/SPA/ the catalonian issue Edition

Quick rundown:
>Catalonian politicians ask for an inconstitutional voting to leave Spain
>Judges deny it
>Keep going, so authorities get there and tries to stop the voting from happening, leading to the usual violence
>Sell the violent images all around the world, portraying Spain as fascists, and playing the victim
>Results are demonstrated fake, but follow along to declare independence
>Get warned that if they keep moving forward they will get punished
>The King himself, tells them they are going against the law and literally kidnapping the institutions and Catalonia. And that they will pay
>The time comes, and the guy declares the independence, to then """""pause""""" it after 8 seconds. The 8 second meme is born
>Officially, they have not declared the independance, but that night all the cucks record themselves signing a wack document to make believe all around the world

Other urls found in this thread:


>Gov is salty of such a stunt, and asks OFFICIALLY if they have declared the independence or not, including a deadline, that was due today
>Afirmative answer, or no answer at all, gives the gov the possibility to use the Article 155 from the Spanish Constitution, that enables the national gov to take the power from Catalonia, and basically get rid of those politicians for treason
>Puigdemont, today, trying to avoid going to jail, DOESN'T RESPOND, talking about being open for a 2 month dialogue period with the gov

Basically, the con artist at Catalonia just scammed the catalonians once again, to avoid going to jail, or getting burned like witches there

Catalonia today has confirmed their massive cuck status, and not only that: they are getting cucked by the cucks themselves
it is a triple whammy cucking scenario

what will happen next? to begin with, the other half of Spain is burning down, and even the Portubros are getting the heat, too

You forgot the usual independentist slogan >I want to be heard, spain don't let us vote

We could be days away from having Puchi and co judged for treason, and jailed
the mossos chief (catalonian police) is already detained and getting heat. He is going to get punished for not abiding to the law, and fight against the illegal voting

this is the main reason why national police had to be there, and the violence ensued

>what will happen next?

I think is that at this point it's clear that they are too coward to actually try to independice, part because WOW IT TURNS OUT NOBODY IN EUROPE IS CHEERING FOR THEM, and part because after watching 500+ companies quit from catalonia in a few weeks, they have chickened out. Also, even their own documents acknowledge that the independentist voter base is about 40% of the population.

So at this point I think they are trying to get their regional self-government overridden by Madrid so they can play a victim's role for the next 2 or 3 decades.

But cancelling the self-government of catalonia will not be easy, commies will turn catalonia in a fighting camp and "moderate" independentists will try to justify it. It will not be easy for spen

Catalan separatists are spineless cowards, at least basques went full tard and were blowing things up and shotting politicians, etc.
Catalans are too pussy to actually fight for their "country", they just want everything granted, their only strategy is cry and play the victim. They want the independence but don't want any consequences. Thats why they are chickened and did not and will not declare unilateral independence.
Absolute no support from any country. Just inside EU about only 6 countries don't have also some kind of separatist moviment(corsica, aland, flandes, etc).

>So at this point I think they are trying to get their regional self-government overridden by Madrid so they can play a victim's role for the next 2 or 3 decades.
I agree
the only thing left of them is cuckoldry and keep playing the victim. they only thing they know

>@AP: BREAKING: Spanish judge orders two leaders of Catalonia's independence movement jailed during sedition investigation.



>they want independence without the consecuences
Very much this. They are fucking milennials

>what will happen next?
Moorish rapebabies killing each other, don't stop too soon ok?



Hey spanish rapebaby, the cuckedlands should join us too ;)


By the way , last year , Puchi wanted to buy around 300 HK UMP, 400 HK G36, 50 Whisper Sniper Rifles, 50 .338 Lapua MAG Sniper Rifles and more, only to be cucked by the Ministry of Defense.

Have the biggest Jordis of them all being sent to prison or do they leave like Trapero?

Yeah, they even bought 500 hand grenades and the seller contacted the government to warn them about it, they intervened and took the grenades.


