Trump is using Saul Alinsky's own tactics against the left and they hate it

>Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals is considered the bible for the left, the Democrat Party playbook. Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on Alinskys book.
>The rules can easily be used by the right too. In Alinskys own words, In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people. Sound familiar? Trump says it at every rally.

>What tactics has Trump co-opted? The job of the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a dangerous enemy. Through his public comments and tweets, is there any doubt that the entire establishment view Trump as a dangerous enemy? Watch any MSM, they absolutely despise him.
>Then there is ridicule, another Alinsky tactic. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage." Little Marco. Crooked Hillary. Rocket Man? Sound familiar? All designed to unnerve his political opponents, to his advantage.
>Another Alinsky rule is, A good tactic is one your people enjoy. Most Trump supporters love his tweets and nicknames. We cheer when he calls CNNs Jim Acosta Fake News. We laugh when Trump retweets a GIF of him hitting a golf ball into Hillary Clintons back.
>Other Alinsky tactics Trump has utilized, "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose." Or, Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Just ask his political opponents.
The POTUS is basically a genius, it's time for the left to admit they've lost on every front.

Other urls found in this thread:

don't forget to use your opponents rules against them.

liberals can't survive their own racist white privilege bs

Trump is a master tactician and nobody seems to realize it.

Ridicule is very effective when dealing with the left just because they take themselves so fucking seriously. They don't know how to respond when mocked or laughed at.

Pence looks like he's ready to knock someone the fuck out in that photo.

This guy fucks.

This is also very true. If you just call them insane, loony, poor dumbasses they figuratively lose their shit every single time. They also hate being called uneducated when they very clearly are lacking in any major critical thinking skills.

Pence got made fun of by the kike pedos for taking his wife with him to all events.....because that means he's not a pedo.

>The trump administration is a massive ideological victory for the right
Is this Sup Forumss deepest delusion?
His public favorability was at his height during the election and he still failed to breach a majority.
He has literally never had nor will have majority support. He is a massive ideological failure who becomes less successful every day. His rallies only slow the descent. The fact that he needs to continue actively campaigning is embarrassing.
The real success of the Trump presidency is its ability to exist despite its unpopularity. It manipulates the weaknesses of those who would destroy it and so survives despite the lack of any real strength of its own.
>most trump supporters like his tweets
How is this a win when MOST of your own supporters like something you do? It gains you no one and actively loses you some. These were campaign practices that have lost any fringe benefits.
The conservative establishment continues to tolerate him for a single purpose: tax breaks. If he fucks that up they will abandon him.

Yo how about you shut the fuck up, grow a pair, stop complaining and support the fucking god emperor.

keep crying loser

Keep bragging about the 2016 election, you're too stupid to see it for the Pyrrhic victory it was.

Oh yeah anything that hits at their intelligence works nicely. In fact I think point blank calling them retarded or retard works best because they legitimately don't expect it because it's a no-no word and any crowd or group that's present finds the term funny as fuck and it's all about winning over whoever is watching

I'm not bragging about just the 2016 election, I'm bragging about all the real progress we've made in just 8 months to unfuck our country and we've still got 7 years to go. Stay salty, faggot, your opinion means jack shit to me.

True. I've also found using "non-PC" words throws them for a fucking loop every time because they assume just because they don't/won't use those words that no one else will either. When you say things like "you're retarded" or "you belong in an asylum" they realize everyone else doesn't give a shit about their PC nonsense and it shatters them.

>all the real progress
What progress, user? I've read the lists of 'accomplishments' from the Trump administration but they're just posturing nonsense.
You failed to repeal Obamacare and it was a massive embarrassment to the white house and congress. You're not actually building the wall no matter how many things you try to hold hostage for its funding.
You're deporting less people than Obama did and your attacks on DACA has backfired.
Trump ran on less expensive world-policing but the DoD budget and tension in asia and the middle east is at a decade high.

Your opinion means nothing because you base it on nothing.

