An independent investigator went to the Mandalay Bay to look around for himself. He stayed in a room, ordered room service, and took pictures showing how the government narrative is ludicrous. Within 24 hours he was given a lifetime ban from all MGM properties around the world.
MGM lifetime bans Las Vegas investigator
Yea, a lifetime ban form that is not at all filled out, sure.
Yea, totally a big ol nothin burger. You guys getting sleepy? I feel soooo tired, YAWN.
I also found it telling that a single individual could do more real investigating and reporting in a day than all of the world's MSM in two weeks.
Who the fuck cares
I'm still waiting for the interviews with Jesus Campos. I don't trust what the police is saying anymore, their stories have changed too many times.
You'de think that it'd be signed and not left blank if it was real.......
Have a bump on me.
>be conspiracy "journalist"
>say retarded shit and be a disrespectful guest
>get banned cause you're an asshole
>somehow my reporting is still supposed to be taken seriously
james o'keefe 2.0
stupid subversive fucks like him deserve to be gulaged for trying to destabilize us
Shady af
big if true
Ever hear Tommy Lee tell the story about Ozzy once snorted a line of...ants? (Seriously, snorted the line of ants walking across the ground. Even Motley Crue realized they'd met their master.)
What a guy.
>destabilize us
shia pls go
He was probably trying to access the service elevator and shit or getting to the 32rd floor which is probably closed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but he comped?
So, basically
>cameras everywhere
>cameras in all the lifts
>cameras in all the service lifts
>dodgy spycam TVs in all the rooms
But mysteriously Paddock never appeared on tape for the six nights and seven days of his stay. Also, the receipt for room service prints ONE for single person occupancy, not TWO.
Also At this point, is there actually such a thing as "journalism" in the MSM? I seem to recall a time, many decades ago, but maybe we were as mistaken then, too?
yay a based user said it
The media is not to find and report the truth but to take and report what corps want you to think is the truth.
At this point pol thinks he's a corpse by now. We'll never see him on tv.
Questioning authority isn't part of their remit, unless it's Trump of course.
This is the most obvious shit. Paddock must have made multiple trips with heavy bags to carry in dozens of guns, where's the footage?
This guy is going to get suicided
>maybe we were as mistaken then, too?
Not entirely. The problem got worse as media outlets were acquired by ever-larger media entities. Ben Bagdikian's "The Media Monopoly" first talked about this.
Decades ago there were score or even hundreds of different voices. Now there are less than 6. And those 6 have as their sole goal profits - not investigation, truth, or anything else.
Of course the events of the past were equally well covered up when necessary. Look at the assassination of JFK, the start of any of the major wars for the last century, even with more voices they're still more aligned with money than with the masses.
Thank you, Nick.
>Guests: 1
Could have bought 2 grand slams at Denny's.
Thanks for sharing and thanks to Nick for this. Good fucking job.
You'll be waiting a long ass time
That nigger's dead
Destabilize who?
That makes sense. The BBC went from a pool of 400+ international journalists to a mere 40 after the restructuring known as Producer Choice. Any organisation would be crippled by that.
>Paddock must have made multiple trips with heavy bags to carry in dozens of guns, where's the footage?
Back up a step even further. Where's any footage of "Paddock" in Las Vegas at all?
And any guns would have come *down*, from the Israeli+Saudi owned Four Seasons (the top floors of the Mandalay Bay).
But even accepting that "Paddock" exists is already accepting something for which we have no proof. We have a name, we have some pictures, we have a dead body. There is no physical evidence that says those are all the same person, or that they're even connected at all.
I was banned from Sup Forums, so what.
It's not even filled out
>Where's any footage of "Paddock" in Las Vegas at all?
Actually, yeah. There's more photos of "Adam Lanza" at Sandy Hook than there are of Paddock in Las Vegas.
This is proof OP is on to something. People don't pay shills to sleepy post for no reason.
Sup Forums's the site of the death of innocence, but not of people.
Big deal.
I got banned from Denny's for puking on a Japanese family, but went back 2 days later.
holy shit thats pretty big right there.
the simple answer for why break two windows is he had several guns set up on stands so as they heated up he could move between them and also have alternate angles for greater range
It is important to understand how marvelous tool for cheats smart phone really is.
High def camera, kinetic censors, yester years super computer power, connectivity.
It is absolutely essential for casinos to track everything through mobile phone network just to stay ahead in the game against organized cheaters.
If you have a mobile phone in a casino they know where you are and who you are.
that explains a lot, they were always lefty but occasionally did a really interesting report into something now they're just like a politer UK-themed buzzfeed
Ha, remember the shills who said "it always says 2 guests!!" I knew they were fucking shilling.
OR if you were a spook and you wanted to fuck the cameras and security systems up, all you need is a modified phone in your pocket, maybe?
Maybe this was a massive casino heist, an Oceans Eleven irl? Just with a huge distraction going on in the background? As if the Mob would ever admit to being robbed, of course.
Whatever. This Nick chap has shown us everything we need to know nothing we've been told about the Mandalay has been the truth.
The one picture of Paddock online, his eyes are closed.
Could he be dead in that picture, like, A Weekend at Bernie's - dead?