>EU and democracy
>won't allow catalonia to be independent
>EU condemns russia instead for taking crimea after they voted to leave
democracy works guys

absolutely delicious tears

I can't even

they are already into
>muh fascism
>muh dialogue
>muh oppression



Also all separacucks just disappeared from Sup Forums after the 8 seconds republic.

You say it as if they haven't been like this for years.

>Overall, 19.8% of Iberian men boasted Y-chromosomes that seemed to descend from a Sephardic Jew, while 10.6% of men had a North African male ancestor, Joblings team found.

>Some areas were more mixed than others, though. In Catalonia, a region in northeast Spain, few men had Jewish or Muslim ancestors. High proportions of men from Galicia and Castille in northwest Spain boast a North African heritage. In nearby Asturias, numbers of men with Sephardic Jewish Y-chromosomes equal those with European chromosomes.

When are you going for aliyah / haj

They were the instigators to siege the guardia civil. They were looking for the guardia civil response in order to play victim's role.

Now they play victim's role anyway.
But criminals can't be victims, well, maybe in Sweden...

well, I have to admit I know shit about Codorniu

So Trapero, who answered all the questions the judge asked, is free for the moment, while the biggest Jordis of them all refused to answer anything are sent to prison. Catalufos are going to start declaring Trapero as a traitor, they are even declaring Cocomocho as one already.


Nah, Codorniu is pretty much pro-separatism, one of the biggest supporters economically with Caixa, but they have seen ruin at the end of everything and hey, la pela es la pela.

they go way back
the fuck


>intentan meter en prision las ideas

muh presos politicos

top kek

we have interesting times ahead, lets pray for the independecucks to do something stupid

Breaking News: If you break the law you go to prison.
Fund babies cannot comprehend.


Will this mark the return of Castilian imperialism? Will we be great again?


I had to withstand their autistic screeching for 20 minutes

Pls send La legión

They really can't go on without chanting Franco everyday these retards.

>literally oppress people
>b-but they broke the law!!

the absolute cuckery on display itt


Free Ulster you opressing cunt.

excellent argument friend
i'll be sure to note that one down so I can study it and refute it later

Jordis confirmed, to prison NOW!




>uprising funded by the CIA and unbacked by the people of Norn Iron (read: northern ireland, not ireland) is the same as using state oppression to beat anyone who attempts to use the democratic process

keep those mental gymnastics going

So do you think the catalonians are reponsible for all the fires because they are salty?

You Manolos are the most creepy faggots around, your obsession with us is becoming so cringy the main reason we want to separate is to get away from your creepy asses. We already thought very lowly of you but you're managing to sink even lower.

this is a francoist thread m8, just lurking here may land you 15 years in prision in your free country

get out before your benevolent authorities know this

Have you gone to catalonia? Where is the oppression?

>Democratic process
>Illegal referendum pushed by corrupt moneygrabbers
Choose one.

niggerget rekt memalan

Keep crying Cocomocho.

Falangist-chan new waifu

>You Manolos
Not even a sentence and all credibility in your post has vanished. Straight to the garrote vil.

>beat anyone who attempts to use the democratic process
>I'm a stupid brit that doesn't know what happened because I only see fake news
The post

Did you say anything when Andrino Lobo and other far-right leaders got imprisoned just for defending their city and traditions? Blanquerna was nothing compared the fucking cuckmunism riots in Catalonia ... Fucking shills

They voted in 2014 and something like ~30% of the total Catalan population said yes to independence. They voted again this year and it was the same shit. Even IF we consider that there were 800,000 repressed votes and that they ALL went to yes, it was still like 40% of catalans. NOT a majority. But the media parades it like, "90% for independence!", misleading you to believe that 90% of catalans votes yes, rather than 90% of those who voted.

Can someone cum shop this crying Catalan whore ty



>do something illegal
>police stops you from doing it
> they literally oppress people!