That's a good way of putting it they do seem very fucking rattled when they realize you're gonna say things that aren't PC approved and they then have to scramble for comebacks. I've also found that if you ask specific questions you know they won't be able to answer it makes them extremely Buttflustered probably because they tend to think they're good at trivia so it's embarrassing for them when they have to say I don't know

>just postering nonsense
Now I know you're an ass-blasted lefty cunt
-signed the Telehealth initiative that improves healthcare for millions of children, wives, and Soldiers in the US
-signed legislation that forever bans bank and corporate bailouts from ever happening again
-has spear-headed the end of Affirmative Action on college campuses, thus making everyone play by the same standards when it comes to admissions
-already began building a border wall that liberals swore would never happen
-has signed EO's that strengthen religious freedom for all religions in the US
-Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning
-Promoted businesses to create American Jobs
-Established The Commission on Drug and Opioid Abuse to stop the heroin epidemic in our country
-Strengthened ICE to make more arrests and deportations, even in sanctuary cities, to rid our country of felons who shouldn't be here in the first place
Just a few things of many he's done so far. The only reason your salty is because he's reversing the bullshit the left has gotten our country into in the past 8 years. Again, stay mad I don't give 1 single fuck but you're not going to convince me the things I listed are bad for our country you moron.

They hate admitting they're not actually informed on a lot of topics that matter and in most cases will resort to emotional responses/arguments that aren't logical or just outright try to derail the conversation with "..ok ok but what about this over here?" They'll never admit they're wrong but the info you drop on them will stay with them and slowly eat away at them until they actually research it on their own instead of just believing the bullshit being crammed down their throat by people who don't have their best interests in mind. This other user is a perfect example. He can't actually speak about Alinsky's writings or how Trump has used them to his advantage so he's fallen back on "hurr drumpfff he hasn't done anything yet blahblhblah." It's like a broken record.

Judical appointments last longer than your butthurt.

I wouldn't even bother

They don't want to listen to anything whatsoever you have to say, they want everyone else to hear what they want to say to you

If you do decide to bother you must be bored

Agreed. A few months back I got into it with an open borders for all liberal over Muslims in Europe. I brought up the rapes in Cologne on NYE and he accused me of making it up because he'd never heard of it before. I pull up the video and hand him my phone but he thrusts it back at me saying "I don't wanna watch somebody get raped that's gross what's wrong with you?!" So I explain that I'm proving I'm not a liar and obviously he must believe me if he didn't wanna watch and this motherfucker had the nerve to say he still didn't believe it even tho he wouldn't watch the video. On the bright side the entire group we were with called him out but holy shit the delusion is strong with the left if they think things only exist If they've heard about it

Wow user, let me break these things down one at a time so you can read them slowly.
>signed the Telehealth initiative that improves healthcare for millions of children, wives, and Soldiers in the US
Wow user, he signed something other people had already been working on for a long time and already had bipartisan support. A real W for Trump.
>-signed legislation that forever bans bank and corporate bailouts from ever happening again
Hahaha I'm not even going to wait around for a citation for this, user. It absolutely doesn't exist. Trump has given wall street whatever they've wanted.
The legislation put forward to actually prevent another crash and bailout (like glass steagal and Dodd Frank) has been thrown in the trash by his administration.
>-has spear-headed the end of Affirmative Action on college campuses, thus making everyone play by the same standards when it comes to admissions
You mean Sessions has prompted the Justice Department to look into it, but has so far done nothing? How exactly doesn't this qualify as posturing? It is textbook virtue signaling.
>-already began building a border wall that liberals swore would never happen
The wall has no money, user. The only reason hes rushed to put a minuscule amount of funds toward it is (not even close to 1%) so morons like you on the internet can comment "BUT ITS ALREADY STARTED". It hasn't started. He is trying to hold other national interests hostage for funding, but so far that hasn't worked.
>has signed EOs that strengthen religious freedom for all religions in the US
His EOs on 'religious liberty' are his biggest empty signalling, user. He has yet to affect any actual laws.
>-Promoted businesses to create American Jobs
Which businesses? The Carrier fiasco is an embarrassment. Gigantic bribe that bought nothing. He takes credit for industry practices and deals that have nothing to do with him. You're parroting this line because his administration says it so often.

