Slutty women don't end up Alone

Um Sweetie, Sup Forums has officially blown the fuck out. What do you man boys have to say now?


Other urls found in this thread:

You did, which is why you stalk me 24/7.

There a sucker born every minute.

tl;dr "Thank goodness for cucks."

>Not as much of a slut as I wish I had been, retrospectively, but certainly not any kind of nun.

She's planning her divorce already.

Thank you user desu

It is a war won with indifference. Claiming your own single experience is fact is just silly. Very womanlike. Slide threads I say


there's no such thing as a slutty woman.
women are clean.
girls are sluts.

maturity = awesomeness.

>"i don't wanna be alone!!"
too bad.
you're always alone.

My favorite is
>3 kids from 5 different dads.

Had to read it twice to be sure before allowing myself to kek.

It's true. They eventually hook some guy, work him near to death then dump him, taking years of labor and all his savings. My only luck in the whole thing was she left while I was in grad school so there was no money for alimony. Her whore of a mother taught her how to hide money in small credit unions, I lost tens of thousands.
>still fantasize about torching her house and strangling her scrawny throat.


do people believe this shit ?

women can't be depressed.
women don't know loneliness.
there will always be someone for her to lean on.
learned that the hard way, when my first gf and i broke up most of my "friends" were "worried" about her situation and didn't gave a single fuck about me.

>Not as much of a slut as I wish I had been, retrospectively, but certainly not any kind of nun.
I had flings, I had one night stands, I had sex. I went to fetish clubs and sex parties and took naked pictures and posted them online.

uhhhh does she think those are things normal people do?

A lot of evidence shows slutty women have higher chances of divorce, depression and general unhappiness with the marriages they are in.

No they don't end up alone. That's the most aggravating thing about slutty women. They get to party and fuck through life and it works. It's an actual and viable life path for women who aren't obese or too hideous to save with makeup.


Sorry sweetie, we are starting to radicalize beta providers and sex bot/artificial wombs are not far away. Being a hole will no longer be enough.

>censored version

Ahoy matey.

'tis a top quality post.


Why is it always an ugly slam pig writing an article like this?

I've never seen a beautiful woman write one of these shit articles.

On a scale of one to mashing her hands on her keyboard while hunched over, how mad was she when she wrote this article?



>In the first instance, language that implies men want sex and women ‘give it up’ to them is unfair to both genders.
>I have no doubt in my mind that the reason my now husband became my then boyfriend was because I decided, on the 23rd of December 2013, that I was going to screw his brains out.

The lack of self awareness of this cunt.....

There is a reason why women used to be kept at home. They are naturally slutty and always motivated cuckold their mate with a top-tier man who would never commit to them when he can keep fucking every girl and let losers raise the offspring. It's basic game theory.

Women also have the intelligence of children, making them poor company. They always want to be entertained and the only entertainment they provide in return is sex, which doesn't matter anyway since they will cuckold you. Marriage is over guys, stop financially tying yourselves to our morally bankrupt modern women.

The writer had the good sense to commit at 24
This too

now we know thats bullshit


great. I lived my whole life wrongly. I regret not having been a slut.
I will never listen to men again.

20 was the youngest option

To be fair a slut is not a whore, because a whore does sex for money whereas a slut does sex for fun. If my girlfriend isn't a slut for my dick at first she'll be one by the time I'm through with her.

Obviously,most of them wise up as their looks start to go and as they start to run out of plastic surgery money and go for some wannabeeChad who is insecure or some old guy with money

I read the first few paragraphs and got sad and stopped. I hate women more than anything

man i fucking hate sluts so much
there is something very satisfying about rejecting them

>Slutty women don't end up alone
>Slutty women don't age
Choose one.

Being a slut only improves women's lives. This has always been known.


What on earth do they consider slutty?


>What on earth do they consider slutty?

Nothing. Slut shaming is wrong apparently. Slut shaming is basically not approving of women fucking around.

It actually doesn't. It utterly ruins them. They turn into bitter nasty rabid cunts who write shitty articles.

>What do you man boys have to say now?

That you can't troll for shit.

>Make one post
>come back later
>+41 responses
Meh, mediocre troll was mediocre. You just jelly. I have another troll thread going about Bitcoin too with over a +100 responses.

