Heh, good job the worlds largest invasion force got BTFO by russia after invading them

>heh, good job the worlds largest invasion force got BTFO by russia after invading them
>lets invade russia

what did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Russia didn't btfo anyone, they got completely zerg rushed and almost lost their capital

Churchill didn't want to sell us down the river, in the end he folded to FDR.
Western Allies could have won, they had the bomb.


The resistance continued well into the 1950's, we hoped the West would eventually intervene.


Churchill and the bongs in general would have sold everyone out to get the soviets onboard. Theres a reason the UK didnt declare war on the reds when they also invaded poland in 1939. UK foreign policy in regards to nazi germany was absolutely insane.

Churchill would have sold his own mother for a shekel

>western allies

not sure

soviets were in full swing war mode

anglos can't war for shit and only won because the soviets were raping the wehmarcht and hitler was essentially stalin in 1941 firing everyone and making piss poor choices.

Could you possibly cram any more bait into one post?

>almost lost their capital
>then reinforcements arrived, held the capital and pushed back to Berlin, ending the war with Hitler shooting himself in the head

>then winter arrived

soviets had no reserves left in fall 1941

its true

lend lease saved commieism

>the common, yet wrong belief that the arrival of siberian divisions didn't save Moscow and Leningrad is entirely baseless
>all of Soviet army was in the West in summer-early autum of 1941
It's cute when people pretend lend-lease was gifts, and not paid for with blood and gold.

Meanwhile you lost 25+mil people and German pensioners receive thousands of Euros a month, while Russian pensioners have tiny pensions.
Yeah, you really won.

>tiny pensions.
Yeah, you're right. Being exterminated is better than small pensions. Truly, we lost.

You can fix an unjust system, you cannot fix death.

Not baseless at all. Red army reinforcements from the east were were real and vital to saving moscow. The real baseless argument is the claim that saving moscow was somehow vital or that taking moscow would have won the war for the germans. As for lend lease nobody claims it wasnt paid for, only that without western aid the red likely would have lost.

>Get big pensions but your people go extinct
>Get small pensions but your people continue to exist
Hmmm tough choice Hans

You lost to the Jews and Stalin decades before the Nazis. And they were far better at exterminating you and your culture.

>Being exterminated
I bet you believe in the holohoax too.

except i don't think sending more bodies to german machine guns would have made much difference, but thousands of tanks, planes and fuel did

>9 0 % r a i l e q u i p m e n t

>the worlds largest invasion force got BTFO by russia
Russia finally put a stop to the European immigration crisis? When did that happen? Frau Merkel's masters are going to be very cross with Vladimir.

>a latvian named hans

a fooking leaf

Unfortunately some in western societies now view a lifetime government paycheck as an achievement, The West didn't win the Cold War, the "victory" killed them morally. The rot is obvious.

Lend lease gave the Soviets more time to move their industrial base to the east - but once it was back up and running it was producing far far more equipment than they ever got via lend lease.

They're baseless in that the belief is that the siberian divisions were the ones who entirely alone saved the two cities. Reality is, they were among many others, but still, of course, extremely vital.
Again, you were paid with gold and blood of our men. For sitting on your little island you got demoted from superpower position and are now an unsinkable air carrier to your own colony.
Enjoy your retirement, England.

Lend-Lease provided us with vital stuff that we simply couldn't produce. Radars, optics, radios, trucks. Food, too.
Wininng without it would've been possible, but much, much harder.

And yet i exist. I don't think it's a coincidence.

So the generalplan ost was fake? Hundreds of thousands of destroyed towns and villages filmed on mosfilm? Tens of millions dead, including many of my relatives is a fiction? I think more likely explanations is that you're simply retarded.

Pipe down Mohammad

>So the generalplan ost was fake?

yes, just like the soviet union winning without allied help

He's a Neo, they may as well believe the whole war was faked.

okay xin ping

So what was Hitlers plan? I mean, he wanted Lebensbraum, right? Or Mein Kampf was fake too?

