Date an arab

>Date an arab
>Get roasted alive

It looks like it happens here too

What he suppose to do jump in the flames?

Ahmed, you have to go back.


>literal toastie roastie while chad dusts off his blazer and gets chauffeured to his main bitches' apartment

He managed to get out. Was it that hard to grab the bitch and get her out too?

Was it that easy?


He should try him in Texas and give him the death penalty for those shoes alone.


I'm thinking:
>Serve the Ummah
>Pay the Jizya

they are called roasties for a reason, roastie coal burners, literally...

>whoracle goes up in flames
like pottery

Can't believe he was arrested for this. Hope he gets out of it by saying he feared for his life

Roastie sluts deserve to be roasted


burn the coal... damn

Now that's a hot date

Literal white knights on Sup Forums acting like they need to m'roastie.


I think it was the hailing of the cab and casually driving away that was a bit odd, genius.

Undeniable proof that Arabs treat women better then misogynistic white men.


Someone needs to make a white knight virgin to chad meme of this.

Date and fuck western way of life, he can find many more retarded flesh holes.

Very Swedish post