruling caste and the shit caste (us).
They probably never thinked this properly
They just liked the idea of perfect superhumans, but they just expect that those are them by default.
We should reach a state of near political or social perfection before we begin to attempt technological or biological perfection.
Otherwise you're basically throwing a bomb at your feet and hoping it doesn't go off.
that is because humans have never changed before
>not wanting genetically engineered cat girls to become real
Lmao faggot.
>Why is genetic engineering illegal?
It's not.
Genetic engineering is illegal? I didn't know anyone had bothered, though there certainly do seem to be cultural questions unresolved against it.
Let me take a stab at those.
Genetically engineered humans would be highly effective specialists according to their engineered specialties. They would increase the capacity of humanity to specialize. Contrary to those who imagine this as a buglike experience, history shows that wealth and leisure increase together with specialization. These are what humanity seeks, so they are the ends to which specializations are ultimately turned. We profit together when we profit one and all.
Where past advances in specialization have occasionally involved compromises in human quality of life, this one promises a dramatic improvement in health and happiness. Genetic engineering can target the pains of mankind more directly than anything conceived of before.
Just don't literally engineer a collective mentality and we'll be fine. Don't go around taking the (you) out of Yous.
I'm not gay but the male body is so much more attractive than a female body.
What did Italiano Faggio mean by this?
You're not tricking me you despotic fuck.
But we are though...
>dig bick
There, I made a human superior to you
We got a fucking Jim Smoot over ere m8. Fuck you and your ancestors when you return and enslave our peaceful oceanic weays ;w;
big dick is really nothing but an impediment, unneeded ballast
Genetic engineering is basically eugenics so how are those things contradictory, Christcuck?
Ok, well you don't have to engineer your son to have a big dick, but I will, and we'll see who gets the girls :^)
user. We are talking about the future here. Girls will be bought and sold at auctions.
>Your balls will fall off and your heart will explode. But for a few years you will look pretty good.
Is that sum STORM aliens?
Genetic engineering may not be natural, but if humans become capable of it, could it not be considered the next stage of evolution?
Our curing of diseases with our superior brain power is not 'natural', but we made it reality.
Therefore if eugenics manifests itself as a reality born from the human consciousness, is it not as natural as anything else?
nothing wrong with this
Genetic engineering is a foregone conclusion. We just aren't very good at it yet
Because we don't know how most of our exons do
>two entirely different ethnic choices (that are degenerate and doesn't better mankind) equals to one entirely different ethnic choice (that can improve mankind as a whole)
>thinking you got Sup Forums by the balls with shitty meme
yeah, made me think.
Because people are petty and are terrified of being an *objectively* second-grade human being. People are so fucking pathologically fearful of inequality, even when they themselves have everything they need to be happy, that something like genetically engineered people are a deep terror to them.
For example, some will argue that the public primary school teacher is as important as the self-made CEO that built a company and created jobs for other people, pointing out that the teacher is an essential part of society, and the CEOs high income is unjust, compared to the teacher's low income: Ignoring the fact that a single CEO of a successful business is just that much more useful to society than a single teacher.
I mean, think about it. Women with the perfect shapely body. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect eyes, all with the parent's tasteful design choices for color, size, etc. Do you think women who can't afford that and those who will be competing against them are gonna be okay with that? Same with men. Perfect muscular bodies, with thick hair, body hair, beard, a thick and perfectly long dick, etc.
My predictions are that these genetically engineered humans will come eventually, but just not in the west. We're too deep in the whole PC bullshit, so probably Asia will be the first movers, creating an entire generation that will out-perform the west.
What if somewhere down line the mutations fuck up and the offspring of the genetically engineered humans all suddenly die or become incapable of breeding or something that we weren't expecting? I'm sure even simple selective breeding had many trials and errors that we don't even hear about where the results were completely fucked up offspring that were immediately discarded until a good result was achieved
where's that from? I seen that from a book.
Religious freaks think you're playing god, libtards are worried about inequality (the super rich becoming super smart, living forever, etc., which no one else would afford), and in general just a fear of fucking stuff up because we don't know enough. It's one thing to be a lab rat, but would you trust Shekelstein BioEngineering Inc. to fiddle around with your unborn kids' genes? Human experimentation is frowned upon for a reason - things can go wrong as well as right.
Man After Man
>I seen that
Give me an example of genetic engineering working and having no drawbacks or later problems? I don't think it's ever even been attempted
And I don't think it would make anyone insecure even if it were possible (it isn't). Any rational human being would know it's a fake, just like guys who get plastic surgery. Itisnt natural so it isn't impressive.
Space Marines, you fucking IDIOT.
Because we cant be trusted.
Look at the way the rich and powerful abuse laws. Would you be happy with them pissing in the gene pool with their vain and insane tinkering?
All it takes is one fat old jew to blast a gene ray up his ass to make his dick bigger, next thing you know women are giving birth to a generation of spider babies.
This must be the worst genetic enhanced creature I have ever seen.
Ugly, fat and it has no balls
>lanket on steroids that will have crippling back problems before his 40s
>his 'job' is to stand there while people take pictures, producing no value for the reich
If you don't have a body like this, you are not a true Aryan.
Guns. Cause of no guns. Genetic engineering puts people that arent you into power.
Wait 20 years for the CCP ubermensch to be developed
That guy seems to be like 2 meters.
We should provide treatments for increasing intelligence. Raise everyone's IQ a standard deviation relative to today's.
Genetic Engineering is an extension of natural evolution. Humans are now at the point where we are not limited to this natural evolution. Its funny that our genetics have carried us along this path.
>Why would you throw out the window years of evolution and everything that makes you unique and special just to fulfill your superficial and homosexual fantasy about the perfect man?
We are not throwing out years of evolution, we are building upon it. The point isn't to fulfill a homosexual fantasy, it is to create a better future for our children and race. Humans are weak, we are frail and are prone to physical and mental debilitation. To create a better society we must create better people.
>Why don't you want your kids to have things in common with you (genetically speaking)
I do, but like I said before genetic engineering does not throw out all of the genetics that make you and your bloodline, it builds upon it. Also, I would like to pass on a better world for my kids and my society, and would jump at the chance for my children to be free of health and mental problems.
>The answer is simple,you are a simple minded,superficial,frustrated and a homosexual man.
That's kind of mean and shortsighted. I understand your point though. With great power comes great responsibility, and genetic engineering must be tightly controlled or it could end up being used for wrong.
>tfw even the jew's doing it timesofisrael.com
Niggah Halfthor is 6'9 420lbs in off season he doesnt have anywhere to put am extra 80 lbs of muscle even if he had 3 more inches. I know we are speaking in fantasy but you triggered my autism with these fucked proportions.
>"With superhuman ability come super human ambition. Mankind learned this long ago."
Captain Archer Star Trek.
>Raise everyone's IQ a standard deviation relative to today's.
Niggers would still be below the average.
The problem is in the picture you posted, it's anatomically unstable.
Small feet and ankles to hold up far larger body weight, small arms prepositional to legs ruin ruin center of mass in motion.
Humans cannot fathom the variables that are taking place here, even the ones we know, we barely understand.
Evolutionary adaptions happen in synergy with the environment, if you want superhumans, change the environment.
They may benefit disproportionately well!
Also slightly above average is optimal. The rest is circus shit.
Because it isn't for the ones who use it.