Are any of you wifed up?
In shackles bc we have a kid, AMA

>It actually doesn't. It utterly ruins them. They turn into bitter nasty rabid cunts who write shitty articles.

my life is ruined because I did not have enough sexual experiences and am stuck in a relationship now and suffering. It takes so much self control that it has a negative impact on the relationship

I think after 10 or 20 men settling down would be easier.
If I could start again I would be a slut too

Yeah. Now that thread was a pretty good troll.

I kinda cringed to be honest.
The fact that you do not put rings on whores should be common sense.

Why didn't you archive?

Its almost like any woman who isnt in your face ugly can get a guy... but ok be proud of this if its something you want to be proud of.

More of a statement on the abhorrent over tolerance exhibited by men these days then something to brag about.

That explains it all. Age of consent is a thing for a reason.

I hope you get wiped off this earth

So why does she think her blog post passes as a news article? She didn't present a single piece of evidence for her claim

A beautiful woman

It's all just pissing in an ocean of trolls though.

No they usually end up a single mother.

Everything the MGTOW community says is true
Women cannot be trusted, they are children and they are not capable of introspection, higher degrees of thought. They cannot love you unconditionally, throw that shit out the window. The sooner you learn these rhings the better. Plan on becoming a strong leader, developing yourself to mastery, only then can you enslave one and keep ger u der your thumb. Even then you must still be cautious and plan for the worst.

Why? I got no reward for not being a slut and it crippled by personal development. You become a puritan spinster like that while other girls enjoy life

I refuse to believe in this dogmatic lack of female integrity.

I directly blame the sluts, for pretending that their life style was the only possible female lifestyle.

>interacial cucked propaganda

Lmfao if we just had 3 nukes and shoot them to UK, US and Israel world would be a better place

>look at her pic
>She's a fat pig

She ended up with for the first guy willing to settle and thinks this makes her some sort of expert on relationships

Not ending up alone and ending up with somebody who is quality are two different things.

I noticed this, too. With women, there's ALWAYS someone ready to care about them, and lots of guys just get left in the dust or get told "Yeah man it hurts but whatever"

Remove yourself
>The fact that you do not put rings on whores should be common sense.
It is, but sometimes you meet a girl that is exactly your type and really cool, so it fucks with your head.

How does it cripple your personal development? Get a partner develop together pretty easy.

I really wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in my experience it's just a fact that women can trow a man out and get a new one.

Honestly sometimes I wish I was gay so I didn't have to think about women.

Stupid selfish girl logic
>my life is ruined because I did not suck enough dicks
>stuck in a relationship
>It takes so much self control that it has a negative impact
Have a kid? No? Then you arent stuck. Talk to the man about how you feel. Etter yet, give him a real answer when he asks you.
Self control =/= negative impact, it's your slutty impulses, your feelz you fucking beast
Strive to become more
This is what a man in your situation would hear
Woman up, be strong, you have responsibilities... bitch

Cool anecdotal story, bro.

How will we ever recover from this?

Your an evil man

I totally disagree that they are INCAPABLE of these things, and we have a few historical women who exhibit this.

That said, there is no societal pressure for them to develop amicable personalities or linguistic skill; so it may appear as though they are incapable. Men will almost always top the charts, but if you had an average man and average women their mental capabilities are roughly equivalent, but only one will be ruthlessly demanded to manifest these traits by society.

So ya, capability != expression and the fact that men's potential is much higher doesn't mean that in the average case women are inherently inferior (though they will most certainly be raised inferior). Raised properly in todays political environment an average girl will wipe the floor with an average boy, but once you get to the extremes women just can't compete.

You may not have had the ability to be a slut but you still have the toxic mindset of one. Change yourself or shut the fuck up and be happy with what you have.

tits or gtfo roastie

>this is the author
>''h-hey i was a slut too''

like any guy would have had sex with her

>Muh education fixes everrything.

That kind of thinking is what leads to leftard-style social engineering, and it hasn't once produced a single worthwhile result. Western countries have been trying to educate and integrate women and shitskins under the basic premise that they're the same as white men and it hasn't worked yet.

Goddamn when is genetic engineering finaly coming ?

I can't stand the shit aging genes of white women anymore.