Nobody really says much about Leningrad as the Germans never made a serious push for the city in 1941. The point about Moscow is the overstretched Germans got smashed by well equipped and pretty well trained and organized pre war quality Siberian divisions. The same units that wrecked the japs not long before. Had the counter offensive relied solely on the newly recruited trash the Soviets were throwing together at the time its unlikely they would have been very effective. Even as it was the Germans despite being pushed back ended up destroying most of the Siberian units anyway.

>he wanted Lebensbraum, right?

Hitlers plan was to have an alliance with poland and peace ever after but no, soviet union had expansion plans for east europe and finland


>Fight for Stalin. He will only kill half of you and not you all like that ebil Hitler.
Yes its fake propaganda. Just like the masterbation machines. I fact all the original holocaust claims first came from soviet propaganda.

>Alliance with Poland
Mohammed I think you've had a little too much hashish. Hitler admired Marshal Pilsudski, but that was because he BTFO the commies in 1920. During the invasion of Poland, Hitler issued an order to eradicate the Polish nation, and for German troops to 'close their hearts to pity'. Couple that with the extermination of the Poles, and it's quite obvious that Hitler really, REALLY didn't have the intention of a permanent alliance with them.
No, the first claims of the holocaust actually didn't come from the Soviets. Look up Captain Witold Pilecki (a Catholic Polish Army officer I might add) and his documentation of the Holocaust 'The Extermination of Jews in German-Occupied Poland'.

This is too retarded for me, even by Sup Forums standards.

Public claims you autist, not some skechy report filed away and forgotten for 50 years. And no Hitler didnt want to exterminate Poles in general. Even if you believe in holocaust no one seriously makes that claim. Stop acting like a nigger trying to jump on the oppression train.

You find it strange the soviets would tell lies user? The whole rotten enterprise was one giant lie.

Yeah, the russkies had men, but not equipment.

>Report filed away and forgotten for 50 years
Yeah, that doesn't exactly mean anything about its veracity. The Poles became the pariahs postwar, and it's bad optics for your side to say that you were told by these pariahs what was going on and did nothing. Sidenote, I'm sure if you found a 'sketchy report filed away' the said the Holocaust was faked, you'd be on it like a fly on shit.
>Didn't want to exterminate Poles in general
Late 1942, Generalplan Ost goes into effect in Poland, Polish farmers expelled and replaced by Germans, German efforts halted after Bataliony Chlopskie made it too damn bloody for it to be worth it. And do you want Hitler's word on what was to be done with Poland, here it is: "Act brutally! Eighty million people must obtain what is their right...The stronger man is right...Be harsh and remorseless! Be steeled against all signs of compassion!". But I don't expect you'll listen to anything I've said, because since you're a contrarian, you're obviously right. I've given my evidence, you give yours.

You haven't given evidence of anything. Land seizures are not genocide. Guess the allies committed genocide on the German people given that much of todays Poland was German land populated by German people before the war. As for kike report again, some obscure hidden intel report has no bearing on the original argument. Its irrelevant to the discussion.

>Land seizures are not genocide
Not in and of themselves no, but it certainly is when the whole purpose of it is to starve a certain group of people. Same thing with the Holodomor.

No reason to assume that at all given the small amount of actual land seized. a few hundred thousand colonists could replace or starve out the entirety of the slavic population west of the Urals. This is all bullshit allied propaganda. The Nazis had no master plan for world domination. They made shit up as they went along.


Fuck off achmed. Armies run on logistics. One reason why the Germans failed, their lines were to weak and couldn't keep up the momentum.

Ruskies were running light whereas the allies and especially the Americans had an abundance of logistics had figured output combined arms ops and had air superiority.

Ruskies would have been pounded into the dirt by both the American and British strategic heavy bomber forces.

that may be true, if the soviets didn't continue to zerg rush the rest of europe

>American and British strategic heavy bomber forces.

and what would they bomb? european cities?

they wouldn't make it all the way to any russian one's.

Look! Brit chickens are clucking! Go fuck yourself! And Murica will drown in its shit soon :3

butthurt detected