posts like this just confirm to me that we got it right

>trump has a strategy

oh man, my sides were oswalded

Not bored, just a little soft-activism in my free time. I print papers, gazette-style, hand them out by the hundreds on campus. I have no doubt that any leftie retard just trashes it, but for those on the fence or unsure of what their party actually represents it does create meaningful conversation where their views of what a college professor tries to indoctrinate them into are challenged and they hear both sides of the story instead of the "whitey's wrong for everything, gibmegibs." I wear my MAGA hat so people already know where I stand on a lot of issues but it still doesn't "scare them away" or anything. I've had maybe two DACA kids out of hundreds of people I pass papers out to actually chimp out and everyone around, including myself, just laughed them off like the idiots they are.

You're assuming he is a liberal. God Sup Forums has plebbit tier logic now. Trump has done lots of stuff people are too pansy to do. But gutting ACA and making premiums go up even more just to spite Obama is pathetic and a further intrusion of government. George III is looking mighty sexy now

>Established The Commission on Drug and Opioid Abuse to stop the heroin epidemic in our country
Wow he made an advisory commission which has so far done nothing. That's certainly not the least he could do.
You can't put Jeff Sessions in charge of the justice department and then pretend like you're making progress on drug addiction in the U.S. Well, you can but only retards will believe you.
>Strengthened ICE to make more arrests and deportations, even in sanctuary cities, to rid our country of felons who shouldn't be here in the first place
Still on pace to deport less people than Obama. Now floating real amnesty possibilities for dreamers after he took so much shit for tanking DACA (he even admitted he didn't want to deport them, but will openly use them for leverage anyway).

>he only reason your salty is because he's reversing the bullshit the left has gotten our country into in the past 8 years
The only things Trump actually has to brag about these days are economics user and those aren't even his accomplishments. Obama policy isn't holding him back, its the coat tails hes riding to maintain mediocrity.

BAHAHAHA shills gonna shill gonna shill
Shake some of that sand out of your vagina and join the winning team, or don't, we don't care. We're moving forward whether we have to drag you along kicking and screaming. Makes no difference.

We're all shills waiting to get paid for an opinion. The sooner we dump Trump and destroy both both puppet parties the sooner America will be great again.

Think we hit a salt mine here, ladies and gentleman. Panties twisted into oblivion.

>Get rebutted for your copypasta list of 'accomplishments' point for point
>have nothing to say, post blatant troll reply


Notice how this shill has yet to say a single thing about Alinsky's writing (which was the topic of the entire thread) because he's likely never read it or any other book, he's just spouting the same broken-record bullshit we've heard since the election. Shariablue's not sending their best for sure. If you can't handle actual intellectual conversation, then just take your little tantrum somewhere else. No one cares what you think retard.

Premiums were going to increase either way.

It's not copypasta, it's not even the topic of this thread. You're trying to derail it as hard as you can but it's not working and you're only showing how unread and uninformed you are about the entire situation. You are the definition of a dumbass.

They assume he's dumb.

They'll increase more because of the price sharing thing and we won't be subsidizing them anymore. Not bad but one would hope that money would go to reducing the debt not the trickle down meme. Just invest that and lower capital gains. But no one will do that since Dems just want to throw the money out the window and Republicans want to favor those who helped them get elected. Middle Class gets ignored either way.

Hahaha being this assblasted. Holy shit.

You need to cite your sources.

Let me show you what Trump has done (with Mainstream Media sources below) to your country while you're too busy paying attention to propaganda from Mainstream Media and Late Night Comedy hosts.

>Get your copypasta 'accomplishments' list torn apart
>Pretend you're amused by how salty it is
>Be 3 smug anime replies deep in obvious butthurt
>Can't actually rebutt a single counterpoint
Its ok, user. Lots of autistic people live fulfilling lives.