>I got no reward for not being a slut
Supposed to be a reward in and of itself, personal pride and integrity, purity but of course youre not introspective enough to understad that, all about gibs and se sual satisfaction/pleasure
>crippled by personal development
How so? Youre undeveloped bc you did t slut around? That's in your head sweetie. Maybe you havent be socialized, but there is a difference between talking to people and sucking them off
>other girls enjoy life
The 'grass is greener' is bullshit. Girls riding the cock carousel are trying to fill a metaphorical hole, physically
Dude, i hate being the bearer of bad news.
This is the truth though. There are varying degrees of woman, but none is perfect and most every will turn on you at somepoint in some way. They are cruel, even those that seem the
They are so self absorbed they will grow to resent you no matter what.
At the very least you want to find one that will make a good mother, this is the only avenue where some of them are capable of selfless behavior and dedication.
But integrity... well that is only a chracteristic of men. Women arent wired that way. That coupled with the western disease that has affected all of them to some degree makes for a permavictim "independent" womanstronk monster.

You bad for settling for a beta cuck.
But if an alpha won't settle for you then you just aren't good enought and deserve even worse.

I had the ability but I said no.
Now I'm in a relationship with a decent man but I don't feel much thrill and I regret everyday not to have lived my self out while I could. But I did not because I listened to men who said such women can't get a man. And if I see how this woman looks, fuck, I really regret it.

Wine the floor with what ?
Their book learned facts ?

If you put the average man and the average woman in a test against each other men always come on top in regards to mental capacity in almost evry area.

The only thing women are better at is social awareness, shutting their mouth and dogmatically learning text book knowledge like dummies.

Here's the life lesson
Focus on yourself, i know it's difficult but youll be so thankful you did later on. Dont look towards women seriously until youre 30 and have everything else together. Sure, go out hunting friday nights in your youth, but nothing more than an evening, no dating. You need to learn to be sociable, but so not waste your time energy resources on them yet. You need these for you. When you are in a position to wife one, you need to really test her before comittment. ANY red flags and you need to drop her, else youll be kicking yourself later on for not having listened to your gut. Should she pass, get a prenup before marriage, no matter what.
Please dont make the same mistakes i did

Are you my ex-wife? How are you posting here from 2011?

>shit aging genes of white women anymore

they age well, compared to other races (except east asians).

its just that they look way too good under 25, that it seems like they age like milk.

>willing to suck any dick that come's along
Sup Forums blown out! Sluts Win! DURrrr

Backstory plox

Fair enough, there are always exceptions
But youre wrong and what you propose is antithetical to the natural order
Woman should not be treated as equals, they are not. That being said, they are a sacred half to a sacres whole.
We need to shift them back into their respective roles, just as we need to do with men

>crippled my personal development
>not taking dozens of different cocks into every hole crippled my personal development

letting you worthless whores off the leash was the west's biggest mistake.

I will have a vat grown white kid instead of trapping myself

you're a whore lapping an alternate life where you didn't make your whore decisions and rationalising that this alternate version would have regrets it wasn't a whore like you.


should be larping

>muh thrill
Im sure youve envisioned ways in which you could have brought more thrill to her life...
Pinochet style


No, I'm saying the idea that average women are inherently and genetically capable with mentally competing with average men is in ignorance of science and history. I have no problem admitting men will always be on top, I'm merely talking about the averages here. Average women are socially gimped, not genetically.
But that's wrong. If you take the top man and top woman, the man will crush her into fine powder and scatter her to the wind, but averages are actually in lock-step (there are roughly equal numbers of 100 IQ men and women). Differences are learned rather than inherent in intelligence at this level.
What proposal? That If I have an average daughter and raise her right she will be on par with average boys? That she will be far and away superior to her female peers?

Kill yourself you dumb cunt

My granny often tells me women today are just not worth it
During Francos era women were very chaste and virtuos, having 6+ kids was common that day
Now its the complete opposite, fucking Juan Carlos you jewish marrano motherfucker
And all of you feminists I hope Satan fucks you with a spear, blunt end first.
Okay i tell story. I had relationships with about 5 girls, long story short they betrayed me
One tried to cuck me to a nigger, beat his ass after he came to my house, two thought I was too controlling because i wouldnt let them suck dicks if they were with me and the other two said they were "lesbians".
Fuck women man.

Delusional rantings of a harpy sucking the life from a weak-willed man, secretly wishing her father hugged her more and fucked her less when she was a kid.

Move along.


uh what
since when did we care?


look at the second pic from the article...

Never they just live off attention