>Reporter investigating international tax fraud gets bombed
>Sup Forums agures about BBC, liberal whores and kneeling athletes
I start to believe you are all victims of some psy ops.
>Reporter investigating international tax fraud gets bombed
>Sup Forums agures about BBC, liberal whores and kneeling athletes
I start to believe you are all victims of some psy ops.
Other urls found in this thread:
>meddle in tax haven, alienating every wealthy person on the globe
>be made an example of
whoa, who couldve seen that coming
Apart from revealing corruption, she was also known for being a vile cunt.
While this most probably has to do with Panama papers, I wouldn't jump to conclusions.
>maltese pm bombs a journalist
>this is Trump faut
explain yourself
Business as usual among the elites
>this thread will die with 5 posters
>blaambphf BTFO threads with some twitter screenshot will hit bump limit every time
Unfuck yourself, Sup Forums
>politician has journo killed
>speaks against it
what is the police "investigation" saying about this?
Nothing is really known yet.
She was exploded a few moments after leaving home.
He's always looked up to Putin, figures he would pick up his tactics
lel nice (((EUROPE))) meme flag faggot i bet you suck muslim dicks top kek
wew based, got em lads
btw did you guys see the Trump speech earlier? holy fucken BTFO
>white people
um no sweetie
get me in the screencap!
Praise Israel.
>international tax fraud
Pfft who gives a fucking shit?
Are you talking about the Prime minister?
>I start to believe you are all victims of some psy ops.
>believing that Sup Forums is some kind of "redpilled" forum
People here rather talk about how Stacy is getting fucked by Jamal rather than talk about REAL issues like your subject, OP.
>Washington Compost
>I would not assume that her death was strictly a result of Maltese politics. Who knows what financial information she had stumbled on, perhaps involving Russia and/or the Trumps. If she was getting close to something, perhaps Russian interference in European politics, Putin is not the kind of guy to wait until the bad news is out.
lol wapo comments
Her site is still up, for now. Pretty interesting.
We are ruled by international mafias.
She angered a lot of people with her savagery.
>Sup Forums agures about BBC, liberal whores and kneeling athletes
>Sup Forums
You do realize there is probably more shills and normalfags on here than actual Sup Forumsacks right?