Do you agree with this statement?
Do you agree with this statement?
Yes. Segregate men and women.
Yes, do not allow them to vote.
Based Independent
Yes, Harvey couldve simply paid the girl's father some blood money and there would be no scandal
I do
>Teaching Islam means getting rid of the concept of sexual abuse, thus preventing them.
flag checks out
>Harveys relative splashing acid in her face would have prevented this ever coming out
You cannot make this shit up.
>Qasim Rashid
Checks out
Ooooh boy
Clear this one out, fellow burgers
Isn't there a way for the 14th amendment's freedom of contract apply here?
>Teaching of a religion that promotes rape
>help prevent sexual abuse scandals
Holy Sexual Emergency Batman. The inmates are running the asylum...
I don't gget it. By killing Jews?
Well, yeah. Under Islam, rape isn't sexual abuse.
Makes sense
Cant have human rights violations if the victims don't have rights.
Couldn't the teachings of Christianity do the same thing with less hand chopping, garbage bags and kiddy diddlin? Be modest, be chaste, be moral. That's all it would take.
teachings of islam tell us to kill the jew
I cracked up
This must be a jo-
Yes. Fuck r/the_donald; we need white Sharia.
Yes but remember the media is satanist which is Islam
>from Britain
I fucking knew it was going to be either from some disgusting NYC urbanite or a Brit. I knew it.
Please check out my relevant thread about the Panama Papers and the journo who just got killed. Assange is offering reward:
The leftist media has a somewhat strange disconnect with the faith that is followed by the majority of their land, Christianity, compared to recent arrivals such as Islam. The former has been familiar to Western countries for so long, the leftists of the media tend to view it with much contempt, as an old fossil that should be buried away, while they turn their faces to the rise of an extreme non-Western religion in the case of Islam's growing prevalence. I wonder if British conservatives could believably fake using Islamic-oriented arguments in favor of restoring Great Britain to some more early 20th century levels of decency? Clearly, publicly claiming to be a Christian and rebuking the rising social left movements is unlikely to accomplish anything other than to be branded with "hate speech." Christians do not hate, though, as it is antithetical to our faith. Islam does not teach love for non-believers, which is something Christians are supposed to do through the scriptures. It is very strange to me that leftists Britain, America, and other countries think that people with more extremely volatile religious beliefs will be able to assimilate, versus just sticking with the "old fogies" of Christianity, the latter of which they are most familiar with from the onset. For leftists, familiarity truly breeds contempt; the alien culture or religion becomes more appealing and then more apparent, in an unwitting or witting, self-destructive manner. It's things like this why there are "conspiracy theories" of why the British populations will be heavily Islamic, of foreign stock, by the 2050s or 2100s.