WEED IS RUINING LIFES, and degenrate!

>my friend in pic related was a really good guy,
> good grades in school
> smart and fast thinking and very sociable.

he started to smoke weed before 5 months ago and unfortunately he never came back from it, he became noticeably retarted to the level he barely know where he is in certain times, he can barely math now and his fast thinking long gone

>pic related is him now

WEED is fucking ruining life and you faggots for the planterian jew.

he is so retarded right now its like talking to a goat, the only sound he makes is "meh" like a mentally retard

>pic related how he was before 7 months ago

nah its not that bad, he just does it too much.

Everyone gets like that at first, just need to give it a little more time for him to reach the equilibrium

Dude he's probably just getting high like 24/7. It only takes a couple months of being clean before you regain most of what you had before you started.

well he did it only when we used to go out with friends, so he said, and we only went out once in a while, and it fucked him hard, just fucking look at his face

Maybe he ascended to a higher level where he doesn't care about academia

in my country weed is illegal and we the consumers find ourselves pay 100 shekels (aprox 29$) for a fucking single gram! fucking kikes

its because he just started blazing the jazz cabbage, just wait, he'll be normal again soon just make sure he doesn't do opiates like a retard

>in school he was happy
>now that he's in the slave system, he's broken
must be the weed.
sage memeflag threads
don't respond to memeflag posters.

weed is ok if you're on vacation, op.
that's really about it.

if you got shit to do, do it sober.
>inb4 "i'm productive when i smoke!!"
no, you're not.
you just get tunnel vision and focus on the task more than allow your training to automate it for you.

Dude he probably does it all the time. If you only do a little on the weekends its pretty harmless. Its just like drinking desu, if you drink everyday and get drunk everyday it will mess you up. He just needs a lifestyle change desu.

>meme flag
im hiding my flag because the flag would steer the people away from the topic of the post..

>Israel's dollar is 29 times stronger than the USD
thanks for that stat

Take this shit to Sup Forums, you youngfag autist. Jesus titty fucking Christ its an herb! If you don't like it, why don't you just do coke like a god damned adult. Also, not politics related SAGE and enjoy your 3 day ban

>5 months
Try 10 years and see what happens


so you use a memeflag instead
good job user

Putting people in prison for smoking weed ruins lives, not smoking it. Pleb


I meant that 100 israeli shekels is 29$

Sounds like


100 israeli shekels = 29$

He needs to get a better tolerance so he's not out of it

here is my flag, and im seriously worried about that guy he became retarded like his brother bilak


You sound like you're genuinely retarded yourself, why you care so much? You tryna fuck? Why you care about him so much? he's clearly found something he enjoys more than your personality, I knew if I had to deal with someone like you, I'd need some strong shit too

your friend was a fat faggot before weed

now he's just a tired fat faggot

Dude that is the look of a guy working 60 hours a week earning half of what his father would have made for the same work.

Weed has nothing to do with that look.

This is very common. People who smoke weed smoke it 24/7. That is why they call it "CHRONIC"
Stop smoking weed for a couple of weeks and you will be back to normal. It doesn't cause brain damage, but while you are high you don't make decisions correctly, and you don't process your emotions. People who are high 24/7 are not learning life lessons; they are putting them off until later.

Life is PAIN. You have to be a man and experience pain. Don't be a faggot and take drugs to get away from pain. The pain will still be there when the drugs wear off. All of the problems that you postpone will only get worse when you avoid them. Be a man and confront your life head on.

Also, this guy needs to get fit and stop eating crap food.

projecting? you fucking carribean nigger
you guys on the island probably smoke that shit regulary thats why your country is a fucking non country

lol he looks like he was retarded from the beginning

surely, merchant- it's his black skin that's the issue
not the weed

Many guys I knew from High School started smoking weed during that time, and now, after 10 years, when I come across them, I can't help but to feel sad for them.

You can see how it has fucked them, how slow they are, those seconds that takes for them to reply and to understand anything...

It is so sad. Just another way to control the goys, like porn, videogames and hollywood.

Based on your posts, my assessment says you're actually quite high yourself.

>Non country
>Posting from Israel

I took the fuckin bait

Dude's travelling and you're shitposting on Sup Forums

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