Mr Kahn stop being retarded

>some jews have been arrested
>let's beat the shit out of our frying pans

I don't like Spain, but I have zero reasons to like catacucks

fuck them

Sleep well Catalonian fren hahaha

That Referendum in 2014 was also illegal, it was prepared by Artur Mas, the previous catalan president, after that he was forced out of politics and has to pay a fine of 5,56 million €, as of today he has only pay over 2 million and that was money donated from separatists.


when does spain take back catalonia from soros grip?

How long are these pussies going to let the jews break up their country into smaller nation states like Soros wants?

No no no , you are wrooong . (Ironic mode off). In the independence referendum voted around a 35 % of the ellegible census and magically a 100,44 % came out as a YES

If Pugidey-boy does clock that an independent state has the most staying power through armed rebellion, what are the chances and means for the Mossos to be convinced to work as a makeshift military/militia trainer for Catalonia?

>trying this hard


90% of voters voted yes, if you want your voice to matter go to fucking vote.

Last elections were plebiscitary elections and the yes won, so get fucked, we've been voting all this time, Spain needs to get a fucking clue and solve this shit and stop kicking this can down the aisle or at some point shit will get nasty

why doesnt spain grow balls and execute his ass for selling out the country to the jews using soros money.

fuck this dont even try him just take him out.

Based Russian against Jordis:

Subhuman burgers should not be allowed to post.

>the usual violence
of course because franco's heritage.
you just love violence
looks pretty hot though

>the EU supports liberal democracy and tolerance
>supports a PM who is literally franco reincarnated and supports catalans being tortured by the police
this is why i love democracy and cherish freedom

You need to get a clue that you ain't going anywhere without war Jordi.

The mossos are aound 15000. The spanish Armed Forces are around 120000 + around 77000 Civilian Guard officers + around 65000 National Police officers. Top kek.

Why that catacuck has a decapitated woman head ?
You catacucks are fucking disgusting monsters.

you inbred jews can post and take over part of a country like the divisive fucks you are. this si why all jews must be taken out if not in Israel, put them all in israel so we can nuke and end them once and for all.


>franco reincarnated

>shit will get nasty
Start and stop crying here, you fucking cuck.

>franco reincarnated
He's a subhuman cat*lan, you are welcome to post, friend

same to you crusader user

Mossos are divided in pro-independence and anti-independence, they wouldn't even get half of their numbers. Some of them have already asked to be moved from the Mossos to the National Police since they are blacklisted for not sucking Jordi cock.

>8 second meme was born
bullshit. they tried to vandalize wiki with that shit but it was quickly rolled back and page protected

>catalans being tortured by the police
Molta maldat.

Also the only loyals to the indepecuck govern are about 5000, other 5000 are loyal af to Spain and 5000 just dont give a shit so they wouldn't take part in anything... Also, they only have about 300 weapon wars, lmao, there are more than that in the smallest Guardia civil or military barracks

there are enough videos documenting the atrocities

I bet you're not even white, I can tell your iq is less than 90.

Why is Sup Forums so opposed to white separatism???

Well, the Mossos chief is already almost under arrest for sedition, with his passport being revoked and having to go to weekly court reviews. Many mossos have said they feel controlled and want to be transferred to the national police, and currently the government is preparing a law to allow them to do so.

Well, push comes to shove, would having some, if not all, of the Mossos act as a rebellious Army of Catalonia be able to buy the state some legitimacy in the eyes of the EU? Bonus points if they can flounder the Spanish Army attack by a few days? Assuming the Spaniards don't want to deploy the full weaponry of an attack force on their own citizens

Yea, 90% of how much of the Catalan population? 2 million voted yes total. What's the voting population of Catalan? It was 5.5 million in 2015. That's 36% of voters saying yes. That's NOT a majority. Do the fucking math.

Catalonia seems pretty nice. Rich and productive. Rest of Spain is dirt poor and parasitic in comparison. We should kick Spain out of the EU and replace it with Catalonia.

>act as a rebellious Army of Catalonia
You mean as a terrorist organization funded by a crazed not-state?