Reminder Sup Forums is a Christian board, if you deny this fact you are closeted fag.
Reminder Sup Forums is a Christian board, if you deny this fact you are closeted fag
Other urls found in this thread:
Pol is a Neet fag Virgin board.
We are neither Christian nor anti-Christian, kys D&C faggot.
Steve's a closeted fag
Only a part of Sup Forums are Christians. The rest of us are rational people.
why not a sol invictus board?
Amen user.
>le rational
You're missing the entire point.
Fuck off, you nigger loving scum.
>You're missing the entire point.
There is no point to superstition.
Plebbit get out reeeeeeeeeee!!!!
>southern larp flag
>not a independent fundamental Baptist
Nice try Schlomo.
Oh looks it's Pastor Racemixer
Why is that guy posted so often here?
bump lul
Fuck off, cuck
You're an autistic shitlord that didn't want to lose discussions. That's why you act like a Christian on the internet.
Death to faggots.
Hail Zeus
Sup Forums is a diverse board, we have many people with many beliefs, but it exists because we can unite under our common cause. The destruction of the modern world.
That's fine, but your pic promotes race-mixing and goes in the oven with the rest of the fucking evangelical garbage.
cant believe he bothered replying to this sperg
God's word isn't garbage and God does not promote race-mixing. Stop listening to Pastor Anderson and read your Bible.
did you even fucking read my post