>want to talk about Aiinsky now instead
Sure user, lets look at OPs examples
>Do things people enjoy
>Ridicule your opponent
>Become the enemy of the establishment
Wow these aren't the most basic tactics of all upcoming politics in the world. These are very particular "liberal" playbook moves alright. Really 4Ds my Chess senpai.

Checked for sweet ass blasting.

>150,000 actual deportations is less then obama’s 0.
Yea no. Catch and release is gone unlike all obama all those numbers you see are actual deportations.

>its not copypasta
>literally copypastad from other web communities that have compiled trump accomplishment lists
Sure, user. Sure.

That's because narcissism fuels their life. It's why they make nonsensical points most of the time.

>>want to talk about Aiinsky now instead
Nigger, how fucking stupid are you precisely? This entire thread started as an Alinsky conversation, you're the one who tried to derail it to something else for the 100th time. You're unread, uneducated, hilarious, pathetic, and sad all at the same time. I'm starting to wonder if you have a legitimate head injury or something.

Show proof it was copypasta. Just because everyone knows the major things that Trump's done doesn't mean it's copypasta, that just means it's common fucking knowledge you incredible intellectual infant. If a website somewhere said "the sky's blue" would it be copy-pasta for me to say the same thing in a thread? Keep digging that hole, you look even more stupid with every post.

And my first reply was about how branding trumps bullshit as some sort of idealogical war victory is retarded. I explained my reasons for thinking so.
You're the retard that replied trying to substantiate his accomplishments. You were fine having that conversation then but you're obviously done with it now (notice how you haven't replied to a single attack on your list items, you know that they're bullshit).

>Head injury

You've provided no sources for any of your outrageous claims, what rebuttal am I supposed to provide to the basic fairy tale fiction you've written up? None, I suspsect. I'd rather just laugh at you like the uneducated pleb you are.

>Prove theyre copypasta
Nigger google them yourselves. They are word for word copy and pasted from other lists. Theres a 4plebs archive of a near identical list from yesterday. Theres word for word copy lines from other shitty conservative political forums.

So much salt.

premiums have been going up and will continue to go up. Gutting the ACA forces an alternative to be put in its place

Trump, like any businessman in the 1980s, read Art of War.

"All warfare is deception. Pretend inferiority and encourage the arrogance of your enemy. Hold bait to them, feign disorder to draw them in, then crush them"

Trump is crazy like a fox.
He's also fighting crazy opposition from all sides.

So user is a retard for listing Trumps accomplishments after you asked him to list Trump's accomplishments. See this is why nobody takes you seriously lol

ov vey

oy vey dem numbuhs

Haha. You even said pyrrhic victory like a faggot.

Only the lefties could take an education and knowledge of good literature and make it fruity.

You are really upset. It is awesome.

>No sources for my claims
Your original points aren't sourced either. Nigger what sources do you want from me?
Do you want sources that the wall is not funded yet?
Do you want sources that the opioid commissions hasn't done anything yet?
Do you want sources that the justice department hasn't actually made any progress on evaluating Campus admissions?

How many negatives do you want me to prove?

Trump passing legislation that makes bank bailouts impossible in the future? It doesn't fucking exist, user.


It makes lefties mad and that is all he would need to do to get my vote. He also put in a conservative supreme Court Justice. A fucking lifetime of lefty anger.

cape kino might have to frame this

That was the congressional republicans' victory and you know it, user.

Yeah :-) Amazing that Trump did it. Is there anything he can't do?

He's trying to prove he's not retarded by dropping the most needlessly obscure synonym for 'narrow'

Imagine feeling so absolutely insecure about your intelligence you actually do something like that. Fucking pathetic

Thx Leaf

King Kneegro is hiding out
Barry would have to kneel or stand
Barry can't run his game of being home boy one day and respected statesman the next
never forget his high pitched ghetto voice and then his old white man dialect

Even if you did provide sources he'd just attack the sources and not the content. Just a run of the mill lefty, same old same old.

I love that photo

>still can't prove any of it was copypasta
>still can't provide any source for the bullshit he typed
Sad, sad newfag.