What a faggot, glad the zipperhead runs this place now.
The magical "Stephen Paddock" who has yet to be shown anywhere in Las Vegas at the time of the event?
Except for supposedly being the dead body in the staged suite "crime scene" photos. Notice how the ridges in the congealed blood at either side of the head suggest the body was dragged. Notice too the shirt is pulled away from the shoulder, again consistent with the body being dragged.
The suite photos were staged to be "leaked" as intentional misdirection - a government ploy to keep people looking at the suite (where they knew nothing would be found) while the Deep State cleanup crew scrubbed all of Las Vegas of evidence.
He has 23 rifles. Why set up two stands when you can set up one stand and just switch rifles with one from the giant fucking stack right next to you.
>alternative angles
he is hundreds of yards away, he is essentially shooting from the same point at this distance. lrn2parallax
>for greater range
never go full retard
I like how you did holy shit there
There are no pictures of either.
You say "James O'keefe" as if its not the highest complement that anyone could give a modern investigator.
I thought Nick Falco's work (all credit goes to him) was very impressive. A rare thing these days to actually go out and investigate.
Well, the simple answer is: clearing smoke
It was always obvious you'd be under high surveillance in a casino so this single guy hauling bags of guns around with no footage was a red flag. But with easy escape adjacent to the room, there's no telling how many people were involved up there. I wonder if any of (((their))) team was KIA and shuffled in with the death count...
literally a felon.
U wot?
PaId for room and bot COMPED?
Fucking pleb
>wandered around hallways checking locked doors and service elevators
>Other guests complain about creepy autist roaming hallways all day
>Staff: "Can I help you find something sir?"
>Detective Autist "Y-you too..." and runs away
>security are bothered by a guy taking photos of all their cameras
>goes full spagetti in pockets mode when security finally confronts
I don't see a problem here. If he was making staff and other guess feel unsafe with his strange behavior they did the right thing by kicking him out.
Bump for Big Ballz
good work
thats a better answer, norway.
>assuming anybody even saw him taking photos except security thru the cameras
nice meme-flag, shekelstein
Why isn't the form filled out?
And the best investigative journalist of the decade.
Even so, you just contradicted yourself. The guy in OP's pics is not a felon and committed no crime.
You are really bad at this.
>with the death count
There'd have to be some physical evidence of dead bodies - as opposed to anecdotal reports of dead bodies - for that to even be an unlikely possibility.
And remember, the Israeli+Saudi royal family-owned Four Seasons has private elevator access from the garage.
People wandering around taking pictures with their phone in any given part of a resort like that is nothing out of the ordinary. People wandering around is nothing out of the ordinary. I think what got him banned was their security cameras saw him taking photos of their cameras on that particular floor.
Well, yeah but it doesnt change the info he gave. I can see him being kicked out for inspecting security as well, but consider that these are the only images we've got and that this spaghetti spilling autist has gave us more info than the media has so whether he is an idiot or not seems rather irrelevant. I'm a bit wary of the "being kicked out for life" thing since the document he showed isnt filled out, but the rest of the photos are nice.
I saw Falco's stuff last night. Now his account is locked. Anyone know why?
Come now, what are you, a conspiracy nut: there's at least one blurry photo of a guy in a balaclava labelled "Adam Lanza, Evil Child Killer Uses Assault Rifle" from Sandy Hook. And don't forget the floorplan drawing where he's in the foetal position after being taken out by SWAT. That was a professional looking crime scene graphic, that took hours to knock up with cad software.
"1 post by this ID"
You earned your shekel for today, Shlomo. Now go.
My first thought is I wouldn't be splattering a form with my personally identifying information all over the internet. That would be incredibly fucking stupid. I'd get a copy and show that.
Asked him on Twitter last night. No response.
Lots of ppl asking him.
No response.
Fake. BS.
Really? What is the reasoning for them to say that?
Could it be that Paddocks suite was 2 rooms?
amazing, someone actually did investigating instead of creating insane theories from behind their computer.
would be hilarious if this guy is a liberal.
/pol heads would explode.
>People wandering around taking pictures with their phone in any given part of a resort like that is nothing out of the ordinary
People who check into a resort and do nothign fun and only roam the hallways taking photos of security are not a normal sight. If he tried that shit at walmart he would be kicked out too.
Because it is a fake scam by a crackpot.
It appears to me that this was something he was served by a security officer at the casino. It says security officer reading warning. Looks to me like he was served, read the thing, and was supposed to sign it, provide his dob, and the officer to sign as well and then take the form away.
Guy films everything except getting booted
"1 post by this ID"
I asked Donald Trump a question on Twitter - lots of other people did too - and he didn't respond to me.
The Fundamental Theorem of Narcissism - It's All About ME - therefore has me conclude Donald Trump is fake.
>fake scam
lol, retard much? assuming its a REAL scam, what the fuck does he have to gain? he isnt selling these pictures, faggot.
>oh hey you are the guy who lied about the vegas massacre
>yeah thats me, pretty awesome huh
seriously. what a "scam".
Pretty easy just to open up paint and black it out.
This sheet aint even filled out lmao dumbass niggas