This is what the left doesn't grasp. Plenty of people will vote Trump just because the left hates him. They sincerely think they'll win votes for the next election by berating and threatening the people who voted for him. Good to see they've learned nothing

>he thinks a pyrrhic victory is just a narrow victory
>attack me over the usage
>"Imagine feeling so absolutely insecure about your intelligence you actually do something like that. Fucking pathetic"

I think the long-term impact of Trumpism is going to be that the GOP becomes a centrist, kekistani kind of liberal party, while the Democrats shift hard right and become National Socialist after the rainbow coalition breaks down (maybe with other radical minority groups in some kind of weird alliance or competition)

All of my info can be found at that's literally the only source I need. Still waiting on your sources btw.
Did you misread this thread somewhere? I'm obviously not a leftist goddamn lurk moar you illiterate fucks.

It can describe a narrow victory you colossal fucking faggot but you probably didn't know that which still validates my point

>Shake some of that sand out of your vagina and join the winning team.
Reminds me of a joke:
What do you call the sand caught in a girl/womens bathing suit after swimming in the ocean?

*Clitty Litter

Nice one and checkd

What's funny is before they had to go with the narrative that Trump is dumb, Hillary's team recognized him as their biggest threat. They described him in emails as a "Steve Jobs level of marketer"

Kushner looking nu-male as fuck with his skinny tie, pointy collar and thin jacket next to everyone else with their broad jackets and fat ties. What the fuck is up with that pizza slice lapel pin too?

>when I tell my inlaw her son looks homeless

I love how they tried calling him sexist when he said he doesn't have one on one meetings with other women.

man's a git but the social infrastructure he gave us is unquestionable

Its all about the other it seems - This supposed big other and how much supposed pain they're in. He side stepped misogyny by forking a working Iran deal. You might think he's fun but those that hold the real power including those in his own party will see he doesn't last till term. Technique based approaches never bring satisfaction in relations.

What leglislation did he pass that prevents another bailout, user?
Literally what. Its certainly not on
How am i supposed to find sources for something that doesn't exist. That doesn't make any fucking sense.
>It CAN describe a narrow victory
That's not the context value of the term, user. Nobody uses it interchangeably with 'narrow'. You obviously implied that I was over-complicating the statement by using an obscure word (its not even obscure user). Stop embarrassing yourself, you've done that enough.
>can't even google for himself given explicit directions on what to google
Sure, user. pic related.

>These were campaign practices that have lost any fringe benefits.
you wish

>Another Alinsky rule is, A good tactic is one your people enjoy.

I wonder if any leaders had ever considered this before Alinsky wrote it down

Thank god someone is talking about it. Andrew Breitbart back in the old days use to talk so much about the Frankfurt school and how they used Saul Alinsky's playbook.

Obama and Hillary both wrote their thesis on it. Obama even went further and turned it into a huge battleplan warrior mentality.

>Lets pretend like his childishness on twitter isn't related with his sinking approval rating among conservatives and moderates
You're the one playing pretend, user.

Sexism the post

Let that salt keep flowing faggot. Are you crying right now? I picture tears on the edge of your eyelids from how upset you are.

>"Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System"
(particularly important because it prevents future government bailouts with taxpayer money)
Signed: Feb. 3, 2017

Stay mad cunt. Don't expect other's to do research for you when you can't even stay on topic in a Sup Forums thread you pathetic fuck.

call me when you can stop me or when you surrender

>still pushing your discredited fake polls and news
this is why you will keep losing, nobody cares about fake polls and fake news any more

it doesn't 'lead' like it used to

Are the blue ties all secret service? Also why the safety glasses?

I wouldn't either frankly, one woman nagging is enough. Am I right fellas?

anti-laser glasses, they probably have dazzlers

what a badass

Nah, you have to protect yourself against false charges of sexual harassment/battery when you're rich and/or famous.

>when repeatin' numerals confirm that you are a faggot

more like ZAP someone the fuck out

I didn't mean you were a lefty, I was talking about the other retard.